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.’ Finally he handed her a list of charges.Anna did a double take.‘This is for a year?’ she asked.Meadows made a sympathetic face.‘No, it’s quarterly.I know.It’s expensive, but the work we do involves very high staff ratios.That’s how we can avoid the use of medication.I think you’ll find that’s not unusual.’ So that was the catch.Meadows glanced up at the clock.It was fourteen minutes past four.‘Now, we’d better not keep Jamie waiting.’Late in the afternoon, as he walked back into Granville Lane, Knox confirmed Mariner’s worst fears.‘Crosby’s alibi checks out, sir.We’ve got a whole pile of witnesses who saw him at the track on that Sunday night, including some of our blokes who were down there keeping an eye on things.He had a successful run apparently and was throwing his money around.Laurel and Hardy were with him, too.’‘Shit!’‘It’s not conclusive though, is it? Even if the blood tests turn out to be negative Crosby could easily have hired some temporary help.’‘Maybe, but unless we can identify who that might be, it isn’t enough to pull him in either.And if that sum of money in Eddie Barham’s bank account wasn’t about blackmail then what was it?’‘For what it’s worth, these are the e-fits Kerry came up with.’ Knox passed him the crudely assembled photographs.They could have been anyone.In fact one of them had the look of Pope John Paul about it.Mariner wondered what His Holiness was up to last Sunday night.The other had a neat, dark moustache.‘No black mouth,’ said Mariner, almost to himself.‘Sorry?’ asked Knox.‘No black mouth,’ Mariner repeated.‘It was what Jamie shouted when we took him back to the house.I think he was telling us that one of Eddie’s attackers had a moustache—a black mouth.’‘That rules out about nine tenths of the population,’ said Knox, helpfully.‘We’re almost there, then,’ Mariner replied, matching his sarcasm.The fact of the thing was that it was now almost two weeks since Eddie Barham was murdered and every hour took them further from the likelihood of finding his killers.Their one tenuous lead had come to a dead end and they were left with virtually nothing.If they had any suspects, they could arrange a line-up based on Kerry’s descriptions, but he wouldn’t know where to start.Who the hell else wanted Eddie Barham dead?Chapter SeventeenDespite the careful preparation, Jamie wasn’t too thrilled about leaving Manor Park, and moaned all the way home.Anna had been so impressed with the place that she was tempted to just ring Simon Meadows and tell him that she’d reached her decision, but the cost had taken her breath away.Selling her parents’ house would make all the difference, but their will had made it patently clear that in Jamie’s lifetime that just wasn’t an option.Renting it out might be one creative solution to the problem, but she’d have to be certain of a long-term let and even that could prove to be messy to maintain.Jamie could live to be a very old man, at a time when she herself would be getting older and looking forward to an untroubled retirement.The enormity of the responsibility was overwhelming, as it must have been for Mum and Dad.There was some hard thinking to be done about the medication issue.Even to be considering it made her feel the family traitor, but DI Mariner was right.Times were changing.Drug therapy was becoming more commonplace because the medicines used were more sophisticated and reliable.And if Manor Park wasn’t affordable in the long-term it was no good to her, so alternatives would have to be considered.Eddie had clearly been thinking along those lines too because once you started looking at cheaper residential care there seemed little choice.He’d been backed into the same corner.Retrieving the handouts from Professor Fellowes’ talk, Anna spread them out on the kitchen table before seeking out the package that Eddie sent her.She took the blue folder out of the drawer in the lounge.The effect on Jamie was startling.He jumped up from where he was on the floor and hovered a few feet away, giving the folder his customary sideways ‘anxious’ look.He was muttering to himself and initially Anna couldn’t hear what he said, but then she made out,‘No Sally-Ann, no Sally-Ann,’ Puzzled, Anna thrust the folder towards him and he immediately backed off, chanting more loudly.Anna laughed.‘What on earth is the matter, Jamie? It’s only a folder,’ she opened the lid to show him.‘Paper.There’s nobody in here.’But even so, it was some time before he would settle again.As she’d noticed before, the folder comprised a collection of photocopied sheets and printouts, some of them downloaded from the Internet.Cross-referencing them with Professor Fellowes’ information there were several common names: Ritalin, Fenfluramine, Imipramine.For most, there were chemical formulae, along with descriptions of recent studies that had been carried out relating to their effectiveness.She tried reading one of the articles, but was beaten back by the jargon: ‘Opioids have long been known to reduce serotonergic transmission by stimulating the presynaptic auto receptors,’ she read.‘A drug which, unlike serotonin itself would selectively stimulate the post synaptic receptors, could be of value in controlling aggression and sleep patterns.’ Of course it could.A common factor seemed to be that the drugs apparently acted on the serotonin system, as Professor Fellowes had said, and Anna now wished that she had paid more attention to the talk.She didn’t even really know what serotonin was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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