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.Gideon must have noticed the flash of panic that traveled through her, making her body tense, because he put his foot against her knee and pushed it gently until she looked at him.“Give yourself a break will you? You’re going to give yourself a heart attack at this rate.”Ellie snorted, desperately trying to recover her composure.“I’m worried I’m going to get too set in my ways to let someone mess with my routines.After six months of living on my own, I’ve got used to doing exactly as I please.I can do what I want, when I want and not have to justify anything to anyone.”“Yeah, well, maybe you should find yourself a yes-man, someone who gets off on being bossed around.That would solve all your problems in one fell swoop.” He smiled at her again, but this time she couldn’t find it in herself to smile back.His comment brought it home to her just how incompatible the two of them were.Gideon would never stand for her bossiness and need for doing things her way.“Hey, you’ve gone dark on me again,” he said, concern marring his handsome face.“I’m okay,” she said, shrugging it off, her gaze dancing around the room as she tried to fight the growing unease their conversation had given rise to.The water swished around her as Gideon moved toward her, sliding her forward as he pulled on her arms.She moved her legs to sit on either side of his body so they could get closer, facing each other.She looked into his eyes and saw concern and kindness and understanding there and it almost broke her heart.“Forget about all that shit right now.Just enjoy being in the moment,” he said, putting one hand under her chin to draw her forward for a kiss while his other hand ran up the inside of her leg, sending an immediate current straight between her thighs.She did as he told her, giving in to the feeling and wiping her mind of everything but the sweet exhilaration of his body imposing itself on hers.Chapter SevenThe next morning in bed, Gideon lay awake with Ellie breathing gently next to him.He hadn’t meant to let her sleep with him and would have used Penny finding them together as an excuse, but after their bath they lay down for a second to recover and both promptly fell asleep.He watched her face in sleep.Her eyelids flickered gently as she dreamed.She looked happy.Gone was the worried little frown that had become her trademark expression these days.He was glad to have been part of the journey back to herself.That was all he could be of course, just a stepping stone on her road to recovery.She needed to start re-planning her future and he couldn’t offer to be part of that.He hoped they’d always remain friends though.The thought of never seeing or speaking to her again chipped away at the dark hole he carried around with him, which the rest of his family had already disappeared in to.He turned to stare up at the ceiling and shook a stream of memories out of his head.That was all in the past.He’d promised himself to focus on the future from now on.Besides, the wide-ranging circle of friends he’d cultivated over the years were his family now.He knew from experience that putting all his love and trust in a very small group of people was the fastest way to pain and heartache.It had been quite an experience getting closer to Ellie.Despite having some crazy ideas about searching for some perfect relationship that could never exist, she was really fun company and fantastic in bed.He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so alive and excited to be with someone.He turned back to find Ellie had woken up and was staring at him with an intense look of concentration on her face.• • •Ellie had a lovely dream about being in bed with Gideon and woke to find that sometimes dreams did come true.She was surprised to find herself there, until the memories of the day before came flooding back, filling her with a mixture of elation and confusion.She didn’t know how she was going to untangle the mess of feelings her little adventure with Gideon had given rise to, so she decided to keep living in the moment and not worry about it for now.He’d been staring up at the ceiling deep in thought when she first looked at him, but now he turned to her, and their gazes locked.How could he look so bloody good first thing? Even after just waking up his face seemed to radiate an other-worldly perfectness that people would pay a king’s ransom to emulate.Something particular about him was catching her attention this morning though, and it took her a moment to put her finger on what it was.He raised a quizzical eyebrow.“Why are you staring at me? You’re freaking me out.”“There’s something different about your eyes.They’ve lost their frown.”Discomfort flashed across his face.“What are you talking about?”“Don’t look at me like I’m mad.I just mean you seem … happy.”His brow creased in irritation.“Relaxed.I’m relaxed.Something I haven’t been for some time.”“Okay.Relaxed then.” She wondered if she’d stepped over the invisible line that separated this weekend from the rest of their lives, and a slow sinking feeling pulled at her insides.“Fancy getting a bit more relaxed with me?” he asked, a mischievous twinkle appearing in his eyes and she relaxed again as things righted themselves.He brought his hand up to her face and drew her head toward his, touching his lips gently against hers.The softness of the caress sent thrills of longing tripping over her skin and moisture pooled between her legs, making her instantly slick with need.“I can think of worse ways to start the day,” she breathed against his lips, returning his feather-light kisses.She felt him smile against her mouth and her spirits soared.She loved the fact they understood each other so well.“Gideon?” she said, drawing back from him.“Yeah?” His fingers skimmed over her collarbone before dancing lightly between her breasts.“Why do you think nothing’s ever happened between us before?”“I guess your family has always been a factor for me.Gareth would kill me if he knew what I’m doing with you right now.You’re forbidden fruit.”“What sort?”“Hmm?” His fingertips found her belly-button and he dipped them inside one after the other.“ … of fruit?”“Definitely a ripe, juicy pear.” He ran his fingers back up over her breasts, making her nipples stand up and sending another rush of fiery need straight between her legs.“And I suspect a bowl of plump, sweet cherries would sum you up to a tee … ” He moved down her body now, kissing over her stomach, down to the apex of her thighs.Ellie giggled as his breath warmed her skin, the anticipation making her heady.“The sort that when you nibble them, their juice runs down your fingers and over your tongue.” He dipped his tongue to taste the little hidden nub between her folds.Ellie experienced a shock of pure arousal.She didn’t think it was possible to feel more turned on than she had the day before, but it just went to show, she still had a lot to learn about her response to sex.And to Gideon, too, it seemed.Gazing down at his dark head as he moved between her legs she felt a surge of powerful delight that it was Gideon down there, intent on pleasing her.The man who let her get away with very little when it came to her misgivings or her attempts at ridiculing him for his less than considerate behavior toward his girlfriends.Paul had never been very interested in oral sex — at least not giving it; he hadn’t had any trouble receiving — and she wasn’t used to such intimacy.Gideon didn’t seem to have any qualms.In fact, she’d swear he was enjoying himself if his eager response to her was anything to go by [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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