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.Wow, that was some realistic rehearsal.He wondered if he sounded as authentic when he acted in that first show.The front door was unlocked.Nobody was in the lobby.Nothing unusual there, the action was at the back of the building.He pulled open the door at the top of the auditorium and stepped onto the left-hand aisle.There was nobody in the auditorium.Odd, he’d assumed they were on stage.Jarvis picked up his pace, taking long strides down the aisle and up the three steps leading to the hallway, which led to the backstage area.He was thoroughly familiar with the layout of the place since he’d been hoodwinked into acting in the company’s first show.It was laughable that they’d cast him as a burglar.But the newspaper reviews had been flattering.There had even been a picture of him wearing the worn leather jacket and black hooded mask.Angelina bought several copies.She’d framed three: one for the theater’s front lobby, one for her front entryway.The third she’d presented to him.He’d left it on the table under a pile of old mail, then finally, when she mentioned it, hung it in a remote corner of his kitchen.The shouting was louder now, and angrier.It seemed to be coming from the green room.There were so many voices he couldn’t pick out specific words.Sounded like a brawl brewing.Something heavy thumped the wall to his right.Were they throwing things? Cop training brought him alert and he hurried into the dimness of the long hallway that joined the stage to the dressing areas.He warned himself to be careful; he’d look pretty silly bursting in on a rehearsal.Something whizzed past his right ear.Jarvis ducked.Okay, probably this wasn’t rehearsal.“That’s enough!” Tyson yelled.“You can’t do this to me!” said a female voice.“I won’t stand for it.”Then came a chorus of shouting mostly trying to calm the situation.Jarvis had the idea one person had gone on a rampage and a bunch of others were trying to stop it.And they were losing.Something flew through the air.It struck the left hand brick wall, shattered and struck the floor.Jarvis patted his hip where his gun would be, remembered he wasn’t on duty, and stepped into total bedlam.A dozen or so people were gathered in the long narrow room that spanned behind the main stage.All the people were in varying stages of dress and undress.Most all were shouting.A tall, lean woman, with her back to him, moved left one step at a time, coming ever closer to him.He realized she was making for the exit.She held a crystal vase over her head.It was obvious she planned to heave it.Jarvis leaped forward and snatched the thing from her hands.A growl erupted from her throat and in one movement she spun and launched herself at him.Jarvis raised an elbow and jabbed her in the throat.She dropped like a stone.He handed the vase into nearby hands and stood over the prone and very angry woman.Even in a position of defeat she’d lost none of her spunk.“Who the hell do you think you are!”Jarvis displayed his badge.Her anger wilted, but only a bit.“Get up,” he told her.She obeyed, fire shooting from her bright green eyes—he’d bet they were contacts.A red-faced Tyson elbowed through the gathering of people, who’d quieted.Help had arrived.“What’s going on here?” Jarvis asked.Everyone started talking at once.He caught a few words.Enough to know the woman on the floor had caused a heck of a lot of trouble—and not only today.Tyson raised a hand and the noise shushed.“Everyone, let’s call it a day,” he said softly.He waited a moment as the crowd backed away, some disappointed not to be able to see the outcome.The angry woman moved back also.Tyson shook his head.“Except you, Marie.”She kept moving anyway.Jarvis physically stopped her with a hand on her upper arm.“Don’t touch me you piece of—”“Tyson, are you filing charges for any of this?”He thought a moment.Jarvis thought it was more to calm himself than a hesitation.“No, I just want her out of here.”“You can’t do this to me, I’m the star of this show!”Jarvis winced.“Did you officially fire her?”“That’s what started this whole thing.She won’t leave.The rest of the cast was ‘helping’ her go.”“You were instigating trouble,” she said.“They don’t want me to go.Neither does Angie.”“Yes we do,” came shouts from the dressing rooms.“So does Angie,” Tyson said.“No,” she said but the steam had gone from her, even her bouffant hairdo seemed to droop [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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