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.There are too many reasons to list why that was wrong and why it’s not going to happen again.”“No means no.”He nodded.“Unless negotiated otherwise.”“I thought you and I were negotiating?” She looked at him hungrily.It made him nervous.Her sexuality baked off her like a heat aimed right at him.How long had she buried it, denied it, dated people like Ryan who didn’t have a chance at truly satisfying her? He reminded himself she had no idea how much danger she was in.She was forcing him to rudeness.So be it.“This conversation is over, for the moment.Go.Play with Master Andre, or whomever else you wish.”Target hit.She drew back as if he’d transformed into Frankenstein before her eyes.“Right.Got it.” She turned her back, slipped on her shoes, walked away.Too much? “Don’t forget to discuss your list with him, and choose a safe word.I’ll see you at breakfast,” he called after her.“It’s going to be—”The door opened, slammed shut.“—Belgian waffles,” he finished in an empty room.“And berries.” He let himself fall back into his chair, heavy and as helplessly riveted by his lust as if he were trussed to immobilization by Mage’s most elaborate knotwork.4When her eyes focused again, she’d crossed the hallway connecting Sylvester’s suite to the great room.A sense of being watched prickled her skin.Master Andre stood in the middle of the room.The TV was off; his gaze was steady on her.He waved.The simple, normal gesture made her smile.She waved back, veered toward him.“Hello.How are you doing?” he asked when she closed the distance.“Considering everything,” he added.His voice was softer than it had been at the dinner table.In deference to her supposed fragility?Her body still tingled from Sylvester’s rough touch.And still ached with need for more of his bruising, forceful assault.So much for fragile.“Pretty good.Considering everything.” She looked around, appreciating anew the tasteful luxury of the large room, then at Master Andre.In her limited experience, mostly from the media, the S and M-type “masters” all wore sweaty leather vests and leered a lot, as if they’d just cleaned up from a porn shoot.Master Andre wore a tasteful flannel shirt over black jeans.Standing, he was taller than she’d thought, and though he wasn’t smiling, his lips naturally curved up at the ends.His thin brown hair wanted to recede, would doubtless begin to in a few years, but he had the shapely skull and elegantly casual bearing to get away with it.He reminded her of Bruce Willis.The only hint of leather was a pair of beefy Doc Martens, but she had a pair of those, too, and it didn’t make her into anything but appreciative of good boots.Master Andre didn’t leer at all.He just stood there, indulgent, permitting her scrutiny.She remembered his proprietary way with Black and White.“They won’t really hurt Ryan, will they?”He didn’t pretend not to know what she meant.“No.” He considered.“If by that you mean any permanent physical damage.That’s just not what it’s all about.”“What is it all about?”He grinned, an easy, cheerful smile that would’ve looked foreign on Sylvester.“You put your right foot in, you put your right foot out…”“Sylvester explained a few things, but he didn’t cover the Hokey Pokey.” She cocked her head at him.“Master Andre.”Something flickered in his dark eyes.“That does sound nice coming from you.”“Does it?” He wasn’t Sylvester, but if she wasn’t mistaken, this very attractive, dominant man wanted to “play.” Whatever that meant.She found herself excited at the thought of finding out.“What exactly did our gracious host explain, Nora? I’ll be happy to answer any questions you still have.” He looked at her inquiringly.Politely.“I’m curious…”“Yes?” His voice was kind.“…about bondage.And S and M.And everything.”He raised his eyebrows.“Everything?”“Not everything,” she hastened to say.“But…well, there’s a list [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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