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.The advanced techniques usually requireskills that are naturally learned after you have obtained success using the beginning andintermediate ones.I strongly recommend that you use beginning and intermediatetechniques for about twenty to fifty hours before trying the advanced ones.I should alsolet you know that there are many extraordinary healers simply using the beginningtechniques by themselves and getting incredibly wonderful results.The most importantthing is not how many of these techniques you know, but rather how much you practiceand how skilled you become.When I teach Quantum-Touch workshops, it is very exciting for me to get to this part ofthe class.By the time we start learning the advanced techniques, the level of enthusiasmin the room has become high, and we will have heard so many people tell ofextraordinary healings that they have experienced or participated in.The "advanced" exercises and techniques are built on a foundation of skills acquiredfrom doing the basic and intermediate exercises and techniques.I urge you to develop astrong foundation of skills before you start working with these exercises.Thesetechniques are generally more powerful than the basic and intermediate ones and requireincreased levels of skill or confidence that can be obtained through experience.Quantum-Touch The Power to Heal 98 Chapter Six: Advanced TechniquesThe "What You Love Most" Technique(Also known as the "Julius Technique")This is one of the easiest and mostnatural techniques.Over many years, Ihave repeatedly heard stories of peoplewith no formal training in hands-onhealing who suddenly felt inspired to dothis work and astonished themselves byobtaining tremendously successful results.Later on, when they tried to do thisagain, they had no clue as to what hadhappened or how they had done it In myopinion, the "what you love most"technique was probably the secret to theirsingular success.When you can connect to the depths ofyour love, you have changed the vibration of your hands.My friend Billie has andadores about ten cats at any given time.All her cats are special and most wonderful andloving companions, but as she puts it, one of her cats makes her heart "bubble." This catis named Julius, and he has the ability to give a look of exquisite adoration that is quiteamazing (see photo).Billie has learned to access the love that she feels for this specialcat to empower her healing sessions, and you can do the same.Gratitude, joy, and loveare contagious.I have placed this technique in the advanced section of the book, not because it isdifficult, but because I wanted you to be completely sure that you knew that you did nothave to use it in order to get wonderful results.When some of my students have tried toforce themselves to use this technique, all they accomplished was making themselvesquite uncomfortable in their efforts to do so.The secret to using the "what youQuantum-Touch The Power to Heal 99 Chapter Six: Advanced Techniqueslove most" technique is to only use it when doing so requires no special effort tochange your mood.Your love can be harnessed to become a great andwonderful healing force.1.Let yourself remember and re-experience someone or somethingin your life that causes you to feel a tremendous sense of love,gratitude, happiness, or joy.Simply open your emotions to thinkof the person, situation, animal, plant, or whatever it is that lightsand inspires your passion.2.Let this emotion fill your body with as much tactile sensation aspossible.Pay attention to where in your body you are feeling theemotion.For example, if you feel the love in your chest, feel itthere with as much sensation as you can muster and let it spreadthrough your body.3.Run the tactile sensations of your love, joy, happiness, orgratitude out of your hands and combine it with the breathingtechniques.It is as simple as that.Simply use your intention tomove the tactile sensation of the emotion through your body andthen out of your hands.You can also use any other extremely positive emotion in place of love.Other emotionsyou can use to good advantage include enthusiasm, contentment, wonder, or inspiration.Please do not try to force yourself to feel positive emotions, as this is not effective oreven fun.Use your emotions that come easily, and only use this technique if you are inthe mood to do so.Quantum-Touch The Power to Heal 100 Chapter Six: Advanced TechniquesThe Slope BreathI discovered the slope breath because after twenty years I naturally found myselfautomatically doing it.It requires a level of skill that many beginners may find difficult.Inhale with a one-four or two-six breath, and when you have finished inhaling, veryslowly let the air out at the beginning of the exhalation.As you continue exhaling,gradually speed up the exhalation till you have exhaled the air to the count of four or six,depending on which breath you are doing.The exhalation gets faster and faster the moreair you are exhaling, like the way your speed would accelerate if you were going down aslope.The trick to doing this technique well is to pay extremely close attention to thesensations in your hands.You will need to feel the sensations in your hands gettingstronger and stronger as you exhale more and more air.An image to help you visualizewhat I'm describing is to imagine that you are blowing on a hot coal.The harder youexhale, the brighter the burning coal becomes.I have placed this technique in the advanced section because it will be necessary to beable to clearly feel the intensity of sensation increasing in your hands as you exhale.Besure to take full breaths and do not exhale longer than to the count of six.Harmonic ToningFor those who love to use toning, harmonic toning is a great way to amplify the powerof your Quantum-Touch sessions.As with other toning when using Quantum-Touch, besure to complete your exhalations in no more than the count of six.With harmonictoning, you can mentally tone more than one note at a time to create harmonies.Experiment with various tones and vowel sounds to find the tones that have the greatestdegree of sensation in your hands.Quantum-Touch The Power to Heal 101 Chapter Six: Advanced TechniquesAnother variation of this technique is to mentally tone a note and lift the pitch higherand higher until it is above hearing range.Don't be surprised if you can no longerimagine hearing it, since that is the idea.Then lift two other tones till they are alsoabove hearing range and they are also in harmony with the first note.So now, you havethree tones that are all in harmony with one another and all above hearing range.Whileyou are doing this, imagine the health and well-being of the person you are working on.Imagine that there is a perfection that is expressing itself into their lives.Even thoughyou may not know what that perfection is, it is expressing itself nevertheless.Then inthis very pleasant (nonstressful) reverie, just lose yourself and keep the toning going.Itis as if you were having a gentle dream.The FunnelThis is a variation of spinning the energy.Imagine a cyclone of energy above yourhead.The point of the funnel goes into your head and all through your body, bringingyou a tremendous source of energy.The important thing - the only thing that mattershere - is that you can feel the funnel as a tactile sensation in your body [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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