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.*We have heard from all who have an opinion or knowledge on this matter.We all know the facts and feel the fears and worries that will shape our decision.It is time.*The school edged forward as their leader raised his trident, which glowed with a deep blue light.*I invoke The Voice!* he signed, and his trident flared blue-white as the school rushed in on him in an ever-tightening spiral.A pulse of energy reverberated through the school as they reached the center.Within that energy was The Voice, the power of their union as one school, declaring their united decision.Although some might not have agreed with The Voice, they all were bound to abide by it.But as the school dispersed, Eelback took careful note of who appeared happy with the decision and who did not.He also noted that Kelpie, Odea’s priestess, swam very near the Trident Holder’s son and his friend, Quickfin.Chapter SixHomecomingsFrom Cynthia’s vantage on the poop deck of Peggy’s Dream, it looked as if half of Southaven had turned out to witness her arrival.After more than two years away, and with all the rumors, hearsay and bald-faced lies that had been told about her and the fall of the legendary pirate Bloodwind, she was not surprised.They all wanted to see the vaunted Seamage of the Shattered Isles.“Looks like they’ve got space for us at Keelson’s quay, Chula.Bring her around for a port-side berth and throw out the light kedges to keep her off.” Mouse swooped excitedly down from the rigging to orbit her head like a hyperactive bumble bee.“Aye, Captain Shambata Daroo! Prepare to come about, if you be pleased, Paska.Furl de mains’l and forestays’l as dey luff, but keep de jib on her until her bow eases.” Paska was already relaying Chula’s orders and adding more of her own before he even stopped speaking.Cynthia leaned against the binnacle as the ship came upwind, smiling at the efficiency of her crew.Peggy’s Dream turned in a graceful arc.Her mainsail and forestaysail gaffs dropped just as the sails luffed, the huge expanses of canvas folding neatly in the elaborate reefing system that Ghelfan had designed.The crew on the jib sheets knew their business well; as the ship came upwind, they cross sheeted and backfilled the sail to slow their momentum.When the ship lay parallel to the quay they slacked the sheet and furled the sail.Peggy’s Dream drifted onto the dock, her crew dropping two small anchors off the windward side and lowering large, hemp-wrapped fenders to keep her hull safe from the unforgiving stone of the quay.“Nicely done, Chula,” Cynthia said, easing herself down the steps to the main deck.She could have docked the ship without a single person aboard, of course, but didn’t see the need to flaunt her powers, especially in front of the whole town.“My compliments to the crew.Shore leave by watches, and I expect everyone to be on their best behavior.” Mouse let out a cheer and danced on her shoulder.“Aye, Captain! Everyone will be actin’ as if dey be new-born lambs, Captain, or dey’ll answer to me.” Cynthia chuckled at the analogy — Chula had never seen a lamb.He must have picked up the phrase somewhere, probably from Cammy.“Only after I be finished with dem, Captain!” Paska put in, directing the line handlers with breath to spare.Cynthia cringed when she saw the alterations Paska had made to her sarong.She’d cut the top into one long strip and slung it over her neck, crossed it to cup her breasts, then tied it behind her back.The bottom portion was barely long enough to cover her knees, and rode alarmingly low on her ample hips, where little Koybur sat strapped in.The baby fumbled in frustration with his mother’s halter, an unaccustomed barrier between him and his breakfast.Paska would be lucky if the town watch didn’t arrest her for public indecency.Tim trundled up onto the deck hauling a heavy satchel over his shoulder.It was filled, no doubt, with a hundred things he thought she would need, and not a thing for himself.She hoped that letting Marta fuss over him for a few days would do the boy some good, or at least fatten him up a bit.“Ready to go ashore, Mistress!” he said, saluting smartly and grinning at Mouse as the sprite flew about his head, cheering like a mad cricket.The boy’s eyes flickered about the landscape of the town, and his smile faded a bit.“I thought it would be bigger [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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