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.I could tell she was holding something back.But maybe the radioactivity provided a signal.As long as the banished one was under the ground, and so was the cloth, there was nothing to be concerned about.No messages from here meant that everything was kosher—so to speak.""But when the cloth was brought to the surface," Tony said, finishing the thought, "it somehow sent a signal?""Right.The earth's crust might have kept the signals contained.But when it no longer covered the cloth—or when the cloth wasn't contained in lead—it sent out some kind of S.O.S.to whoever was listening for it in Mulcifer's home planet or galaxy or whatever.Then they'd know that their prisoner had flown the coop, and they'd have to do something about it.""This is all getting to be a little much," Tony said, shaking his head, more puzzled than angry."How can you be sure of this sentinel thing?""The pieces fit.The cloth was exposed.I don't know how it got in that lead box that was dug up, but it was taken out and opened up, and I'm sure it's been out ever since.It sent the signal." Joseph shrugged.".And they came.""The apparitions," Laika said quietly."The sightings of ghosts and aliens.""Exactly.They wouldn't come physically.But the signal that was sent had to somehow travel faster than light.If they could create a signal that did that, it would only be one more step toward sending simulacra of themselves to observe the area from which the signals came.""They came from this peninsula," Laika said."Right.And this is where the observers—these searchers—started to appear.Now, we have no idea of what their true forms are like, but they probably sent themselves in guises similar to the indigenous life forms so as not to alarm us, which accounts for the humanoid appearances.I first saw one of these searchers as my father.Maybe it was able to get into my mind the same way Mulcifer did.Still, there was always something alien about them, the glowing, the aura of light, the sounds.So there are our ghosts and aliens and angels.""And there's the reason behind the legend of the Fairy Flag," said Laika."When the clan chiefs waved it before they went into battle, they sent the signal.The searchers came, looking for an escaped prisoner, only to find a false alarm.Still, their appearance probably scared the hell out of the enemy.But this time it was no false alarm."Joseph looked at the ruins of the castle and the dozens of men picking over it.In his mind, he saw again the cone of light and felt its quieting presence, quieting for all but one."Yes," he said."This time they saw that it was real.The cloth came to the surface through luck, or fate—""Or God," Tony said."Maybe.But this time they really came—physically, I mean.And they set things right."Laika frowned."I just had a thought.The Fairy Flag—they learned that it wasn't cut from the piece of cloth that was dug up here.Does that mean then that there are.two cloths?"They were quiet for a moment.Then Tony spoke."And more than one prisoner?"They looked down at the earth beneath their feet, and said nothing for a long time.Chapter 55When Joseph, Laika, and Tony walked back to the castle, Molly Fraser came up to them."Stranger and stranger," she said."I'm glad you're here to see it.The boys have been digging, and they've gotten down to the source of the blast in the cellar.Care to do a little more exploring?""What do you have in mind?" Laika asked.They followed Molly, picking their way across the rubble until they started to descend into the crater that the bomb had produced.Joseph saw the remnants of the huge stones that had probably been the pillars supporting the castle.In the center of what remained of a stone wall, there was a ten-foot-wide opening caused by the explosion.A cold wind blew up out of it."Behold," Molly said."That's where the coat of arms was," Tony said."Against that wall.Bomb took it right down."Joseph walked to the opening.Though the sunlight shone only a short way into it, he could see a tunnel heading downward.He turned back to Molly."Anyone go in yet?""No.They just uncovered it.Martin is getting some men together now to go down." She raised an eyebrow, and Joseph answered for all of them."I think you'd have to clap us in irons to keep us out of that hole."In another few minutes Martin Leech arrived at the bottom of the crater with half a dozen armed soldiers and several MI5 people.Some of the soldiers were carrying bright electronic lanterns, and one of them handed out strong flashlights to the others."I'm not altogether happy," said Leech, "over the idea of your coming down with us, but since you've been in on this from the beginning, you might be able to shed some light on things, depending on what we might find, of course.""We appreciate the opportunity," Laika said, without a trace of sarcasm.The soldiers led the way, and Leech, Molly, the operatives, and the MI5 people followed.The tunnel narrowed quickly, becoming just wide and high enough for them to walk through single file.Joseph felt claustrophobic, and was unpleasantly reminded of when he and Laika had maneuvered in the narrow space between the walls of the supposedly haunted townhouses in New York City.It had only been a few months before, but so much had happened since then that it seemed a lifetime.He had learned a great deal in the interim, and he suspected that he had changed as well, but he wondered if it was for the better.Today he had said things that he never could have imagined himself saying [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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