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.I needed to get to Grace.Bright hot flames engulfed her room.Grace lay still on her bed; I could barely see her through the dark, thick smoke.I slid into her bed covering her body with mine to shield her.“Grace,” I begged.“Grace, please wake up!” I shook her, but she lay limp in my arms.Flames spread and raced across the ceiling and floor, circling us.In a perfect fucking circle? What the fuck? How the hell are flames traveling in a perfect fucking CIRCLE? I could hear Lea screaming from somewhere, but within seconds, her cries were suffocated by the hissing and crackling of the flames.I cradled Grace in my arms.There was no time even to think straight.How the fuck am I getting her out of here?The air was getting too thick and the flames were closing around us, beginning to burn the sheets of her bed.“Grace, baby, please, please wake up.Grace, please don’t leave me, please.I love you.”Sirens pierced through the rumble of the burning flames.I carried her listless body through the heat and flames.Tears fell down my cheeks that evaporated within seconds from the scorching temperature.I could still feel her pulse thudding strongly under her skin, but the thought of losing her as I lost Selah was crushing.I kicked my steel toe boots through her bedroom window until I felt the glass shatter and fall around me.The cold air filled my lungs painfully as I slid Grace and me down the fire escape ladder and coughed out a scream for Conner and Lea to open the front gate.Firefighters immediately surrounded us and Grace was ripped from my arms.I stumbled to the curb, threw up fucking tequila-flavored pancakes, and wept like a child.I didn’t move until Conner placed his hands on my shoulders and squeezed, “She’s gonna be okay, bro, she’s breathing.They’re going take her to the hospital and look her over, but it just looks like smoke inhalation.” He knelt down behind me and knocked the front of his head to the back of mine, still holding onto my shoulders tight.“Shane, if you hadn’t woke up.Grace and Lea…” He inhaled deeply and coughed out a choked cry, “Thank you, Shane, I couldn’t live without Lea in my life.I just couldn’t.I wouldn’t want to.”Conner helped me up and gave me one of his big man hugs.With his arm still over my shoulder, he helped me over to Grace who had an oxygen mask over her beautiful ash covered blackened face.I turned to one of the EMTs who started cleaning her face off with some sort of wipes, “Any burns?”“No sir,” she smiled.“This is a very lucky girl.”When the fire was extinguished, I walked over to the fire chief to see what he had to say.Definitely arson.It was a simple glance at the burn patterns and the smell of gasoline, thick black smoke, oh, and let’s not overlook the fucking melted gas container someone left by the foot of her bed.Carl fucking Sumpton.How do you want to die, Carl? Because I’m going to make sure that happens.Slowly.I watched from a distance as Grace sat up with the help of Lea.Why would this guy want to kill Grace? I stayed in the distance watching over her and wracked my brain for what I needed to do to keep her safe.Ethan and the rest of the guys were running down the street to her.Tucker, of course, reached her first and grabbed her into his arms like a rag doll until the paramedics separated him from her and rolled her gurney into the ambulance.The ambulance pulled away taking Grace to the hospital, while Conner and I spoke to the fire chief and police about Carl Sumpton and the events of the night.Even the two detectives that came to Grace’s house to tell us about the dick escaping showed up.I eyed them as if I was going to stab them both in the eyes with my bare fingers.This shit wouldn’t be happening if they could hold a damn prisoner, one who supposedly has only a few weeks to live.Nothing made sense.I talked the fire chief into escorting me back into the apartment to get Grace and my guitars that we left in living room.The apartment stunk, but the damage was really contained to only Grace’s room, and I wondered how someone could look at Grace and not want her around.It seemed impossible to me.Tucker, Ethan, even Brayden and Alex were out in front of the apartment with the firefighters and police discussing the situation when I came out of the apartment with our instruments.“Look at the fucking hero, even saving her guitar!” Tucker sneered.“Shut up, douche.”Everyone fell silent as I approached them on the sidewalk.“You know there’s no way she’d want to keep her guitar here.” I looked at Ethan and Conner.“She and Lea are going to be staying with us.This is too messed up.I’m not letting her out of my sight from now on,” I said flatly.Ethan and Conner both silently nodded their heads.There was nothing else to say.Tucker coughed, “I was thinking that maybe I should take her to my winter house.Get her out of the city for a while; no one will know where to find her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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