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.She was desperate for a friend and whatever evil Julian thought she possessed probably could have been cast out if she had the comfort of a shoulder to cry on.I knew from experience that Julian’s company sucked, but it was unfortunately better than nothing.She took a seat next to me and tried not to look at Julian.He did his best to ignore her too.It was very uncomfortable, but she broke the silence.“I heard my name when I came up.Were you guys talking about me?”Julian made eye contact with her and stared bitterly into her soul.“I was going to tell Michelle what you are.”Her eyes bucked just enough to show herself desperate.“Please don’t.”“You’re ashamed?” I was officially freaked out.I really didn’t think there was a real honest to God reason that was reasonable for Julian to treat his sister with such disdain.“I’m not ready for you to know.I think it would freak you out.”She was right, but I tried to not be freaked out or at least appear that way.“I swear I won’t judge.”“Of course you will! Everyone does.Let’s just leave our relationship as it is.”I looked at Julian who was looking at me like I was the biggest fool in the world.I was starting to understand that I was royally screwing up with Maria, but I couldn’t take his arrogant scowl.“Fine then,” I told her.He rolled his eyes and tried to ignore the both of us.Maria was antsy.She tried eating her salad, but she was really just pushing everything around while shifting her eyes back at Julian every couple of seconds.She did want to be my friend, but I think she was using me to somehow get back in the good graces of her brother.She was so nervous that it made me question whether they spoke to each other at home at all.How could their parents tolerate their behavior if that were the case? “How is school, Julian?”“I’m still getting all good grades.”“That’s perfect!” She genuinely seemed surprised.“If only your grades were better last year.You could have been number one in your graduating class.”“Was last year when you went off the deep end?” I asked him.“We got him back, which is the most important thing.” Maria smiled at her brother sincerely.“I’m glad you’re better now.”Something about what she said made Julian look like a complete psycho, almost like he was ready to leap across the table and strangle her.Then he slammed his hands into the table and began getting up.“I can’t do this.”“Do what?” Maria asked confused.“Pretend like I like you!”My mouth dropped.“Julian!”“I’ll see you at the fight later.” Then he seriously left after that.I didn’t have any more classes with Julian and he hadn’t even confronted me about the fib I told earlier.I didn’t even tell him that I had a piece of my soul missing, but he probably already knew that.He just hated his sister more than he cared about helping me.Maria blinked a few times to combat her tears.She was a good fighter and remained calm and composed.She even pretended like it didn’t sting her at all.“You’re still fighting Victoria?”I shrugged.“Maybe I’ll win.”Maria shook her head slowly.“She’s gonna grind your bones to make her bread.The only way to beat someone like her is by a miracle.”I did need a miracle.Was it too much to suspect, that after all I had been through, God was going to send an angel from heaven to fight on my behalf? “Do you believe in miracles?”She shook her head again, pouting sadly this time.“I believe the only kinds of miracles you receive are the kind you make for yourself.”“That’s good advice…” It was stupid to depend on a miracle to get me out of fighting Victoria.I had to think of something crafty or maybe I could possibly talk her down.The only supernatural being who offered to help me out was someone I couldn’t afford to ever trust.I somehow survived the rest of my school day with all of the gossip and the anticipation of facing a second death and I somehow managed to do it alone.I would have patted myself on the back if I weren’t sweating bullets and consumed with the thought of running away.I think I looked at the clock every three minutes, and when the school bell finally rang, I gulped.I had to wait twenty minutes for my inevitable doom, probably so all the buses would be gone.Victoria very well couldn’t have one of the drivers report my murder.I stood by the doors of the cafeteria, staring out at the parking lot.There were a lot of kids running out excited, and they glanced at me and then started talking to their friends about how I was gonna die.Some of them even laughed.Actually, a lot of them laughed.I don’t know why I deserved to be looked at so horribly.I couldn’t literally be the worst person in school.I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and I jumped and whimpered at the same time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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