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.a work-shirking prison inmate who has him- Many hundreds of hippies and would-be beatniksself committed to an insane asylum, and Nurse flocked to his residence, which was surely a strainRatched, who controls the ward.This first novel on the author s patience.establishes the major theme that would run In 1974 Kesey began to publish a periodical inthroughout most of Kesey s fiction the individ- Oregon titled Spit in the Ocean.The sixth and sev-ual versus a repressive social structure.enth issues of the magazine are of particular impor-Shortly after Cuckoo s Nest, Kesey attached tance.Number six is a tribute to Neal Cassady, thehimself to the group of psychedelic explorers, in- model for Kerouac s character Dean Moriarty including NEAL CASSADY, known as The Merry On the Road.(This is Kesey s closest biographicalPranksters.In 1963 the group set out in their mul- link to the Beat Generation.) The seventh issue isticolored bus Furthur (a combination of farther and  All About Ken Kesey himself; it was published asfuture) from California with the ultimate goal of a book by Penguin in 2003.Each issue of Spit in theattending the New York World s Fair and the pub- Ocean was guest-edited by a friend of Kesey s, suchlication party for Kesey s next novel, SOMETIMES as Timothy Leary, who would choose the themeA GREAT NOTION.This large novel chronicles the of the issue.Seven Prayers for Grandma Whittier, a 182 Krishna Poemslong fictional interior monologue written by Kesey, though the  big Beats have sometimes been criti-is serialized in the seven issues of Spit in the Ocean, cized as media creations or publicity junkies, thereone episode per issue.is little recognition that there was a community ofThough the stage version of One Flew over the poets who followed in their wake and who essen-Cuckoo s Nest starring Kirk Douglass had been crit- tially remain marginal figures.Unlike the secondically panned in 1963, the critically acclaimed film generation of New York School poets, who carvedversion of One Flew over the Cuckoo s Nest starring out distinct identities away from their elders,Jack Nicholson in 1975 was a tremendous success, second-generation Beat poets were vastly over-despite Kesey s disapproval.shadowed by ALLEN GINSBERG, GREGORY CORSO,Kesey was working on a novel called Sailor LAWRENCE FERLINGHETTI, GARY SNYDER, and MI-Song when his son Jed died in 1984.This inaugu- CHAEL McCLURE.Poets such as RAY BREMSER andrated a period of writer s block that Kesey could JACK MICHELINE were generally found to be toonot begin to overcome until he began to work on  crude and/or  anti-intellectual to be consideredCaverns, an archaeological murder mystery writ- by either the mainstream or the alternative poet-ten by Kesey and a group of graduate students at ries dominated in the 1960s by the disciples andthe University of Oregon.One year before this friends of CHARLES OLSON.experimental novel was released in 1989, Kesey Krishna Poems were written in the mid- to latepublished a children s book, Little Tricker the Squir- 1960s and were published in 1970.They are fan-rel Meets Big Double the Bear, about a clever squir- ciful excursions that were written and publishedrel who thwarts a local bully.Another children s during a period where the Vietnam War generatedbook, The Sea Lion, was published in 1991.Kesey mountains of angry words from poets all acrosseventually completely overcame his writer s block America.Silverman, perhaps the only publishedconcerning  adult audiences and published Sailor American poet to have served during World WarSong in 1992.The novel is set in the future where II and the Korean War, responds to the absurdityenvironmental damage that is caused by humans of war with his own, albeit nonlethal, buckshots ofhas reached its apex.The final work published whimsy.during Kesey s life is another experiment in genrefor the author: 1994 s Last Go Round can best be it s Krishnadescribed as a pulp western.One posthumous who visits mepublication, Kesey s Jail Journal was published in with warm midnight lips2003.This collection is a series of short prose, il- on my forehead,lustrations, and poetry, much like Kesey s Garage who without wordsSale.Ken Kesey died on November 10, 2001, in speaks my thoughtsEugene, Oregon, following complications from and desires,liver surgery.andsuggestsBibliography i construct a poemLeeds, Barry.Ken Kesey.New York: Unger, 1981.in lovePorter, Gilbert M.The Art of Grit: Ken Kesey s Fiction.for my childrenColumbia: University of Missouri Press, 1982.is how the volume begins.Silverman s Krishna isDonovan Braud more a figure of the exotic than a religious symbol.In the late 1960s and early 1970s Krishna is guest-starring in the American religious firmament.InKrishna Poems Herschel Silverman (1970) 1965 Ginsberg paid for the boat passage of 69-year-HERSCHEL SILVERMAN s first collection remains old A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to thean undiscovered minor classic of Beat poetry.Al- United States from India.By 1966 he established Kyger, Joanne 183the International Society for Krishna Conscious- as a classical composer who studied under theness.In a few years the  Krishna People became great Nadia Boulanger.Krishna Poems borrows fromubiquitous in both the hippie neighborhoods and Enslin s style of the period, where the poetic line isin the less-restrictive airports of that era [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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