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.He already is one, he may as well look like it.""You can't turn the sheriff into a toad, Hannah, It's against the rules," Abbey reminded her."Give him a doughnut gut or a nervous twitch.""That's not good enough," Kate chimed in."You need imagination to pay that man back.Something much more subtle—like every time he goes to lie to a woman to get her in bed, he blurts out the truth or tells them what a hound dog he is.""I'll do worse than that," Hannah threatened, "I'll make it so he's lousy in bed! Mister Macho Man, the bad boy who couldn't do anything but make fun of me in school.He thinks he's such a lady's man.""Hannah." Sarah heard the pain in her sister's voice and spoke gently."You were then, and still are now, so incredibly beautiful and brainy.No one could ever conceive of you being so painfully shy.You hid it well.No one knew you threw up before school every day or that we had to work combined spells to keep you functioning in public situations.They wouldn't know you still have problems.You've faced those fears by doing the things that terrify you and you're always successful.Outsiders see your beauty and brains and success.They don't see what you're hiding in private.""Someone's coming up the path," Kate said without looking away from Hannah.She held out her hand to her sister."We're all so proud of you, Hannah.Who cares what Jonas Harrington thinks?""It's not Harrington, although he's close by somewhere," Abbey said."I think it's Sarah's gate crasher.You know, the one she spent the night with.I still can't get over that, and Elle says she wants every intimate detail the minute you get a chance.""There are no intimate details," Sarah objected, exasperated."I'm going to install a security system for him.Kate, don't let them read your books anymore, you're giving them wild imaginations.""It wasn't our imaginations that he was kissing you," Hannah pointed out gleefully."We saw you!""And you were kissing him back," Abbey added."Well, that part wasn't altogether my fault!" Sarah defended."He's a great kisser.What could I do but kiss the man back?"The sisters looked at one another solemnly and burst out laughing simultaneously.The dog curled up in the corner lifted his head and whined softly to get their attention."He's here, Sarah, and the gate must have opened for him a second time," Kate said, intrigued."I really have to take a long look at the Drake history book.I want to see exactly what that prophecy says.How strange that something written hundreds of years ago applies to us even in this modern day and age.""Kate, sweetie," Abbey said, "every age thinks it's progressive and modern but in reality we're going to be considered backward someday.""He's on the verandah," Kate announced and hurried to the front door.Her sisters trailed after her.Sarah's heart began to race.Damon was not the land of man she had ever considered she'd be attracted to, yet she couldn't stop thinking about him.She thought a lot about his smile, the way two small dents appeared near the corners of his mouth.Intriguing, tempting little dents.He had the kind of smile that invited long drugging kisses, hot, melting together."Sarah!" Hannah hissed her name."The temperature just went up a hundred degrees in here.You know you can't think like that around us.Sheesh! One day with this man and your entire moral code has collapsed."Sarah considered arguing, but she didn't have much of a defense.If Damon hadn't been such a gentleman and stopped at just kissing, she might have made love to him.All right, she would have made love to him.She should have made love to him.She lay awake all night, hot and bothered and edgy with need.Darn the man for having chivalrous manners anyway.She smiled and touched her mouth with a feeling of awe.He had kissed her most of the night.Delicious, wonderful, sinfully rich kisses."Sarah!" All three of her sisters reprimanded her at once.Sarah grinned at them unrepentantly."I can't help it, he just affects me that way.”"Well, try not to throw yourself at him," Abbey urged."It's so unbecoming in a Drake.Dignity at all times when it comes to men."Hannah was looking out the window.She wrinkled her nose."Kate, when you open the door for Damon, do let the dogs out for their morning romp.They've been cooped up all night, the poor things."Kate nodded and obediently waved the dogs through as she greeted Damon [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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