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.He wanted to consume her so completely that he’d become second skin to her, as she was part of him.Amara rolled to her back, exposing her breasts and bringing one knee out to the side, treating him to a great view of the thin landing strip of dark hair between her legs.Colin undressed slowly, knowing how impatient she would become.She surprised him by not urging him to hurry.Instead, she pulled her legs open wider and began running her hand up and down between her breasts in a slow caress.He swallowed loudly, keeping the moan that threatened to escape from doing so, wanting to tease her into thinking he wasn’t as affected as he was.Amara added her other hand to the mix, palming both of her breasts and tweaking her nipples gently.Colin picked up the pace and pulled off his shirt.As he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants and boxer briefs, Amara’s hand dipped between her legs to find her clit.The moment her fingers reached her folds, Colin was on her, his tongue taking the place of her finger as his hands held her thighs apart.Amara moaned and pulled on his hair, bucking on the bed as she came hard and fast, saying his name over and over, just the way he liked it.His mouth moved along the inside of her thighs as he waited for her to regain her breath and then his fingers were in the spot his mouth had just worshipped.Two of his fingers glided inside of her while his thumb grazed her clit in slow circles.Colin moved up on the bed kissed his way up her body until he reached her breasts, where he licked and sucked until her skin was pink.He didn’t talk as he normally did when they had sex.He stayed silent to enjoy the jagged sound of her uneven breathing and the way her body shimmied beneath him.When Amara came again with a loud, “Oh my…” Colin slid his fingers out and licked them slowly as she watched, her long lashes heavy as she blinked up at him in a fascinated, and sated.He positioned his cock between her wet folds and rubbed, groaning at the way it felt to wet himself with her juices.“Colin,” Amara whispered.His burning gaze met hers as he began to push inside of her as if in slow motion.She tried to move and force him inside, but Colin was determined to take his time.They’d rushed sex too many times, and while he knew she wanted this just as bad as he did, he also wanted her to know that what they had was special; it wasn’t something that should be rushed.They could do it again and again and again if she wanted; he’d be happy to lose himself inside her every night if she let him.Amara’s eyes softened as she saw the tenderness on his face, and he felt his own gaze warm.Colin pressed his chest against hers as he thrust fully into her and threaded the fingers of both hands with hers.“I love you,” he whispered.He’d never tire of looking at her.“I love you,” she whispered back.He could see that she was trying to hold in her tears, so he kissed both of her eyes, both cheeks, and covered her face with soft kisses, all while languidly thrusting inside of her.His cock was throbbing in her wetness, sliding in and out, as her walls constricted around him.Colin would have closed his eyes and lost himself in feeling, but he kept them open, holding her gaze, wanting to remember the moment forever.“More than the stars,” he said, picking up the pace slightly and brushing her nipples with his lips when she smiled at him.He could definitely do this for the rest of his life.“DO YOU THINK you can trust Samuel?” Amara asked over her mug of coffee.They’d fallen into an easy routine—sex, shower, breakfast, work, sometimes lunch sex, work, back home sex, and dinner.Sometimes they caught a movie or a show after dinner, but she wondered idly if they were having too much sex.Amara told him as much and Colin laughed as if it were the most ridiculous thing he’d ever heard.“When we have kids, our sex life is going to slow down.Besides, we have lost time to make up.”Amara had just shaken her head at him in exasperation, asking him how he knew she even wanted kids.He’d said, matter-of-factly that she’d once told him she wanted four.The man had the memory of an elephant.“Trust…” Colin breathed out, checking his watch for the time.“I don’t know.I wouldn’t necessarily use the word trust, but he’s been my dad’s friend for years, and Ben trusts him, so I have no choice but to deal with him.Why? You want me to stop doing business with him?”“If I told you to stop doing business with him, would you?”He paused, mid-drink, and narrowed his eyes at her.“Are you trying to tell me something?”“I’m just asking.If I told you to stop doing business with him, would you?”“If you gave me a valid reason, I would definitely take it into consideration.”Amara looked down at her coffee when his heavy sigh drew her attention once more.“Your opinion matters to me, Mara, and I want to know whatever is on your mind, but I’m not going to drop major clients unless you give me a valid reasons.” He paused and waited until she met his serious gaze.“Trust me, I don’t like knowing you may have been physically involved with the man, and I’d rather not even think about it because I don’t want to think about obliterating his face every time I see him.But.Business is business, baby.”“I know.I get it.It was just a question,” she said with what she hoped was a reassuring smile.She took another gulp of coffee and stood to wash the empty mug.“Do you think you can get me Courtney’s file?” she asked over her shoulder.Colin rocked back, visibly shocked by her request.He put down the toast he was eating and stood beside her.“Is there something you want to tell me?”Amara sighed as she turned off the faucet and dried her hands with the paper towel Colin handed her.“I just need to know what it says.Maybe knowing what’s in her file will give me some sort of leverage over Philip.As it is I’m sitting here waiting, the same way I was last year, until he knocks on my door and takes me away again.”“He’s not taking you away, Amara.If you don’t want to do whatever it is he’s asking of you, you don’t do it.”“And risk people chasing me forever?”“So we move.We get our stuff and get the fuck out of here.Or we stay and we hire round-the-clock security.You know I don’t want you to go with Philip, but if it’s what you feel you need to do, I’ll stand by you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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