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."Just shut up and wait with the rest of us."Five minutes passed, and Connor spoke to the commander again."Can you get in there yet?""Not a chance.The whole damned hangar collapsed.There's enough ammo to arm a Marine division in there, and all of it's cooking off.It's raining shrapnel out here.No one's going near the place until it stops.""And Sultan Haq?""Sir, no one got out of there but my men.If Haq was in there when it went up, he's in there now."Connor looked at Sharp."The bomb is in there," he said."We had a visual confirmation.""You saw it with your own eyes, did you?""We saw the crate it was packed in.""The crate?" Sharp's skepticism was apparent."Yeah.What do you think—they carry it around on their belt like a BlackBerry?""For your sake, I hope so, Frank.But this looks like it's going to take a while to clear.In the meantime, you're removed from your post.President's orders.These men are federal marshals.They're here to escort you from the premises and take you to your home, where you are to consider yourself under house arrest until further notice."With disbelief, Connor looked over Sharp's shoulder at the two men behind him."House arrest? On what charges?""Gross dereliction of duty, for one," said Sharp."Also, a man named James Malloy was found murdered in his home last night.I understand you paid him a visit the other night.I'm sure we're going to find plenty more violations as soon as you tell us exactly what you've been up to."Connor pointed at the screen."There is a WMD in that building.""If it's there, we'll find it.""I have an operator on-site.Her name is Danni Pine.I want to talk to her.""One of ours?""Mossad.""Another irregular? Good to know.I'll see that we get in touch with her immediately."A marshal approached, and Connor backed away."I need to know if Ransom is all right.We've got to get him out.""I will be sure to ask her," said Sharp."It's over, Frank.You're done.Goodbye."A marshal took Connor's arm."This way, sir."Connor held his head high as he was led out of the building."I'm sorry," said Peter Erskine."You left me no choice."66Jonathan and Danni commando-crawled one hundred meters to the safety of the repair shed where the troops had staged before the raid.The air continued to thunder with exploding mortars, artillery shells, grenades, and bullets, the tarmac shuddering with each blast.A mountain of smoke rose into the sky.But all Jonathan saw was the image of the jeeps driving at full speed away from the hangar.Winded, he stood and rushed to find the nearest soldier."I need to speak to your commanding officer," he said."It's an emergency.I may have seen Haq driving away from the hangar."A Pakistani soldier crouched on a knee before him, one hand on his helmet."That would be Major Nichols," he said, looking around and not seeing him.The soldier hailed Nichols over his radio and passed along Jonathan's message."He's coming around the hangar—he'll be here as quickly as possible."Two minutes passed, and a soldier approached from the left, running, his head down."I'm Nichols," the man said.He was Delta Force all the way.The beard, the Oakley sunglasses, the neck thicker than an oak."Who are you?""Ransom.I work for the government.I was with Balfour.Listen to me, the man you're looking for is—""Hold it!" Nichols raised a hand for Jonathan to shut up."You're Jonathan Ransom? And you, lady, you're Pine?"Danni nodded."You're both to come with me.I've been ordered to take you into custody.""Custody?" said Danni warily."What for?"Major Nichols consulted a scrap of paper in his hand."I'm to tell you that Frank Connor has been removed from his position as director of Division.Pending a debriefing and investigation, you're to consider yourselves under military confinement.""Removed? Why?" asked Jonathan."Sir, I'm telling you everything I know.Now let's get moving.""Hold it," said Jonathan earnestly, one smart, well-intentioned man speaking to another."All this stuff can wait.A second before the hangar went up, I saw two jeeps driving out the far side, heading toward the cargo terminals.One of the jeeps looked like the vehicle Haq was loading the warhead into."At the mention of the word "warhead," Nichols stiffened."Did you see Haq with your own eyes?""The jeeps were too far away," said Jonathan."Why? Have you found him inside?"Nichols studied Jonathan's bruised face, the cut beneath his eye, the notch in his ear."You the maniac that I saw running around in there trying to get at Haq?""Yeah."Nichols stuffed the paper back into his breast pocket."No," he said, after a moment's consideration."We didn't locate Haq or the warhead.There wasn't time before everything started cooking off.""He got out the back," said Jonathan.The images of the jeep were clearer now.He saw uniforms in the front seat and a hunched silhouette in the rear.A man covered by a blanket.He closed his eyes, willing himself to see more, to clear his mind and let his memory do the work, as Danni had taught him.The pictures grew more detailed, and with a jolt he opened his eyes."It was Haq.He was in the jeep.I spent time with him in Afghanistan.I know the guy.He has the warhead.I saw him loading it into the jeep inside the hangar."Nichols leaned in closer [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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