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.Notes1.Debates on the periodization of the post-communist transitionare ongoing, but the first decade after 1989 seems the most logicaltime-frame to deploy.2.I refer here to kresy wschodnie the eastern borderland, or thebroad stretch of the eastern territories of the Polish-Lithuanian state(1569-1795), which after 1918 became the territories east of theCurzon line within the newly independent Polish state.The easternborderland has a very rich literary tradition.After 1945 kresy wereincluded in the USSR.3.In March 1968, the state brutally stifled student demonstrationsdemanding basic freedoms of speech and announced that they hadbeen inspired by Zionists.As a result of anti-Semitic politics, most ofthe Jewish population living in Poland were forced to emigrate.4.The discovery of unknown or forgotten facts by searchingincomplete archives or even more incomplete memories is a staplenarrative element of this fiction.5.See Constantin V.Boundas: Fabulation & is & a protectiveillusion that saves us from the void of social dissolution and individualdespair , Deleuze and Philosphy, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UniversityPress, pp.205-6.6.Stanisław Vincenz.Na wysokiej połoninie (a 3-part seriespublished between 1938-1979) [On the High Uplands.Sagas, Songsand Legends of the Carpathians.Trans.H.C.Stevens, London 1955];Czesław Miłosz.Dolina Issy, Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1955, (The IssaValey.Trans.Louis Iribarne, Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1981).7.Uilleam Blacker, The Galician Myth in Andrukhovych sFiction , Slovo, vol.19 no.1, Spring 2007, p.70; Ola Hnatiuk,Pożegnanie z imperium: ukraińskie dyskusje o tożsamości, Lublin:Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2003, pp.183and 224.17 Postcolonial Text Vol 6 No 2 (2011) 8.See in Robinson, on Timothy Garton Ash as: a forest ofhistorical complexity & a territory where peoples, cultures, languagesare fantastically intertwined , qtd.p.2 [The Uses of Adversity: Essayson the Fate of Central Europe, Cambridge, Granta, 1991]; on MilanKundera writing on the deep distrust of history in Central/EasternEurope where its people represent the wrong side of history: itsvictims and outsiders qtd.p.2 [ A Kidnapped West or Culture BowsOut , Granta 11, 1984]; and on Czesław Miłosz, who foregrounds themulticultural legacy of the borderline of Europe in his Native Realm(1959), p.3.9.Maria Todorova, Imagining the Balkans, New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 1997; Slavoj %7ńi~ek, Eastern Europe s Republic ofGilead , New Left Review, 1/183, September-October 1990, pp.50-62;Michał Buchowski, The Specter of Orientalism in Europe: FromExotic Other to Stigmatized Brother , Anthropological Quarterly,Summer 2006, vol.79 no.3, pp.463-82.10.On the chronotope ( the intrinsic connectectedness of spatialand temporal relationships that are artistically expressed in literature )see Mikhail Bakhtin, Forms of Time and the Chronotope in theNovel: Notes toward a Historical Poetics , in Bakhtin, The DialogicImagination: four essays, ed.by Michael Holquist, Austin: Universityof Texas Press, 1981, p.84.11.Anibal Quijano and Michael Ennis, Coloniality of Power,Eurocentrism, and Latin America , Nepantla: Views from the South,vol.1 issue 3, 2000, pp.533-580; Walter Mignolo, Local Histories,Global Designs: coloniality, subaltern knowledges, and borderthinking, Princeton University Press, 2000.12.Fragments quoted from Andrukhovych translated by the Author.13.Uilleam Blacker, op.cit., p.6314. Czortopole can be translated as Devilfield.Works CitedAndrukhovych, Juri.Dwanaście kręgów.Trans.Katarzyna Kotyńska.Wołowiec: Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2005.Print.Bhabha, Homi.The Location of Culture.London and New York:Routledge, 1994.Print.Cheah, Pheng.Spectral Nationality: Passages of freedom from Kant topostcolonial literatures of liberation.New York: Columbia UP,2003.Print.Cooppan, Vilashini.Worlds Within: national narratives and globalconnections in postcolonial writing.Stanford: Stanford UP, 2009.Print.18 Postcolonial Text Vol 6 No 2 (2011)Czapliński, Przemysław, The Mythic Homeland in ContemporaryPolish Prose. Trans.Karen Underhill and Tomasz Tabako,Chicago Review.Special Issue on New Polish Writing 46.3-4 (Fall2000): 357-65.Print.Geerz, Clifford. The World in Pieces: Culture and Politics at the Endof the Century. FOCAAL.European Journal of Anthropology 32(1998): 91-117.Print.Ghosh, Bishnupriya.When Born Across: Literary Cosmopolitics in theContemporary Indian Novel.Rutgers UP, 2004.Print.. On Grafting the Vernacular: The Consequences of PostcolonialSpectrology. Boundary 2 31:2 (2004): 197-210.Print.Hirsch, Marianne.Family Frames: Photography, Narrative, andPostmemory.Harvard UP, 1997.Print.Jameson, Fredric.Signatures of the Visible.London and New York:Routledge, 2007 (1992).Print [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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.Notes1.Debates on the periodization of the post-communist transitionare ongoing, but the first decade after 1989 seems the most logicaltime-frame to deploy.2.I refer here to kresy wschodnie the eastern borderland, or thebroad stretch of the eastern territories of the Polish-Lithuanian state(1569-1795), which after 1918 became the territories east of theCurzon line within the newly independent Polish state.The easternborderland has a very rich literary tradition.After 1945 kresy wereincluded in the USSR.3.In March 1968, the state brutally stifled student demonstrationsdemanding basic freedoms of speech and announced that they hadbeen inspired by Zionists.As a result of anti-Semitic politics, most ofthe Jewish population living in Poland were forced to emigrate.4.The discovery of unknown or forgotten facts by searchingincomplete archives or even more incomplete memories is a staplenarrative element of this fiction.5.See Constantin V.Boundas: Fabulation & is & a protectiveillusion that saves us from the void of social dissolution and individualdespair , Deleuze and Philosphy, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UniversityPress, pp.205-6.6.Stanisław Vincenz.Na wysokiej połoninie (a 3-part seriespublished between 1938-1979) [On the High Uplands.Sagas, Songsand Legends of the Carpathians.Trans.H.C.Stevens, London 1955];Czesław Miłosz.Dolina Issy, Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1955, (The IssaValey.Trans.Louis Iribarne, Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1981).7.Uilleam Blacker, The Galician Myth in Andrukhovych sFiction , Slovo, vol.19 no.1, Spring 2007, p.70; Ola Hnatiuk,Pożegnanie z imperium: ukraińskie dyskusje o tożsamości, Lublin:Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, 2003, pp.183and 224.17 Postcolonial Text Vol 6 No 2 (2011) 8.See in Robinson, on Timothy Garton Ash as: a forest ofhistorical complexity & a territory where peoples, cultures, languagesare fantastically intertwined , qtd.p.2 [The Uses of Adversity: Essayson the Fate of Central Europe, Cambridge, Granta, 1991]; on MilanKundera writing on the deep distrust of history in Central/EasternEurope where its people represent the wrong side of history: itsvictims and outsiders qtd.p.2 [ A Kidnapped West or Culture BowsOut , Granta 11, 1984]; and on Czesław Miłosz, who foregrounds themulticultural legacy of the borderline of Europe in his Native Realm(1959), p.3.9.Maria Todorova, Imagining the Balkans, New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 1997; Slavoj %7ńi~ek, Eastern Europe s Republic ofGilead , New Left Review, 1/183, September-October 1990, pp.50-62;Michał Buchowski, The Specter of Orientalism in Europe: FromExotic Other to Stigmatized Brother , Anthropological Quarterly,Summer 2006, vol.79 no.3, pp.463-82.10.On the chronotope ( the intrinsic connectectedness of spatialand temporal relationships that are artistically expressed in literature )see Mikhail Bakhtin, Forms of Time and the Chronotope in theNovel: Notes toward a Historical Poetics , in Bakhtin, The DialogicImagination: four essays, ed.by Michael Holquist, Austin: Universityof Texas Press, 1981, p.84.11.Anibal Quijano and Michael Ennis, Coloniality of Power,Eurocentrism, and Latin America , Nepantla: Views from the South,vol.1 issue 3, 2000, pp.533-580; Walter Mignolo, Local Histories,Global Designs: coloniality, subaltern knowledges, and borderthinking, Princeton University Press, 2000.12.Fragments quoted from Andrukhovych translated by the Author.13.Uilleam Blacker, op.cit., p.6314. Czortopole can be translated as Devilfield.Works CitedAndrukhovych, Juri.Dwanaście kręgów.Trans.Katarzyna Kotyńska.Wołowiec: Wydawnictwo Czarne, 2005.Print.Bhabha, Homi.The Location of Culture.London and New York:Routledge, 1994.Print.Cheah, Pheng.Spectral Nationality: Passages of freedom from Kant topostcolonial literatures of liberation.New York: Columbia UP,2003.Print.Cooppan, Vilashini.Worlds Within: national narratives and globalconnections in postcolonial writing.Stanford: Stanford UP, 2009.Print.18 Postcolonial Text Vol 6 No 2 (2011)Czapliński, Przemysław, The Mythic Homeland in ContemporaryPolish Prose. Trans.Karen Underhill and Tomasz Tabako,Chicago Review.Special Issue on New Polish Writing 46.3-4 (Fall2000): 357-65.Print.Geerz, Clifford. The World in Pieces: Culture and Politics at the Endof the Century. FOCAAL.European Journal of Anthropology 32(1998): 91-117.Print.Ghosh, Bishnupriya.When Born Across: Literary Cosmopolitics in theContemporary Indian Novel.Rutgers UP, 2004.Print.. On Grafting the Vernacular: The Consequences of PostcolonialSpectrology. Boundary 2 31:2 (2004): 197-210.Print.Hirsch, Marianne.Family Frames: Photography, Narrative, andPostmemory.Harvard UP, 1997.Print.Jameson, Fredric.Signatures of the Visible.London and New York:Routledge, 2007 (1992).Print [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]