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.Shit, this town was pretty rural, you couldn’t much more rural.As he drove into the more commercial area of Main Street he saw a complete nightmare at the grocery store.Cars parked in total disarray, blocking all the fire lanes.He saw people running in both directions in the parking lot.People running into the store to get whatever was left, and people running out of the store with carts filled with likely stolen food.The cop inside the Chief’s head had to fight an epic battle with his paternal instinct to not drive into the lot with his siren blaring to establish law and order.But he knew it was too late for that.With just one body he’d get shot by some desperate asshole, or beaten to death by a mob of people panicking, trying to get what they thought would be their last meal.He had no support from the state police either.His only option at this point was to make his family safe, and wait for the government to sort this out.Once he had reinforcements, he’d worry about enforcing the laws on the books.Brian shook his head in utter disbelief and made the right hand turn towards his house.He drove the two miles up the hill on Dove Street at a good magazine, keeping constant watch for the erratic drivers going in both ways.One of the cars passing him flashed their lights at him, and he slowed to a stop as they flagged him down.Brian thumbed the catch on his pistol’s holster as he powered down his driver’s side window.The man in the midsize sedan looked like he’d seen a ghost when Brian got close.“Chief there’s a terrible accident ahead.Head on collision between a truck and an SUV.I think some of the folks didn’t make it.” He shook his head the whole time back and forth; enhancing the negativity and shock he was feeling.Brian’s stomach lurched when he registered what the man said.His wife drove an SUV.“Sir you recall the makes or colors of the vehicles?” Brian asked as straight faced as he could, trying to hide his growing fear.The driver took a deep, pained breath and thought hard before he replied, “I think the truck was a big green import, and the SUV was a Ford or something.Red I think.”Brian swallowed.His wife drove a burgundy Ford Escape.He couldn’t manage any words and just nodded at the man and punched the accelerator.He hit the siren and they screamed up the rest of the hill on Dove Street until they came to the intersection where he came up on the accident.He didn’t need to get close to know it was her car.“Oh God dear…” His mother could see the vehicle ahead, and knew instantly who it belonged to.She reached up and rested her hand reassuringly on Brian’s shoulder.Her touch helped calm him some, but he had a knot in his stomach made of anxiety and nothing she could do would make it go away.Brian killed the siren and pulled his cruiser over, stopping a good 20 feet behind his wife’s wrecked car.He sat with both hands on the steering wheel, building up the courage to get out of the cruiser and go look at what he had to see with his own eyes.From the backseat he heard the soft whimper that indicated his little girl Sarah was about to start crying.He turned instantly and looked at her.Her big blue eyes looked at him in confusion and fear.She had been watching him and knew he was scared.When daddy was scared, little Sarah was scared.He felt guilty that his fear had scared his daughter.He reached into the back and put a smile on his face.He reassured her and rubbed her little leg and his mother wrapped an arm around her.“Baby girl don’t be afraid.Daddy is just a little scared that someone got hurt in the accident okay?” His lip trembled into a near sob as he finished.His words helped her though.Sarah nodded emphatically in agreement.Brian thought she did it to fight away the scary feelings.Brian smiled again and gave his mother a knowing look.She knew what he had to do.Brian turned himself around and got out of the car.He looked both ways up and down the residential street and saw it was clear.He shut the door of the cruiser and slid his handgun out of the holster.Impulsively he dropped the magazine into his hand and made sure he had at least 5 or 6 bullets in it, which he did.He clicked the magazine back into the pistol and walked slowly to the driver’s side of his wife’s vehicle.When he got five feet away he could see the bumper of the giant green truck had hit the top of the hood of his wife’s car, driving it backwards into the dashboard.The front crumple zones had collapsed entirely, and the driver’s side door was wrenched partially off the hinges, hanging down to the ground, wide open.He could see inside the car on the grey upholstery streaks of blood.Thick, long streaks of blood that meant a bad injury had occurred.An injury to his wife Stacey.Brain took a bit of a wide circle to approach her door.A few more steps showed him his wife was gone, which gave him a surge of hope.Perhaps she’d gotten Tommy out of the back seat and walked home? Maybe she just had a cut on her head and it bled a lot? Brian moved into the door of the SUV and heard a pleading yelp from the backseat.He’d heard it a hundred times before.It was his son Tommy.Without a moment’s hesitation the chief launched himself at the rear driver’s side door and ripped it open.Inside on the child’s seat was his six year old boy Tommy.Tommy was mostly asleep, or in a daze, but he was alive, and didn’t look injured.Tommy was more scared at his father’s desperate hugs than he was at the situation he was in.Brian went head to toe on his son checking for injuries but found none.He planted a massive kiss on his boy’s forehead and looked him in the eye with more sincere love than he ever had.“Tommy, where is your mother? Did she leave the car?” Brian asked quietly.Tommy looked in the front seat of the SUV and Brian could see the moment of confusion as his boy realized his mommy was missing.Brian watched his boy’s eyes puff up with tears.He shook his head and replied back to his dad, “I dunno dad.I don’t ‘member what happened.” He had no idea.Brian thought he might’ve been knocked out by the head on collision.He looked around in the truck and saw the contents of his wife’s purse strewn all about the front seat.The back trunk area of the SUV had bags and bags of food that she must’ve just bought at the madhouse grocery store Brian just drove by.He suddenly felt guilty for asking her to brave that store.Brian debated what to do next and undid the straps on Tommy’s car seat.He picked Tommy up and carried him back towards the cruiser.He got maybe five feet away from the car when he heard a loud thunking noise from the wreck behind him.In one fluid motion he spun and drew his Glock, aiming at the intersection of the two crushed vehicles and putting his body between the noise and his boy.He regretted turning immediately.Sitting, pinned from the looks of it in the front seat of the big green truck was the driver.His face and neck had been torn apart in the collision and he was silently clawing at the shattered windshield at the two of them [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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