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.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"And neither of us would remember about the Night World," Thea said."So howcould we be breaking any laws?""The law would be satisfied," Aradia said.Eric's hand tightened on Thea's."But-"She looked at him."It's the only way for us to be together."He shut his mouth.This silence was very long.Then Blaise, who had been standing with crossed arms, watching, said, "Shetold me they were soulmates."For an instant, Thea thought she was saying it spitefully, to harm.But Gran was turning in surprise."Soulmates.That's a notion I haven't heardin a while.""An archaic myth," Rhys said, shifting in his lab coat."Maybe not," Mother Cybele said softly."Maybe the old powers are waking upagain.Maybe they're trying to tell us something."Gran looked down at the floor.When she looked back at Thea, there were tearsin her fierce dark eyes.And for the first time since Thea had known her,those eyes looked truly old."If we did let you do this," she said, "if we let you renounce your heritageand walk away from us.where would you go?"It was Eric who answered."With me," he said simply."My mom and my sisteralready love her.And my mom knows she's an orphan.If I tell her Thea can'tstay here anymore-well, she'd take her in, no questions.""I see," Gran said.Eric hadn't mentioned that his mom already thought Theawas living in an unstable home with an unbalanced old lady, but Thea had thefeeling Gran knew.Another pause, as Gran looked around the Circle.Finally, she nodded and letout a breath."I think the girl's given us a way out," she said."Does anybodydisagree?"No one spoke.Most of the faces were pitying.They think it's a fate worsethan death, Thea realized.Blaise said suddenly, "I'll get the Cup."She clashed through the bead curtain.Good.It's good to get it over with, Thea thought.Her heart was poundingwildly.She and Eric were holding hands so tightly that her burned fingersstung."It won't hurt," she whispered to him."We'll be sort of confused.but itshould come back to us.except anything about magic.""You can transfer into zoology," he said."And go to Davis." He was smiling,Page 116 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlbut his eyes were full.Dani stepped forward."Can I.I'd just like to say good-bye." She gotthrough that much steadily.Then she choked and threw herself into Thea'sarms.Thea hugged back."I'm sorry I got you in trouble," she whispered."You didn't-you told them it wasn't my fault.They're not going to doanything to me.But it's going to be so lonely at school without you."Dani stepped away, shaking her head, trying not to cry."Blessed be."Blaise was back, little bells ringing.She had a pewter chalice in one handand a bottle in the other.Just seeing the bottle sent a shiver through Thea.The glass was so dark withage she couldn't tell what color it had been originally, and so misshapen itwas hard to know if it was meant to be round or square.There was wax over thecork and all sorts of seals and ribbons.Gran broke through the seals, pulled off the ribbons.She tried to twist thecork out of the wax, but Blaise had to help.Then she tipped the bottle above the cup Blaise held.Brownish liquid ran out.Gran poured until the cup was half full."When you drink this," Gran said to Thea, "you'llforget me.You won't know anyone here.But we won't forget you." She spokeformally, an announcement before the Circle."Thea Sophia Harman, let therecord show that you are a true daughter of Hellewise."She shuffled forward and kissed Thea's cheek.Thea hugged her, feeling the fragile old body for the last time."Good-bye,Gran.I love you."Then Blaise came, offering the cup in both hands.She looked wild andbeautiful, her hair a cataract of black tumbling around her, her hands palearound the chalice."Good-bye," Thea said, and took it from her.Blaise smiled.Now, Thea told herself.Don't hesitate.Don't think about it.She lifted the cup to her lips and drank.And choked slightly on the first swallow.It was- it tasted like.Her eyes went to Blaise's.Which were large and gray and luminous.They looked at her steadily.Sosteadily that it was a warning.Thea kept drinking.Tea.Watered-down iced tea.That was what the Cup of Lethe tasted like.Page 117 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlThat bottle was sealed-she didn't have time- there was wax on the cork.Thea's mind was churning.But she had enough sense to do one thing-she dranka lot of whatever was in the cup, so there wouldn't be any left over for theCircle to examine when Eric was done.And she kept her face blank as Blaise took the chalice from her and gave itto Eric.Eric drank, looked slightly surprised, and kept drinking."Finish it allll," Blaise said.Her eyes were still on Thea's.And that was when Thea knew for sure.You did it before, when you were first talking about giving human boys theCup of Lethe after spilling their blood at the Homecoming dance.You poured itout and stashed it somewhere and put in tea and redid all those seals-ofcourse you could reproduce them with molds.And now.and now.As Blaise took the chalice back from Eric, it hit Thea in a wave that almostmade her hysterical.This is never going to work.They're never going to believe it.But.Thea took Eric's hand and sank her nails into his palm.She didn't dare say aword to him, didn't dare even look at him.But she was thinking, don't speak,don't do anything, just follow my lead.She made her face as blank as a wax doll.Eric was just standing there.He didn't know what to expect, but he obviouslyfelt Thea's nails.And he proved how smart he was by not speaking."We stand adjourned," Gran said tersely."Blaise, take them out while they'restill confused.They should be able to get home on their own." She turned awaywithout looking at Thea."No problem," Blaise said.Aradia said, "I'll go with you."CHAPTER17They walked out to Eric's jeep.The night air was very cold and there was nomoon.Thea kept her hand on Eric's back, ready to press if he hesitated.But henever did.At the door of the jeep, Thea looked at Blaise.She was afraid to show anyexpression.Could Aradia see them? She wanted desperately to give Blaise alast hug.Aradia said, "Is there a window from the shop onto this street?"Thea looked at Blaise.Blaise said, "No."Page 118 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html"Then you can say good-bye.After this you're going to have to pretend not toknow each other."Thea stared at her, then felt a wild choked giggle well up."Now I know whyyou're Maiden," she said, in a bare whisper [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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