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.Had a fight with my wife and decided to walk it off.I walked a little farther than I thought and I don't want to walk back.""You think she'll come get you?""Oh, she's probably worried about me by now."The cop gave him a knowing smile."Want me to wait until you connect?""No, thanks.I know she's home."The cop nodded and drove away back in the direction of town.The phone rang on the other end as Mallory came out of hiding.A half-asleep voice answered."Sherry?""Trey?""Sherry, I need your help.""What else is new?" She sounded more awake now."What can I do?""We're at a gas station in Biggin Hill, I think.""There are about six gas stations in Biggin Hill.""This one's a mom and pop on a back road," he said."Oh, I know it.I'll be there."She hung up and so did Trey."Sherry?" Mallory asked."Old friend.""I bet.""She's all we have at this point.Besides, she's a former narcotics detective from Jersey City.Can't trust the organization.""Never thought I'd hear you say that." Bitterness tinged her voice.He tried to impale her with his gaze.It was better than shaking her, which was what he wanted to do."You have to tell me what happened.Why'd you just up and quit doing what you were good at?"She shook her head, her hair taking on a strange glow under the light."Never mind.""We've got a few minutes.She's coming from two towns over.""No, really.Now's not the time.What's our game plan?""Here's what I've got so far," he said.Sherry Harper turned out to be tall and willowy, with striking red hair and legs that seemed to go all the way to her neck.Mallory gritted her teeth.How the hell did she go undercover?Sherry hugged Trey, then shook Mallory's hand when introduced."Nice to meet you," Mallory said, squeezing the woman's hand harder than necessary.She could picture Trey with someone like this.They piled into Sherry's Mustang.Trey sat in front and gave the woman directions, while Mallory simmered in the back seat."You need anything from home, Mal?" he asked over his shoulder."My cell was in my car at your hotel.It may not be safe to get it.They'll be watching.""Who?" Sherry asked.She immediately placed a hand over her mouth as if she'd said a bad word."Never mind.Don't tell me.""I'm not sure we know anyway." Trey's voice held a hint of exasperation."Did you bring the change of clothes?"Sherry nodded."In the trunk.Stuff for both of you." She glanced at Mallory."Some of the clothes might not fit."Mallory wore her insecurities like a choker."Probably not." She looked out the window into the darkness."How about I drop you guys off at my house?" Sherry suggested."You can spend the night.In the meantime, I'll get some friends of mine to pick up your car, Mallory.Sound good?"Mallory had visions of being kept awake by the sounds of passion coming from Sherry and Trey.The alternative was to sleep under the stars.Even with a thunderstorm predicted, that sounded better.A pain throbbed between her eyes."Sure.Can you get my car without being noticed?"Sherry laughed."I was an undercover narc.I know how to be invisible."Invisible.Yeah, right.Mallory managed a smile."Thanks, Sherry."Sherry dropped them off at a ranch near Biggin Hill."Here's my house key.""And here's the key to my car," Mallory said, handing the key to the woman.Sherry drove away and Mallory let out a relieved breath."Well, she's nice.""Yeah," Trey said as they reached the front porch."Oh, I should warn you.Sherry used to have a dog." He unlocked the door."I don't hear one."She stepped into a modest furnished living room and turned on the closest lamp.Right in front of her sat the biggest, blackest dog she'd ever seen.He didn't bark.He didn't growl.He just looked through her.Mallory stared back.She didn't like dogs."Hey, Sir Thumpalot," Trey said with a grin.As if someone flicked a switch, the dog broke his stare and lumbered over to Trey.The dog didn't have to jump too high to lick Trey's face."That's a small horse," Mallory said."No, just a Great Dane.Sherry rescued him two years ago.He'd been a stud at a puppy mill."Mallory snorted."Nice work if you can get it, I guess."She moved away from the warm reunion between man and dog, and plopped down on an overstuffed, brown velour couch.Exhaustion overtook her and she yawned loudly.Her clothes stuck to her from the humidity.She wanted a shower and a bed.Maybe not in that order."I have dibs on the shower.""Go ahead.I'll get us something to eat." Trey tugged her to her feet, then pushed her in the direction of the bathroom.The room was small and cozy, with a shower, sink and toilet.The dog-horse came over to investigate and she tried to shoo him away."Trey, call him.""You're afraid of a dog watching you?" Trey asked from the doorway."No, I'm afraid of a dog joining me.""Here, Thump." The dog followed Trey from the room.Mallory locked the door behind them, then ran the shower and stripped.When she saw the products Sherry used, she let out a groan."Lavender? Ugh." It was her least favorite fragrance.Not that anyone was going to be sniffing at her.Except maybe the dog.The clothes Sherry had given her were too big, so she rolled up the sweatpants and sweatshirt sleeves.They would do for now.A quick brush through her tangled hair didn't help much, but at least she felt clean.The smell of eggs brought her to the tiny kitchen.Trey sat with a plate in front of him.He motioned for her to sit next to him.Instead, she slid the plate to the other side of the breakfast bar and settled on a stool there."Thanks."Amusement showed in his eyes, but he didn't smile."Dig in."She shoveled two forkfuls into her mouth [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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