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.They might need our assistance, or at least have some kind of information to offer.Shrug.People kind of scare me.Most of them try to kill me and my friends.So we dispatched those assholes once we got parked and situated, and we spent nearly four hours cleaning the place out.One of the joys of small town auto parts stores is the diversity of the inventory.Because they frequently had to fill orders for parts for things other than cars, they maintained a large inventory of more commercial style parts.Tractors, diesels, hydraulic repair gear, blah blah.I guess the point of this giant bullshit rant is that they had a lot of really useful parts, and not just for fixing cars.Blake was like a kid in a candy store, especially when we realized that we had a lot of time to really clean the place out.We were concerned at first that we’d have to do a quick in and out if there were too many undead about, but that wasn’t the reality.The Deuce was loaded up big time, and we were off.The trip home was about as clean as could be.I was in the lead in the HRT, and Blake was behind me in the Deuce, and all was well until we got to Auburn Lake Road.We were maybe a half mile up the road, and it was just about at that point where the sun is at the horizon, and it’s just past that golden hour of sunlight.Sort of that dawn-esque into dusk time.I was plugging along, and just like that BAM! A fucking deer leaps over one of the rock walls in the front of someone’s yard.I slammed on the brakes, just barely missing the damn thing.Now, I had like.one second to make a decision on the deer, and I nearly blew it.I reached down and tried to get the M4 up and out the window, but the barrel caught on something, and I dropped it and got the Glock out.The driver’s side window was already open, and I leaned out, and just as the deer started to bolt away off the road, I let fly about four rounds at the thing.Three of the rounds I clearly saw impact in the rib area of the deer, but the fourth walked off of it.I was firing more or less gangsta style sideways out the window, so I was bound to miss at least one.I should talk more shit about having used a handgun after avoiding an accident in such a badass way.I feel very 80’s action hero-ish.Have I mentioned how fucking loud it is to shoot a gun inside a car? Geezum.As if I wasn’t deaf enough already.The deer, like they always fucking do, still made it off the road and into the brush, so I threw the truck in park, and jumped out to chase it down.I didn’t have to go far.Three.45 slugs to the chest cavity at maybe 25 feet do some serious damage.I think the deer made it maybe 30 feet off the road before going down in a heap.Right when I got to the body Gilbert came over the radio asking if the shooting was us, and Abby let him know it indeed was us, and we were okay.I put one more round into the deer, and gave it a quick gutting to get back.In retrospect, I should’ve waited until I got back, because despite not liking it that much, the organ meats probably would have been good eating, at least for some of us.Ollie might've been able to compost them or something.Oh well.Spilled milk.I dragged the carcass back to the truck, roped it to the grille as best I could for the drive up the hill, and after getting a “fucking A!” knuckle bump from Blake, we were home in short order.After we pulled in we had a brief powwow talking about the deer, and what exactly to do with it.With all the mouths to feed we decided it was best to not go to the trouble of smoking the meat.We dressed it up into edible portion sizes, and put the rest into the assorted fridges across campus.We figure it’ll keep until it’s all eaten.With all the folks here, that should be just about right for timing.While that was going on, we unloaded all the parts and gear into the maintenance garage down the hill, which Blake has now completely taken over as his own.That’s fine.He needs the space to work on our vehicles, it’s largely unused, and will work out well.We do need to address his ongoing power issues though.It’s too far to run cables, and for the moment he’s doing the work up here near Hall B, which is scaring the living shit out of the chickens.It’s bad enough that the zombies tried to eat them when we were under siege the other day.Poor fucking poultry.Ooh.I think we’re about to get some new chickens.What’re they called? Baby chickens? Chicklings? Hatchlings? Chicklits? Drawing a frigging blank.Oh well.Senility strikes again.I think I misplaced my false teeth too.Heh.So that was yesterday.Today was back to the grind (sort of) as Blake took the backhoe out of duty to get the repairs needed on it done.Luckily we’d dug the trench way out in advance yesterday, so in all reality, the only part of the job we skimped on today was the part where we push the earth up behind the wall to form the reinforcing berm.Once the earth is packed back into the trench to firm up the logs, they stand fine on their own.The back wall is for projectiles, and making sure someone can’t drive a truck through the thing.Good fucking luck with that.Where it’s largely finished, it’s tough as hell and solid as a five foot thick brick wall.Ollie wanted to get cracking on a set of double gates.Sturdy, heavy duty bastards.One gate will be on the opposite side of the bridge, and the other on the campus side.We’ll set it up so we only open one gate at a time, creating a kill box.We can use it as a trade area if need be.Mainly we want the two gates so if someone rams the first, they’ll get caught on the bridge, where there’s no fucking cover, and we can light them up.God forbid we get the guard towers built and equipped with LMGs.Don’t know where we’d find them, but if we do, we’d be golden.Not much else going on.Fields are good, food is good, everyone is still healing well, spirits are slowly rising, campus has been entirely devoid of undead, and I haven’t been bitten in the crotch by any giant dogs, or shot in the chest in some time.I am starting to get the itch though.That special itch.I think I need to get Mallory back here sometime soon so I can scratch the hell out of it.Awwww yeah.Of course I haven’t seen her in some time.Maybe I need to get a haircut.I can feel the hair on the side of the ‘hawk growing in, so maybe I am due after all.Reasons to get myself to Westfield +1.Not much to report for things coming up.I do kind of want to head back downtown to that large apartment building to see what’s up there.There are no good reasons for those undead to be at the base near that huge ass trash pile unless something is attracting them there.There has to be people up there, and I am wondering if they are trapped, or need assistance.I guess if they were bad off, they would’ve signaled for us when we were at the auto parts store, but who the fuck knows?More fence building, crop growing, gate building, vehicle modificating, and the same old, same old in the upcoming days.With any luck, more construction equipment will fall from the sky.I can’t recall seeing anything big around town, even at the construction sites we’ve visited.Our luck, right? Sigh.Peace out Mr.Journal.-AdrianJune 8th (2nd entry)I woke up about twenty minutes ago because Otis was trying to get under the sheets with me.He was pawing at the top of the top sheet like a dog trying to bury a bone [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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