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.“You may stop proving yourself now.It’s getting wearisome, Lilly.”She raised her chin.Proving herself? As the only female custode—an “aberration,” as Nigel had once called her—she had to do more to keep pace.But then, she always had, even while growing up with an older brother who constantly degraded her.As if he hadn’t insulted her, Nigel continued with their strategy session, revealing that he’d been partaking in computer research about the flat in Southwark where Lilly had encountered Dawn the first time.A “Mia Scott” was renting it and, so far, she proved to have no ties to Dawn.“I’m not certain we need this information right now,” Lilly said.There was still a drilling tension in the room, and it wasn’t due to the oppression in this area of the Underground.It was between her and Nigel.“We can already confirm the Southwark group as hunters.And there’s no doubt we’ll know more once we fully entertain our caged guest.”Nigel was staring at her, and his sprawling, intimate posture unsettled Lilly.She jerked a thumb, indicating he should leave the chair to her.“My turn for monitoring.You take your shots at the visitor, as you wanted.”“Is there such a hurry?”Fuck him.“Go, Nigel.You’d do well to remember that I’m a custode, and not anything less.If you desecrate that, there’ll be retirement for you.”He lowered his arms, knowing this to be true.Treating her as anything other than a keeper would carry severe consequences.As he donned his mask and left, Lilly breathed easier, but her pulse was still like a tiny, trapped thing in her veins.For the first time since she’d arrived, he’d acted as if she was still what she’d been designated to be.A female Meratoliage.A breeder.Then the anger came.Nigel should know better.Not that she had known her fate before she’d been activated, but it was clear to her now that she’d been fortunate to have been born the way she was.Sterile.Altogether useless in the eyes of the Meratoliage line until she had been called to service because no other male relatives had been of age.Unlike custodes, who had the capacity for heightened physical abilities once activated, breeders normally developed a talent for witchery, and they facilitated the family’s needs.However, their black-art talents obviously weren’t divine enough to have discovered Lilly’s recent activities.This was no doubt because she’d asked during Relaquory for the dragon to shield her orchestrations, and she believed he had heard her.Even in his resting state, he must have known that she was doing it all for him.Perhaps he had always known that she would come to his rescue one day, and he had willed her destiny.Lilly’s null breeding status had been discovered after a trip to a doctor, whom Lilly now knew to have been a cousin versed in the black arts.Nigel had left the estate afterward, then Charles.At that point, the family elders had turned to secondary resources for childbearing, such as cousins whose composition would require much more interference than a breeding couple in the strongest bloodline—her immediate family’s—would have required.Yes, her inability to breed had once marked her as a failure, even before she’d needed to prove herself here.But, as the monitors flickered with action in front of Lilly now, she threw herself into this blessed calling, grateful she was able to give her life to the Underground, as a keeper.Never again would she be anything less.FIFTEENTHE GREAT ESTATESOMETIMES vamp hunting could be a bitch.Then again, sometimes you got a break, and at Menlo Hall, everything was going like such clockwork that Dawn thought there had to be a catch.But so far, so great, as Dawn smoothed down her newly procured maid uniform that she was about to use to bust into a manor house.She and a couple of Friends, including Kalin, were in a spacious closet in the newish servant’s quarters on the grounds, where an unfortunate dishwater blond girl who actually owned this uniform was curled on the floor in her slip, lulled to sleep by the spirits.It hadn’t taken all that long for the assigned Friends to speed down to Kent and comb the area along the River Darent for an estate that matched the description from Kiko and Natalia’s vision [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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