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."Why the hell should we tell you?""Because we've got the guns.And because I think we may be after the same thing.""We all look for the Lord," said Ichabod, and though his intensity remained, he seemed sincere, as though he were proselytizing."The junkie, the whore, the priest, the killer.We all need Him.""So where is the Lord?" Tony asked."In all of us.The Holy One's in you, friend.Oh yes, I see Him in you.He was there that night you escaped us.You nearly killed Dante, you know.He just about choked to death.And the way you hit Elaine when she went after you.oh yes, my dark friend, He was in you, all right.""But you're still looking for him?" Tony asked."So are you," Ichabod said."What are you, man? Who are you with?""I'll answer your questions when you have the guns."Then Ichabod tilted his head, and his expression grew cagy."We were waiting for you, you know, or somebody like you.We knew somebody would come sooner or later.The Holy One wouldn't let us just sit and wait forever, just because none of us had the power to hear His voice.We thought the Iron Warden was going to show us.""Iron Warden? You mean Peder Holberg?""Yeah.But he was chickenshit.He got scared.""Scared of what?" Tony asked."Of His strength, His power.You know, man.It's the same thing you're looking for.But why the hell did you come to us? How did our Lord send you?""He works in mysterious ways," Joseph said, "His blunders to perform.""Oh, He sure does," Ichabod said."He can even deliver you out of the hands of your enemies, did you know that? And deliver them into your hands.He can make the plain places rough, and the straight crooked.He can do some really, really cool shit.Why, He brought you here, to show us where He is.There's no other way you could've found us, except through Him.And if He led you to us, He can lead you to Him.And we'll be following you, all the way.""I don't think so," Tony said."But I do." Then Ichabod started to laugh, a very unpleasant sound that echoed all around the large room."You think you've got the drop on us? Shit, man, we've had the drop on you all the time.I was just playing with you."He lifted his hands and made a small, beckoning gesture, and out of the shadowed alcoves stepped eight men dressed in black.Pale faces stared like moons at Laika, Tony, and Joseph, and the small black eyes of gun muzzles looked equally threatening.Ichabod seemed delighted by the Mexican standoff."I could've had you shot down any time.All I hadda do was scratch my ear, man! But I didn't, and you know why? Because you're gonna take us to Him!"Laika spoke for the first time."I'm afraid not." She made sure her gun was pointing directly at Ichabod."You have to," he said."We can't.We don't know where.your 'Lord' is any more than you do."A wave of fury swept over Ichabod's long face."Then there's no reason to keep you alive.""There's one," Laika said."I have you right in my sights.You're the first one dead.""Careful," Joseph said softly."Religious maniacs love martyrdom."Joseph, in this case at least, was all too right.Ichabod's eyes got crazy, and he threw himself on the ground, scrambling for the.44 and the dropped bullets.It would have been a suicidal move, had Laika not been trained.It would take at least five seconds for the man to grab the revolver, open the cylinder, grab one cartridge, load it, snap the cylinder closed, and aim.In that time, every one of the eight gunmen already armed could shoot an entire clip.Laika ignored Ichabod and went for the gunmen.Since she was standing on the right, she took the ones on that side.Tony went for those in the center, and Joseph fired on the left.One of her targets went down, and she ducked and fired a burst across those who were going for the weapons they'd thrown down.But answering fire drove them back into the dark mouth of the hallway from which they had come, a place they could not hope to defend.It was so narrow that all the cultists had to do was to sweep it with fire and the ops would stand a good chance of being hit.The side alcoves and passages could easily be dead ends, and the fact was that they were outnumbered [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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