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.Everything was just fine.* * * * * Come running with me, a husky, sexy voice whispered in her ear.Christiana snuggled deeper into thewarmth of the blankets and masculine arms and chest she was entwined with. Cold, she murmured.The chest her face pressed against rumbled with deep laughter. It won t be cold and you know it.Come on, Sweet One.I have this incredible urge to run with youagain, like we did back when we were kids.The light pinch to her ass had her yelping and lifting her head, opening her eyes blearily. It s in the middle of the night, she complained teasingly.When Edward dragged himself from beneath the covers he shivered only slightly, naked in the chill nightair.Christiana pouted slightly at the small warm spot he left in the bed where he had lain.Damn it, butshe d have to follow him now.Without his large, heated presence the bed would cool fairly quickly.The feral grin Edward gave her let her know he knew the exact train of her thoughts. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Come on, Sweet One, he chided,  Come run with me.With that, her large pirate, her True Mate, shimmered and, with the blink of an eye, Changed into a hugeblack beast of a wolf.Christiana sighed and dramatically pulled herself, naked, from the bed.Standing straight and tall, in noway intimidated by her naked state, she wagged her finger. This is bribery or emotional blackmail or something my too-tired brain can t think of. She placed herhands on her hips, confident her wolf knew exactly what she spoke.When he came and nuzzled her hipsand thigh, his wet nose jolted her.She sighed. Fine, fine.Lets go run then.I suppose the exercise will do us both good.With barely a thought, she shimmered and Changed.Looking out of her wolf s eyes, Christiana found herself momentarily wondering how she could haveever doubted Edward was her True Mate.He complimented her in every area.He would be a strongmate, a rock of strength for her throughout the years to come.He would never stand between her andthe Pack, yet he was confident enough to deal with her as equals in their home.Christiana knew he saw a much lighter colored wolf, a mixture of her father s brown and her mother sblonde hair.Her blue eyes shone with happiness in the light from the moon.With an impatient snap at his heels, she tagged him in their old manner from childhood, nudged theslightly-open cabin door wide open and ran out into the woods.A game of Chase was what he wanted?He was  It now and he damn well knew it.Now she just had to try and escape.Laughing inside herself, she let the scents and sounds of the night wrap around her.She would neverescape Edward, never leave him or have to question him.He might let her wander around for a while butshe knew he would always be just a step behind her.As the large wolf pounded on her from a tree ahead of her, she laughed.Or maybe a step ahead of her.Who knew with Edward? He had always seemed a step ahead of herwhen she thought him a step behind.At least he d always keep her on her toes, she knew as she watched him dart into the trees deep in thewoods.Scenting him on the wind she gave chase.She d catch up to him, always.Chapter SixteenSix weeks laterChristiana hugged her father for the fourth time in as many minutes.Feeling rather weary, she pulled from Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlhis possessive, fatherly embrace and handed him her last tissue from her purse as he tried to sniff awayhis tears of happiness. Honestly, dad, you d think I was moving to Australia or something.I m going to be less than an houraway, and seeing you most workdays.Not to mention evenings when I need some cooking tips frommom or when I want a moonlit romp in the backyard& Sophie came up to rescue her from decking her father and hugged her again. Really, Artemais, give the girl a chance to talk to her other guests.I thought it was the mother of thebride who is supposed to take over everything.So far I ve been allowed to organize the food for thereception and nothing else.Go and talk to your brothers, beat your chests or drink some beer orsomething, but leave the poor girl alone.Christiana hugged her mom as her father stalked off muttering, and whispered in her ear,  Please keephim away from me.You d think I was going to the guillotine, not moving in with my new husband.Sophie patted her on the back, as if she were a baby with gas and not a fully grown, newly marriedyoung woman. Don t worry, dear.It s just taking him a bit of time to come to terms with the fact his eldest baby isgrown and mated.These things take time.Christiana smiled. Think I should drop the bombshell that he s about to become a grandpa?Sophie snickered. You might want to save that one for a few days.You can t possibly remember whata bear he is to be with when he s in protective-baby mode.Think of how he s been the last few weeksand magnify it tenfold at least.I bet he still has some of those damn books we got when I found out aboutyou.The man is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to pregnancy and baby tidbits.Christiana wrinkled her nose. Edward is the same.He s bought every book the local store has onprenatal care and pregnancy-for-dummies.He s insisting I eat the required amount of folate and calciumand he jeers at all my cravings [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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