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.This time he’d sit there and take it.He got out of the shower and eased the bathroom door open a bit.She wasn’t outside.A big pain hit his gut.Was she so angry that she’d run to Lucas to complain? Was she at that very moment squawking to his friend about how much of an ass he’d been? Was she asking Lucas to help her leave town? Oh, hell.She couldn’t leave.Rushing out of the bathroom, scrubbing the towel over his chest as he did, he hurried to his clothes on the chair.At the clearing of a throat, he turned around.Shala sat at the tiny desk behind the bathroom door, laptop open, one hand now covering her eyes, but her two middle fingers had a wide vee of separation and one blue eye was checking him out.He let her look a few seconds before moving the towel from his chest to his crotch.“I looked out and didn’t see you.I thought you’d stepped out,” he explained.She moved her hand.“Still here,” she said.A blush turned her cheeks a pretty pink color.He studied her expression, blush and all.Was she not angry at him?She glanced back at her laptop.“I wanted to show you a few things I found when I went through my pictures.I’m not sure if it’s anything but…it might be something.”He wrapped the towel around his waist, moved closer.“Show me.”He leaned down, put his hand on her shoulder.Emotion churned his gut just from the contact.It hurt like hell, but it also felt wonderful, because she was still there.And obviously she wasn’t furious with him, either.Or was she just hiding it?“Let me find it again.” She clicked through the images.He leaned down close, his cheek pressed against hers.“I’m sorry, Shala.”Her fingers on the keyboard stopped moving.She glanced over, uncertain.“For what?”“For being a jerk just now.”“You weren’t really a jerk.”“Yes, I was.I thoroughly enjoyed what happened.” He waved toward the bed.“You’re beautiful, and I really would like to enjoy it again…and enjoy more.Instead of telling you that, I got frustrated and ran.”Her blue eyes studied him.She bit her lip, as if debating her next words.“I enjoyed it, too.” She held up her unbandaged hand, her fingers pinched close together.“I just need a little more time.”“And maybe some privacy?” He looked toward the door, beyond which Lucas had started another song.“That might help, too.” She smiled.He kissed her.Her mouth was warm and sweet.Careful not to let things progress to a place where he’d end up apologizing again, he pulled back.Shala went back to flipping through the images.He remembered he’d already apologized to her twice before: once in the hospital, when he’d been giving her a hard time about being afraid of stitches, and again when he’d forgotten about her hospital issue.All three times she’d accepted his apology without giving him grief.All three times he might have deserved a little grief.Which meant Shala Winters wasn’t the type to hold grudges.Not very many women managed that.It was a nice quality.It somehow made up for the jabbering and snooping.“Here’s one of them,” she said, and pointed to the screen.“I’d stopped off on my way to Precious to get a few shots of other accommodations around the area.I think this shot is around Bueford—I could check my notes and tell you for sure.But the Chambers gave me directions to a few of local cabins that are rented out.They said I couldn’t take shots of the inside because a couple of them were leased, but I could take a few outside shots.Look in the car parked in the driveway.I didn’t notice it when I took the shot, but look, it has two people, and I don’t think they’re just talking, if you know what I mean.”He shifted to study the picture.“I mean, it’s sort of odd that they’ve got a whole cabin and they’re doing it in the car, but…” Her hands started tapping some keys.“Let me blow it up and you’ll see.” Then she looked up at him.“I thought maybe someone is cheating and think I’m like a PI or something.I know it’s not much, but…”He smiled.“As you said, it’s more than before.”“There are three others.” She tapped a few more keys.An image taken at nearby Cypress Pond appeared.A couple of men were fishing, and to the right was a family having a picnic [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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