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.At the end of the song, she and Sam headed for their designated standing spot.Rosaline stopped short, nearly tripping over her feet for the second time that night when she spotted the familiar figure near the back of the crowd.Hardly any light shone on him, but the posture, the hair, the way her heart sped up and her breath lodged in her throat—this time, it was him.“I’ll see you later,” Sam mumbled, nodding at her and then backing away.She was sure people were still talking and dancing—that time hadn’t stopped just for her and Bryson—but his presence consumed her, leaving her unable to focus on anything else.He didn’t have his cane, and as he came toward her, his limp was more pronounced.When he reached her, he glanced around and whispered, “Everyone’s staring.”She took in how nice he looked all dressed up.The way his blue eyes stood out, catching the lights of the dance floor.“I’m having trouble not staring myself.”He shook his hair off his face.“So, am I too late?” His eyes locked onto hers.“Did someone else already sweep you off your feet?”She lifted her arms.“Sweep away.”He drew her to him, his embrace familiar and new all at the same time.He was warm and solid and smelled like Bryson.She clung on to him as tightly as she could, wanting the reassurance he really was here.“You came,” she whispered, pulling back to get another look at his face.“I can’t believe you came.”“Well, I kissed this hot chick this morning, and it’s all I could think about all day.”Rosaline smiled, happiness blazing a trail through her veins and setting up residence in her heart.“It was the boots, wasn’t it? I heard Arkansas guys can’t resist a girl in boots.”Bryson’s gaze dropped to her boots and then slowly ran back up her.“More like the legs in the boots.And the hair, and the smile, and”—he wrapped his arms tighter around her, eradicating the tiny bit of space between them—“just you.”Rosaline tipped onto her toes and kissed him, not caring how many people were staring.When he deepened the kiss, she sank into his embrace, basking in the fuzzy daydream-like feeling of it all.A slow song started, and she tugged Bryson toward the floor.He held her close as they swayed to the music.She leaned her head on his shoulder, overwhelming happiness making her feel all light and floaty.As the song came to a close, he spun her out, brought her back in, and kissed her.She smiled against his lips, searching them out again as he started to pull back.Luckily, it didn’t take much convincing for him to draw out the kiss a little longer.One press, then two, three… Most perfect moment ever.Hand in hand, they left the dance floor.People continued to stare, but she could hardly bring herself to care.All that mattered was Bryson was here with her.He was here and they were holding hands and everything was right with the world.She tilted her head toward the flashing lights of the carnival grounds.“Will you take me on the Ferris wheel? I’ve always wanted to ride one.”“Baby, I’ll take you on any ride you want.” He leaned in, his lips nearing hers again.“Rosaline!” Dafne pushed through the crowd.Her face was pale, and her eyes were glossy with tears.“Your parents just called.Cousin Ty…” Her chin trembled.“He was killed earlier today.”Cold spread through Rosaline’s chest, claiming another inch with each passing second.“Killed?”“Shot in the street.” Dafne brought her hands to her mouth.“By Romeo Montague.”Chapter Twenty-SevenRosaline leaned into Bryson, her legs suddenly unable to hold her weight.This couldn’t be happening.It had to be a mistake.“We’re going to have to fly to Verona tomorrow, and there will be a funeral and…” Dafne looked like she was about to tip over herself.Rosaline stepped forward and hugged her.For a moment, they stood there, holding each other as the sorrow washed over them.Dafne dug the keys out of her pocket.Her hands shook, rattling the metal pieces together.Winslow took them out of her hand.“I’ll take you home and help you make arrangements for the flights.”“I’ll ride with Bryson.” Rosaline glanced at him.“If that’s okay?”“Of course.” He wrapped his arm around her waist.“Let’s get you home [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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