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.Finally the admiral spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence.“It is my judgment that this situation requires more thought before we blunder into a trap that could end with this entire armada in flames or at the bottom of the sea.” He rose to his feet, signifying the meeting’s end.“We will reconvene tomorrow at the same hour, gentlemen.Bring me strategies that do not involve a direct confrontation with the seamage’s forces.”Huffington shuffled toward the door with the rest of the attendees.“If it would please the admiral.” Though Upton was a head shorter than most of the military men in the room, when he stepped forward he drew everyone’s attention.Huffington, on his way to the door, slowed.“I would suggest that there is one additional matter that must be immediately addressed before we disband.”“And what would that be, Master Upton?” Huffington noted the suspicion in the admiral’s voice.“His Majesty must be informed of the loss of his flagship, and the means of its destruction; and he must be informed with all haste, Admiral.”“Very well, Master Upton.I will put a messenger boat and crew at your disposal, and will prepare a dispatch of my own.Please see to the details.”“Very good, Admiral,” Upton said smoothly.Huffington chanced a glance at the man and instantly regretted it.Not only was the master of security staring at him, but he crooked his finger in a beckoning gesture.Sighing, Huffington complied.≈“These bloody things itch!” Tipos complained, scratching at the long wool pants covering his legs.He had worn them since leaving Plume Isle yesterday, at Miss Camilla’s request, so that he would be presentable to the emperor in Tsing.He frowned and sat down in Flothrindel’s small cockpit, propping his legs up on the leeward seat so the breeze flapped the material, but it didn’t help.“How can anyone wear such things all day?”“You could have worn one of the Shambata Daroo’s sarongs,” Keyloo said with a laugh.“They would look good on you.Maybe Paska would agree to bed you if you did.”“Close your mouth, Keyloo, or I’ll close it for you,” Tipos warned, his ire rising.Paska’s repeated refusals, even when her husband was out sailing the seamage’s ships, was a sore spot with him.“Don’t fret about it, Tipos,” Tawah, the third crewman, called from his hammock belowdecks where he was trying to sleep.“Paska says no to everyone.She will share her husband with other women, but has no interest in another man.Ask Chula why that is so, and he will show you!”Tawah and Keyloo both laughed, and Tipos had to smile.It made him feel better that he was not the only man that Paska refused, though he silently committed himself to never quit trying.Another furious itch beset his leg and he jumped up in frustration.“I am not going to wear these bloody things until I have to!” he declared, stripping off the trousers and throwing them below.“I will put them on when we reach Tsing, not before.”“What is that?” Keyloo asked, pointing toward shore.“What?” Tipos turned and squinted.“There, in that cove on Middle Cay.Looks like a ship anchored.”“Your eyes are better than mine.Hand me the glass, Tawah.” He raised the viewing tube and focused it.The sun was setting behind him, and the light was good for looking to the east.He immediately spotted the ship.“Big galleon, and she’s tucked in close to the island.Her captain must think he’s safe, now that the Shambata Daroo rules the Shattered Isles, ay?”“Or he’s a pirate,” Keyloo said with a frown.“Well, if he is, he’s got bigger plums even than Chula to think he can escape Shambata Daroo’s notice!” Tipos said, earning a chuckle from the others.He handed the glass back down to Tawah.“We’re too far to read her name, and we don’t have time to tack in there and look.She’s just a lazy merchant who doesn’t want to sail at night.Get some sleep, Tawah [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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