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.“Right Trinie?” he asked as he reached for her hand.“Absolutely,” she nodded and smiled at Vicky.“After all the hard work you've put into this, we're not going to let anything spoil our beautiful day.”Vicky was touched by their kindness and warmth, but she was also concerned.So far they had no idea who the killer was, or even exactly what the killer's motive might have been.Mitchell was still entertaining the idea that it was a murder for hire, but there was no way Vicky could believe that Seth and Trinie were involved.Chapter SixVicky returned to the lobby to find Sarah fielding frequent phone calls from the press.“No, the wedding is not off, no further comment,” she snapped and hung up the phone.“These reporters just won't stop!” she gasped out with frustration.“I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to have to deal with them all the time.”“Me neither,” Vicky agreed as she paused beside the desk.She saw Mitchell walking towards her from the other side of the lobby.“This whole thing is turning into a disaster,” Sarah said testily as she tapped a few keys on the computer and tried to put out yet another fire with the kitchen staff over what exactly the menu was supposed to be.“We should have cancelled this morning, now it's going to be impossible.”Vicky frowned.“Seth and Trinie don't want to cancel,” she pointed out.“I think we can still pull this off.”“I’m not sure,” Sarah shot back.“I am concerned about the inn, the staff, and putting Seth and Trinie in more danger than they need to be.”“Now Sarah,” Mitchell said speaking up before Vicky could argue.“I really don't think it's such a bad idea for the wedding to go on.Vicky made a good point.Here Seth and Trinie are surrounded by security, police, and even reporters recording everyone coming and going.The ceremony and reception are not even near the crime scene.As of right now, it's probably the safest place they could be.”Sarah frowned as she looked at Mitchell.“The safest place they could be? With a murderer on the loose?”“It seems to me that whoever did this had some kind of motive,” Vicky said in an attempt to soothe her sister.“I don't think they're just going to go around causing more harm.”“I've gathered a few of the security guards in the banquet hall to interview them,” Mitchell added, hoping to distract Sarah from her frustration.“I'm sure we'll have this cleared up soon.”While Mitchell interviewed the security guards, Vicky had a strong hunch.Yes, the pictures were of Trinie, which both Seth and Trinie would be hurt by if they came out into the public view, but they were not the only ones that could be hurt by such a thing.She recalled the argument that Aunt Ida had witnessed in the hallway outside Seth and Trinie's room.It was with Matt.Matt had been working with the couple for some time, and seemed to be appreciated by them.She remembered the rumor that Emily had told her about Matt having some drama in his past with the country singer, Charlotte.It seemed awfully coincidental to Vicky that Matt would be involved in two scandalous events, but maybe she was underestimating the amount of scandal and scrutiny that celebrities endured.Vicky saw Aunt Ida walk into the lobby.She wanted to see if she knew anything about the photos of Charlotte that Emily had mentioned.After all Aunt Ida loved celebrities and gossip.“Aunt Ida!” Vicky called“Hi,” Aunt Ida replied with a large grin on her face as she walked towards her.“I wanted to ask you something.Emily mentioned a scandal that involved photos of Charlotte, the country singer, and Seth’s bodyguard, Matt Castille.I was wondering if you know anything about it?” Vicky questioned in a hushed voice.“No, but we have to find out about it,” Aunt Ida said with a sheepish grin.“Why don’t you go surfing?”“Do you mean look on the internet?” Vicky giggled.“Yes.But I have to get ready for the wedding now,” Aunt Ida said with anticipation.“I have to look my best,” she smiled.“Okay, I’ll let you know what I find,” Vicky whispered.“Brilliant,” Aunt Ida said with a flurry of her arms as she walked towards the stairs.Vicky thought she might as well see what she could find out about Matt’s debacle with Charlotte straight away.What harm could it do? Vicky went into Sarah's office while she was outside checking over everything for the wedding.Once inside, Vicky sat down at her sister's computer and began searching for information about Charlotte and Matt [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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