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.He hands me a bag and tell me to get in the car and get changed.“What do you mean, get changed?” I ask, as I look in the bag.I see a change of clothes, a wig and sunglasses.“A wig? What is this for?”“It’s a disguise, in case this person is outside, waiting for you to leave.”“Great, now I have to pretend to be someone else, just to keep this freak away from me? What next?” I say as I drop the bag on the concrete floor and fall beside it to my knees.My face goes in to my hands and the tears return with a vengeance.I can’t take this anymore.“Baby, come on.We have to go now,” Jackson says, as he sets his own bag of goodies down and gets to his knees, beside me.I nod my head and he stands up, pulling me with him.“We are going to put you in that car,” Chase says, pointing to a black unmarked police car, “All of these cars are going to pull out at the same time, so if anyone is watching, they won’t know which car you’re in.The windows are blacked out, so no one can see inside.The disguises are for when you arrive at your final destination.”It sounds so permanent.Final Destination.Wasn’t that a movie? I feel like I’m in a movie and all of this will be over in about an hour, but this isn’t a movie.This is my life and I’m not happy with what it’s become.“What about Sally? What did you say, when you questioned her?” I ask.Chase looks at Jackson and takes a deep breath, before speaking.“We haven’t talked to her yet.She hasn’t been home and her neighbors haven’t seen her since the weekend.We have an officer watching her house, for when she comes home, but for now she’s on the run.”I nod, “Okay.That means it’s her doing this then?”“We can’t be sure until we talk to her.I’ll keep you posted.Now, let’s get you in the car.”“Where are we going?” I ask.“We’ll go over that on the way, right now, we need to move,” Chase says, as he directs me to the black car just a few spaces from my car.“Oh, Ally.I need your phone please,” Chase says, as he holds his hand out, waiting for me to hand it to him.“Why do you need my phone? I need to call Heather and my parents, to let them know where I’m going.”“No, you can’t tell anyone just yet, and your iPhone has a GPS in it, so if it’s being tracked, the stalker can find you.We’ll give you a police issued phone at the safe house so you can notify your family.”I’m not happy about any of this shit, but I want to live, so I hand him my phone and Jackson walks me to the car.I slide in the back and he settles in next to me.The bags are placed on the floor board, so we can change later.Once we are settled, all of the cars line up like a funeral procession and exit the garage.Each car going in a different direction.Ours heads towards the interstate, heading south.All of this is becoming very real now, that I watch the city disappear behind us.We hear the echo of airplanes overhead, as we pass the airport and then the more rural area, of the south side of the city come in to view.“Can you tell me where we’re going now?” I ask Jackson, who is quietly staring out the window, at the passing scenery.“Cape San Blas, Florida.It’s a small, secluded beach and the house is hidden from the road.Very few people know where the Cape is, so we will be safe there.There isn’t cell service, either so no chance of being traced there.And, I’ve hired a private security firm to patrol the grounds and the beach.Once we get the all clear, we can go home and get you back to your life.”“We’re going to the beach? How can that be safe? It’s too wide open and easy for someone to get to us.”“We’ll have plenty of security, please try not to worry.I know it will be hard, but once we get there, you’ll see, we will be plenty safe,” he says, as he pulls me close to him.His warmth is comforting and I start to calm a little, closing my eyes and listening to the whirl of the tires on the road.We make a pit stop in Eufala, Alabama, where the cop drops us off and we get in to another car, but this time, Jackson is driving.Now we’re on our own, no police to protect us.Once we are back on the road, I close my eyes again.I hate not getting enough sleep.Between that and the stress of all this shit, I can’t keep my eyes open.“Sweet girl, wake up.We’re here,” Jackson says to me, as I struggle to open my eyes.The bright sunlight reflecting off the white sand, blinds me.I finally get my eyes open and focus.“Wow.It’s beautiful.”“Yes it is, this is one of my favorite places in the world.I can’t wait to share it with you,” he says, as he pulls me out of the car.“Wait.Aren’t we supposed to be disguised?” I ask, as I search the car for the bags, that Chase gave us, before we left.“No, security has already checked over the property, all is clear.”The home looks like its three stories, high on stilts with a viewing area on the roof.“Whose house is this?” I ask him, as I scan the landscape, taking in my surroundings.“Chase’s parents.They rent it out during the spring and summer months, but it was empty this week so they are letting us rent it.”“Rent it? You’re paying for this?“Yes, and paying for the security team.Don’t worry about that though, Ally.It’s just money and you can’t take it with you right?”“But Jackson, it’s too much! You shouldn’t have to pay someone to babysit me.I’m a big girl.In case you didn’t notice.”“Ally, no one can put a dollar amount on your safety, and until Sally is caught and stopped, we will stay here.”“We don’t even know for sure it’s her,” I shake my head.“Personally, I find it hard to believe she would be capable of this [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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