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.Although the images of them are computer-enhanced(as is the case with any centerfold model), these playmates of preg-nancy are great examples of positive portrayals ofsexually attractive and active preggies  and in-spiration for you to stay in full swing!Although we warned you in Chapter 2to avoid any sadomasochistic (S&M) ac-tivities, you and your lover are in theclear when it comes to bondage anddomination (B&D), S&M s tamercounterpart.We encourage theadventurous among you to in-dulge such fantasies! Whetheror not you and your lover haveever dabbled in erotic-restraintplay, such activities are perfectfor preggies and their part-ners.They are red-hot naughtyenough to get both lovers off,often without intercourse.Infact, many people surprise them-selves by finding that they can get offFigure 4.9solely on naughty acts of playful aggres-A preggie tied upwith bondage tapesion, including biting, being tied up (seeFigure 4.9), or being  forced to satisfy adominant lover s sexual desires. Third Trimester Sex: Improvisation Is Key 119EàWhat s Going on with Your PartnerYour honey is also experiencing libido changes.He or she maybe more turned on or totally turned off by your pregnancy.Inthe case of the former, part of your partner s excitement has to dowith the fact that he or she is having sex with a  different woman.The newness of the experience, whether it s because of how youfeel or how you look, can really get your partner off.Join in byplaying up the mystery.Lose yourself in the fantasy of naughtyseductress or dirty little housewife, and get free of the  But I m amama mentality.Pretend your partner really is making love toanother woman, one who s a bit Lolita  bad. Cut loose, have anout-of-body experience, and let your imagination run wild.for hot mamasCarpe Diem''Massages and cuddling can provide a heightened sense of intimacyduring T3.Use touch techniques to stimulate your senses, keepyou connected with your partner, and increase waning desire.Stoke the flames of passion with scented candles and other ambi-ance enhancers.Aromatherapy oils infused with rose, lavender,geranium, chamomile, or spicy scents are wonderful additions tolate-pregnancy massages.A good massage not only relieves ten-sion, stress, fatigue, and pain, but also can help the growing fetusby eliminating toxins from the mother s lymphatic system. 120 Your Orgasmic PregnancyeRegardless of how you choose to spend it, savor this preciouslast bit of time alone with your partner.It will be at least eighteenyears until your full autonomy as a couple returns! Sabine says, Throughout the rest of our life, finding time for lovemakingwill be a challenge, so we need to cherish the time we have with noother things going on.Obviously, you should never have sex if you really don t wantto.Bow out with a polite  No thanks or  Not this evening, with-out guilt.And know that your partner has as much right to refuseas you do.Raleigh handled her husband s opting-out gracefully. Ever since the thirty-six-week mark, when the doc could feel thebaby s head with his fingers, Pirro Cy said he wasn t coming nearme.It s now a nonissue.Sex doesn t happen.Yet we re closer thanwe ve ever been, intimate through touch, cuddling, petting, kiss-ing.He ll sit there in my arms and I ll caress him or kiss him.In your sex life, as in everything, honor your true self and yourheart s desires.However, don t forget to entertain the possibilityof using sex to expedite delivery.Research indicates that sex mayactually make D-day happen much more quickly and smoothly.Read on.Sex Near the Time of Your Due Date May Help''With all the mixed information floating around concerning sexnear your due date, we need to set the record straight.Prostaglan-dins, which are chemicals present in male semen, are widely be-lieved to aid in the induction of labor.For years, midwives havesuggested topical application of semen to soften the cervix and Third Trimester Sex: Improvisation Is Key 121Eàhelp it ripen.And as we discussed in the last chapter, some re-search indicates that swallowing her partner s ejaculate duringfellatio can actually be good for a pregnant woman and her baby. I encourage my patients to have lots of sex in the last month, saysDr.Meulenberg. For some it works, for others not.What about fears of triggering a premature birth? A 2001study involving nearly six hundred women at three prenatal clin-ics found strong evidence against the popular notion that sexualactivity correlated in any way with increased risk of preterm de-livery.Continuing sexual activity into late pregnancy was actuallya strong predictor of the pregnancy s going full term or beyond.While researchers could not identify the mechanisms at work,their findings turned up evidence that late-pregnancy orgasm,even in the absence of intercourse, reduced the risk of pretermbirth.Other studies have confirmed similar findings [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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