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.“I’m sorry this trip didn’t turn out to be much of a vacation for you.”“You mean getting pushed out of a boat, thrown from an ATV, and involuntarily going zip-lining isn’t your idea of a vacation?” I asked my mother.We both chuckled.I would have stories to share when I returned to the bank.During a commercial break, Amanda confessed to ramming me off my ATV.After we told her on Friday we had new evidence regarding the killer and needed to solve the case before we left town, she’d become worried.Steve had included her in his Friday night poker party and that’s when she learned we were going on the ATV ride the next day.I never even considered that Amanda was one of the players.Since Amanda didn’t have to be at Koffee Land on Saturday, she devised a plan to incapacitate me until my flight home, leaving her free to pursue her marital dreams.Her parents lived in the Waipi’o Valley so she was familiar with all of the trails and the tour excursion times.All she had to do was take one of their ATV’s and catch up with our group.Her intent was just to hurt me, not send me to my death.While I was happy to discover Amanda didn’t intend to kill me, that didn’t make her any less of a looney tune.Detective Lee joined Mother and me.“Ms.McKay, thank you for, um, subduing the suspect.”“Anytime.” I smiled.“As you can see, Amanda provided you with a full confession.”He frowned.“I’m not sure how the Prosecuting Attorney will feel about her babbling on the air.We’ll worry about that later.” He tossed a hopeful glance my way.“You’re going home tomorrow?”I nodded.“Yes, I hate to leave the island though.”“And we’ll be sorry to see you go.” Lee managed to keep a straight face.“Let me know if you’re ever on the island again.”“Do you want to get together?” I asked, surprised by his invitation.“No, I want to know when to plan my own vacation.”CHAPTER SIXTY-FOURWe spent another hour with Lee and his men, but after Amanda’s televised true confession I had little to add.I was ready to take off when Steve appeared by my side.“I don’t suppose you’d like a permanent job working on a boat?” He grinned.“We provide great benefits.”I smiled.I had no doubt working for Steve would be beneficial for any single woman.“That’s a great offer, but it’s time for me to get back home to my kids and my…”“Boyfriend,” Steve interjected.“He’s a lucky guy.”Well, technically, Tom had yet to get lucky, but one of these days––I blushed.“I hope you didn’t think I was leading you on.As you may have gathered, Tom and I still have many issues to resolve.”“Love is complicated,” he replied.“Just let me know if you ever want to sail away into the sunset.”“I will, although next time I’m going to require that your crew complete personality profiles in advance.”He shook his head back and forth.“What are the odds someone that cute could be such a nut? I had a sit down with Timmy yesterday and told him he needed to confess what he’d been up to before I let him back on the boat.”“Was it drugs?” I asked.“Let’s just say he was taking care of a “financial” transaction for his older brother.Timmy’s father passed away two years ago.After losing Joey, Timmy couldn’t bear the thought of something also happening to his brother, Mike, his only remaining relative.Mike had been hanging out with a bad crowd.Timmy swore he and his brother will never get involved in illegal deliveries again.It’s not easy for these young guys, but I’ll be there if he needs someone to talk to.”“He’s lucky to have someone like you,” I said.“By the way, did Timmy ever confess to pushing me overboard?”Steve looked sheepish.“He came clean but I’m still not certain how to handle his confession.He saw you struggling with the life vests and went to help.A gust of wind knocked him into you, and then you went over the railing.He was completely freaked out, but before he could say anything, Rafe noticed you in the water.Between Timmy’s previous threats to Keiki and his other illicit activities, he was afraid you as well as the authorities would assume he’d pushed you on purpose.Since you were rescued so quickly, he decided to keep mum.He asked you to please forgive him.”“I knew it was Timmy,” I cried, feeling vindicated in my assumption.But with so much tragedy occurring in the young man’s life recently, I couldn’t bear to be responsible for him going to jail for an inadvertent push.“Tell him I’ll forgive him if he promises the next time he knocks a passenger overboard, he’ll confess a lot earlier.” I hugged Steve good-bye and was pleased that nary a body part tingled at his touch.My hormones had finally gotten their act together.It was getting late and I wanted to see Tom before visiting hours ended.I didn’t know if he would be well enough to travel home the next day with the rest of us.When Stan, Mother, and I arrived at the hospital, a nurse informed us Tom had already checked out and returned to the hotel.“Such a shame he left so soon,” she confided.“His George Clooney eyes were so distracting I almost forgot to unplug his IV before he left.Do you know if he’s on the market?”I informed her Tom was not on the market.He had a girlfriend, one who couldn’t wait to be in his arms [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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