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.48 Paulicians rejected baptism with water because water was part of the material crea-tion.They understood Christ s command to baptize as an allegorical reference toreceiving Him spiritually.49 An imperial safe-conduct.50 Probably the great epidemic of 748.81 CHRISTIAN DUALIST HERESIESthe spirit, when they had rather received the power of the unclean spirit.Then Zacharias was angry because he might lose his paternal inherit-ance, and hitting Joseph the bastard senseless with a stone, he all butkilled him.125.After some time each of them resolved to take his own disciplesand move away from the place in secret.They had gone a short distancefrom the villages when the Saracens, suspecting that they were going toRomania,51 tracked them down.When Zacharias saw the attack of theSaracens he abandoned his disciples and ran away by himself.TheSaracens caught up with his disciples and slaughtered them.SoZacharias was blamed by the others as being a  hireling and not ashepherd [John.10.12].126.Joseph the bastard, also called the senseless, having learnt this,turned his wagons towards Syria, and when the Saracens came up, hetold them that he had come for pasture and cheese-making.52 TheSaracens were convinced by this excuse, and leaving them withoutfurther harassment, withdrew.127.Joseph the senseless with all his followers took advantage of thisopportunity, and escaped from that place.He came to Episparis, whichhas often been mentioned, and was warmly welcomed by the inhabit-ants.They all lit lamps and welcomed with great honour one worthy ofall dishonour, as if he were a disciple of Christ.128.A God-fearing man, one of the local archons, named Krikoraches,heard of this and surrounded the house where the disciple of Mani waswith many soldiers, and arrested his disciples, but Joseph escaped andran off as a fugitive towards Phrygia, and leaving there, he settled inAntioch in Pisidia.53129.He too fought on behalf of evil for thirty years, and told hisdisciples he was Epaphroditus the disciple54 of the apostle Paul, sent byhim to them.I would more reasonably have called him Aphronetus.Hewas exceedingly lacking in education and judgement.Having made51 At this time Mananalis was evidently on the Arab side of the shifting Arab/Byzantinefrontier.52 Compare the description of a Paulician unit in the capital as the  tagma of theherdsmen (Nicephorus the Patriarch, quoted in Garsoian,  Byzantine heresy , p.98,n.56).53 This may be the incident described by Zonaras (PG 135,16B1 C3).54 See Phil.2.25.Aphronetus means  senseless.P82 PETER OF SICILY S HISTORY OF THE PAULICIANSmany liable to eternal punishment by his vicious evil-doing he, too,ended his life there in a place called Khortokopeium.55130.While he was still alive, a woman disciple of his in Armenia, havinghad an adulterous relationship with a disciple of his, had a son, as theysay,  of the Hebrews , Baanes the Foul, famous for vice.131.This Baanes succeded Aphronetus.He preserved the heresy safewhich he had received from his predecessors, full of impurity, and ledmany of the insensate to complete destruction, becoming himself theinstructor in evil.132.Not much later another opponent of truth appeared in theneigbourhood of the city of Tavium.Near there there is a village namedAnnia, where lived a man named Druinus.56 He had a son namedSergius, the champion of the devil, Sergius who made many of the sheepwolves, and through them scattered the flock of Christ, Sergius theterrible wolf in sheep s clothing who skilfully pretended to be virtuousand so deceived many, Sergius the enemy of the cross of Christ, thevoice of impiety, the insulter of the mother of God and of all the saints,Sergius the arch-adversary of the apostles of Christ, who hated theprophets and turned his back on holy scripture, wandering away into liesand fairy-tales; Sergius the hater of Christ, the enemy of the Church, theone who trampled underfoot the son of God, who  treated the blood ofthe covenant as common blood and outraged the spirit of grace [Heb.10.29].134.Sergius who called himself the Paraclete and Tychicus,57 and wasadored by his own disciples as the holy spirit, Sergius the lover ofdarkness who called himself the star of daybreak.135.So, then, this Sergius, while still a young man, had a relationshipwith a woman who was a Manichaean, and being led astray by her,became the forerunner of antichrist.136.Some teachers of the most evil heresy were descended fromSaracens, some from slaves, others were born from prostitution, andothers took their error from women.55 The literal meaning of the name is  vegetable market.The place is not otherwiseknown.56 See map for Tavium.Annia is not otherwise known.57 Mani also allegedly described himself as the Paraclete (Euodius, De fide contraManichaeos (PG 42.1146), 24); for Tychicus see Eph.6.21.83 CHRISTIAN DUALIST HERESIES137.So that I may not seem to be accusing them for nothing, I will givea detailed account of him.138.When he was a young man, it happened that he entered into arelationship with an immodest woman who belonged, it is said, to theManichaean heresy.The devil s disciple, in her cunning and corruption,said to him. I hear of you, kyr Sergius, that you are practised in theknowledge of letters and education, and that in all ways you are a goodman.Tell me then, why do you not read the holy gospels? He wasstruck by her words, totally failing to recognize the hidden poison of evilin her, and said,  It is not right for laymen like me to read them, but onlyfor priests.139.She said to him,  It is not as you suppose,  for God shows nopartiality [Rom.2.11]. The Lord desires all men to be saved and tocome to the knowledge of the truth [1 Tim.2.4].But since your priestsare  peddlers of the word of God [2 Cor.2.17] and conceal themysteries of the gospel, that is why they do not read to you all that iswritten in them for you to hear, but read some parts and not others, sothat you may not arrive at knowledge of the truth.140.For it is written that on that day some will say,  Lord, Lord, did wenot cast out demons in your name and do many mighty works? [Matt.7.22].And the king will answer,  Truly I say to you, I do not know you[Matt.25.12].Search therefore and see, is this not how it is written? Andthere are some to whom the Lord will say,  I do not know you  [Matt.7.23].Foolishly, in his ignorance Sergius was embarrassed and silent.141.This is how the gospel saying should be interpreted: there are someeven in our own day who live the life of Christ and seem to live piously,but who know how through incantation to put demons to flight fre-quently and to heal sickness and disease, just as long ago did the sons ofSceva or those who were called exorcists [Acts 19.13 14].142.Even now there are people who act in this way and do not knowthat through incantation they are ruining their own salvation.They willcry out on that day, saying,  Lord, Lord, did we not cast out demons inyour name and do many mighty works? , and in reply the Lord will sayto them,  Truly I say to you, I never knew you.143 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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