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.Finally, Calrissian led the Taanabdefense fleet in their clean-up operation, and single-handedly accounted for nineteen kills.Though the Taanab portmaster offered him a permanent job, Calrissian declined, preferringinstead to investigate his newly-won deed to a Clendoran brewery.Later, just prior to the Battle ofEndor, Calrissian was promoted to Alliance general partly on the notoriety of this incident.Over47 five years later, Joruus C'baoth coordinated an Imperial attack on Taanab, where he used theBellicose's turbolasers to destroy a New Republic ship over the direct orders of Captain Aban.[ROTJ, ROJN, DFR, DLOS, SWAJ]TaboonTaboon, located in the Stenness system, is circled by many moons-- one of which was the privatemoon of Great Bogga the Hutt.Bogga, who constructed a great palace on Taboon, was the rulerof the Stenness underworld four thousand years ago.Millennia later, the bounty hunters Zardraand Jodo Kast tracked their targets to the Red Shadow, a Taboon bistro.The ensuing firefightresulted in the explosive death of Mageye the Hutt.[TOTJ, TFTC]TalaseaThe fourth planet in the Morobe system, Talasea orbits the yellow primary star in a red/yellowbinary group.A cool, moist, fog-shrouded world, Talasea has a higher gravity than standard andis lashed by severe thunderstorms during the rainy season.Island continents make up its landmasses.Animal life includes native insects and reptiles, along with feral mammals descendedfrom those brought for an early farming colony.Indigenous plant life includes green ivy and thekaha tree.Colonized long ago, most of the settlers' descendants left over the years, and the last group ofthem were wiped out by Darth Vader after the Clone Wars for harboring a fugitive Jedi.Somethree years after the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron was moved from Folor to Talasea, closerto the Galactic Core, as a staging area for their eventual move on Coruscant.They made theirbase on the largest of the island continents, inhabiting the ruins of Talasea's PlanetaryGovernor's Palace and the surrounding ivy-covered cottages.The Palace's primitive Grand Roomwas built of heavy native wood and thick plaster.After Imperial Intelligence agent Kirtan Loordeduced the location of Rogue Squadron's new headquarters, Admiral Devlia ordered a platoonof stormtroopers to secretly infiltrate the base and plant explosives.Though the squadron lost sixsentries and pilot Lujayne Forge, all of the Imperial commandos were captured or killed.TheAlliance immediately evacuated the base, leaving behind several booby traps for any Imperialfollow-up teams to discover.[XWRS]TallaanA planet in the Core Worlds near the Colonies region, Tallaan is the site of the Tallaan ImperialShipyards.When Grand Moff Tarkin was killed aboard the first Death Star, the Empire releasedan official statement claiming that Tarkin had actually died in a shuttle crash at the Tallaanshipyards.[SWAJ]TallekWhen the planet Tallek was hit with an outbreak of deadly thorn fever, Imperial medics placed thesick in isolation camps and let them die.[SWAJ]TaloraanThe largest planet in the isolated Kelavine system of the Expansion Region, Taloraan is anunexplored gas giant nearly 100,000 kilometers in diameter.The planet has a strong magneticfield, and is orbited by seven uninhabitable moons and a spectacular ring system.Taloraan's hotatmosphere, rich in tibanna gas, is breathable at high altitudes, and several forms of life haveevolved among its clouds.Sleft-chuffni are huge, 200-meter long gasbags which gather driftingalgae with their hanging tentacles, while the carnivorous flying rays called fleft-wauf hunt the sleft-chuffni and attack with their barbed tails.Years ago, several groups of humans were somehowstranded on Taloraan and separated into two groups-- the peaceful Denfrandi and the belligerentWind Raiders.The Denfrandi keep a herd of one hundred sleft-chuffni, and live in gondolas slungunderneath the beasts.The Wind Raiders attack on fleft-wauf mounts, and live within the bodycavity of a colossal, kilometer-long floater known as an island-beast.[SWAJ]Talus48 One of the five habitable planets in the Corellian system, Talus is a blue, white and green worldthe same size as its sister planet Tralus, and both orbit a common center of gravity (whereCenterpoint Station is located).Together they are referred to as the Double Worlds, and both areruled by the elected Federation of the Double Worlds, or Fed-Dub.Beneath the surface of Talusis a planetary repulsor, which was used in ancient times to move the planet into its current orbitfrom an unknown location.When a flare-up in Centerpoint Station (fourteen years after the Battleof Endor) caused many deaths, the survivors were relocated to Talus and Tralus.When wordspread of the incident, a rebellion against Fed-Dub occurred on Talus.A group of starfighters,possibly representing the Talus rebellion, subsequently flew to Centerpoint and claimed thestation for themselves, until chased off by a Bakuran task force.[AAC, AAS, SAC]TandankinThe planet Tandankin was taken over by Imperial forces under the command of Grand MoffNivers following the Battle of Endor.When Rogue Squadron arrived to free the planet, WedgeAntilles was forced to topple an enormous tower-- the Tandankin people's greatest monument-- inorder to destroy a landing strip filled with TIE fighters.[XW]TangreneTangrene was the site of a major Imperial Ubiqtorate base, until General Garm Bel Iblis' privatearmy bypassed three Star Destroyers and completely destroyed the installation.Later, while theUbiqtorate base was being rebuilt, the New Republic tried to give the impression that they wereintending to attack Tangrene to acquire a CGT array.In reality, their true target was Bilbringi.[DFR, TLC]TaraloonA small, uncharted world of plateaus and subterranean canyons, Taraloon is hidden deep withinthe Quintar Nebula.The pirate Drek Drednar has established a secret base on the planet, deepwithin an underground world of rivers and trees.The planet was discovered by Drednar'snavigator Tron Nixx, who gave it its name-- "Taraloon" means "buried treasure" on Nixx'shomeworld of Corlass.Animal life on Taraloon includes the predatory, reptilian gornalak.[SWAJ]TargonnThe home planet of a bird-like alien species, formerly under the brutal rule of Dictator-ForeverCraw.Craw, ruling from his palace behind an impenetrable force field, imposed a 99 percent taxrate on his subjects and forced their children to toil in factories until the age of six.Before theirservice to Captain Antilles, R2-D2 and C-3PO were captured by Craw and taken to his palace.Craw planned to uncover the secret of the savorium herb, (which turned people into happy slavescalled  smilers ) and then rule over a contented but mindless populace.Meanwhile, severalsplinter groups dedicated to overthrowing Craw united under the revoltist leader Shay, andinfiltrated the palace through the sewer s force-field hole.Their attack was unsuccessful, but theymanaged to rescue the two droids.A second attack, aided by R2 and 3PO s Ithorian masterZorneth, resulted in the defeat of Craw and his forces.[D]TatooineA harsh, desert planet orbiting a double star in the Outer Rim, near the worlds of Ryloth andPiroket, Tatooine is located in the system of the same name.Far from the galactic mainstream,Tatooine happens to occupy a strategic location at the nexus of several hyperspace routes.Unfortunately, there is very little of interest on Tatooine, and it is ignored by almost everyone, withthe exception of smugglers and criminals [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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