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.Eventually, Joseph got up.He went to his closet and pulled on sweats and running shoes.He'd be able to think better about his situation if he were moving.Outside, Joseph jogged through his neighborhood.He still couldn't believe he'd up and quit his job like that.He knew it was unprofessional of him, but Pruitt had pissed him off beyond belief by practically holding his career over a barrel until he dumped Gage.And he'd picked up on Pruitt not being as okay with his sexuality as he pretended.So overall he was glad to be out of there.Joseph ran through the park.He had it almost to himself since the rest of the world was at work or school.He wasn't completely stupid.He had six months living expenses saved up for emergencies.This definitely qualified as one.So even though he'd quit his job without another one lined up, he'd be alright.He knew there was no way in hell he was going to get a reference from Pruitt and that could be a mark against his resume.But there were others at that firm that he could probably count on.And he'd worked in other places.He had two options.He could get his resume out to firms in the area.Maybe pick some that weren't as high-brow as the one he'd just quit.Or he could work for himself.He remembered Gia saying that she was putting him on retainer.She hadn't been joking.She'd approached him about taking over all of her needs in that area.He hadn't given her an answer yet because he wasn't sure he had the time.But now he did.He could put his shingle out and take her on along with other clients.It wouldn't be easy, but it was possible.He thought of Gage and his friends.Just about all of them were entrepreneurs.There was no reason he couldn't wrangle that same spirit and get his own practice going.And he couldn't deny there was a big plus in favor of working for himself.Joseph turned and headed back towards the house.If he worked for himself, he'd be able to set his own hours, which meant he'd be able to race a lot more.Maybe he could even start playing pool competitively.He smiled at the thought.He could have everything he wanted.Gage, his career and his passions.He just had to be willing to pay the price for it.Just like Pruitt had said.****Gage opened the door for Joseph.He wasn't surprised to see the two duffel bags slung over his arm.Joseph had called him earlier that day and taken him up on his offer to come stay with him for a while.Gage liked the idea of Joseph staying with him.He'd get to fall asleep with Joseph beside him every night.And Joseph would be here in his house waiting for him while he was at work.He really liked that.Gage took Joseph’s bags."Did you bring any of your fancy suits?"Joseph laughed."No.Just regular clothes, workout clothes, and my laptop.I've seen that decrepit computer you have.I know I'm going to need mine for research.""I don't really use that computer for anything but spreadsheets for work." He shrugged."And looking at porn.So what are you researching?""Before I tell you I want to give you a present."Joseph took one of the bags back from him and pulled something out.Gage’s eyes widened when he saw what it was."Woah.Macallan.That's a nice Scotch.What'd I do to deserve that?""I really appreciate you sponsoring me and getting some of your friends to sponsor me as well.Now more than ever that's gonna be helpful so that I can race.And also for not saying anything about Pruitt.""What do you mean?""C'mon, Gage.I thought about it, especially after what he said to me yesterday, and I know why you wanted to leave the picnic right after you got there.Pruitt said something to you, didn't he?"Gage headed into the living room."He expressed some opinions."Joseph followed after him, shaking his head."I bet.So he said something rude to you but you were man enough not to bring it up.You knew that would have put me in a tough spot with him.And even though I ended up quitting anyway, I appreciate you not trying to push me into it."Gage mumbled a quick you're welcome.It would have been a real dick move for him to mention it so he didn't feel like Joseph needed to thank him.He changed the subject."So what are you researching?"Joseph ducked his head sheepishly."I'm going into business for myself." But then he forced his chin up."I'm starting my own practice.""That's fucking great! I mean that, Joseph." He flopped down on the couch, spreading his arms across the seat back behind him."Nothing better than being your own boss."Joseph grinned and sat next to him."Thanks.I'm pretty excited about it.""I'd be glad to help with whatever you need.Seed money, drumming up business, whatever.""You don't have to do that.I mean, I'd be glad to take any advice you have and definitely some referrals.But you're already sponsoring me.I can't accept anything else."Gage blinked at the rejection, but he didn't mention it.He hefted the bottle of scotch."Let's crack this open and celebrate.""I don't really drink hard stuff.But for everything that's happened in the past twenty-four hours, I think I can make an exception."CHAPTER 58A week later, Gage walked into his house after work.It had been a long day so he went into the kitchen and poured himself two fingers of the scotch Joseph had bought him.The stuff was too fancy to guzzle, but he didn't believe in saving it for fancy occasions.Gage put the bottle away and took a sip.He was surprised at how quiet the house was.He knew Joseph was there because his bike and his car were outside.But he was nowhere to be seen.Gage headed out to the hallway and called out for him.Joseph’s voice floated down from upstairs."I'm in your room."Gage went upstairs with his whiskey."What are you doing, hiding or something?" he asked as he pushed the door open."Not quite."Gage came to a stop, his glass halfway to his mouth."What do you think?"Gage could tell Joseph was nervous but he didn't see why.He looked so fucking good.Joseph stood there in one of his tight pairs of jeans.He was shirtless, showing off the naturally tan skin and taut muscles of his torso.It was his hair that had Gage speechless.It fell in soft waves around his shoulders as usual.But he’d had subtle blonde highlights put in.The golden streaks sparkled in the late afternoon sun pouring into the room.Gage went over to him, lifting those lightened locks."I like it." He looked at Joseph."It's pretty.Pretty and very … slutty." He brought Joseph’s hair to his face, inhaling the scent of coconut shampoo."It even smells slutty.Makes me want to treat you like a slut [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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