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.I can defuse the situation, but it takes time.”He looked at her pleadingly.For all she knew he was messing with her mind as well – making her feel guilty.Think of the hostages, Brenda.They’re terrified.Not knowing if they’ll live or die.Not knowing if they’ll ever see their loved ones again.How can you not help?“I could make things worse,” she said.“I’m a school secretary, not a SEAL.”“Nonsense.All you lack is confidence.And this is the ideal situation to rectify that.None of the gang are killers.Well, not unless pushed.And I’ll disable their weapons.We’ll save people, have fun, and bond at the same time.What do you say?”‘No’ was a good candidate.Sensible, short and to the point.He might say he needed her to come along, but they both knew he didn’t.He had the power.She was just another damsel in distress – or, more accurately, a red cape that Brian the matador could flutter in front of the nearest charging felon only to snatch away at the last second to the appreciative gasps of the cheering crowd.And one day he’d miscalculate and leave Brenda dangling there for one fraction of a second too long.As his last partner had told her – his dead last partner – he takes too many risks.“All life’s a risk,” said Brian.“It’s how we learn.Now, come on.There’s people to save.Grab hold.”He opened his arms again.Brenda shook her head, tried to take a step back, but he was faster, lunging forward and grabbing her shoulders.The earth moved, and not in a nice way.Her living room shimmered and shook as though it was being bombarded by hundreds of micro tremors.Silent micro tremors.There wasn’t a sound anywhere.Her ears felt like they were going to pop, and a thick cloying silence pervaded the room.And then the room began to change.The far wall started to recede as though it was painted on plastic wrap and a giant invisible finger was pushing into it, forming a funnel, everything stretching and elongating and.they were moving.Fast! Into the tunnel.Streaks of blurred color washing past them, but no physical sense of movement.No wind in her hair, no G-force throwing her back.If it wasn’t for the dizzying blur streaming by she’d have sworn she was standing still.Maybe she was.Maybe it was the world flying past her.‘It is,’ said Brian, his voice inside her head.‘Imagine a giant hand taking two points in space between finger and thumb and squeezing the two together.We’ll be there soon.’She was beginning to feel sick, disoriented.The streaking blurs rushing past her face were making her eyes hurt.And then the streaks began to slow and take form.At the end of a long narrow tunnel a room was racing towards her.A white wall, a picture, strip lighting, blue carpet, an office.And stop.For one second she thought she was going to lurch forward into the wall opposite, but she didn’t.She had no momentum.She was standing opposite Brian in a sparsely furnished, windowless office.Or was it a storeroom? There were boxes in the corner, a stack of old printers and telephones, and a desk that looked as though it hadn’t been used in months.“Where are we?” she whispered.“In an empty upstairs room at the bank.Everyone else is downstairs.”She looked at the door and listened, suddenly very aware that she was in a bank during the middle of an armed robbery.“Are you sure?”“Reasonably,” he said.“And you don’t have to whisper.I’ve sealed the door.No one can hear us and no one can get in.”She listened just the same, straining for the slightest sound of a footstep or a voice.Nothing.“The hostages appear to be in a single group,” said Brian, his eyes unfocussed as he – presumably – projected some kind of inner eyeball through the floor.“There’s about twenty of them lying face down on the floor in the lobby.”“And the robbers?”“Two are in the lobby.I think the others are in the back.”“Think?”She heard her voice wavering.Anger, fear, trepidation.“I can’t see through walls, Brenda.I have to visit each room in turn.”Brenda took a deep breath.She had to stay calm.No amount of argument or histrionics would persuade him to send her back home.She was here.And she’d have to deal with it.Another deep breath.Come on, Bren.People’s lives are at stake.You’ve got to stay calm.She closed her eyes and offered up a prayer.Then opened her eyes to a surprise, and not one she’d prayed for.Brian – still in his Jason guise – had lost his shirt.His lean torso glistened beneath the bare strip lighting.Muscles flexed.“What.where’s your shirt?”He winked at her.“I thought you needed something to take your mind off the robbery [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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