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.She described him actingin water, and smothered inout the part of a character he wasmud, and lamed by stones,creating.According to Mamie, Dickensand cut by flints, and stungstood before a mirror pantomimingby nettles, and torn by briars;gestures and making exaggeratedwho limped, and shivered, andfaces in order to  get it right.glared, and growled.Read the following characterizationDickens had an amazing eye forfrom the Dickens novel A Tale ofdetails.He also had a mind full ofTwo Cities.As you read, see if youmemories about characters he hadcan mentally picture the scruffy Jerryseen on the streets of London.HeCruncher attacking his morningwas a master at bringing thosemeal.characters to life.71 WORD SEARCH1.What ten-letter plural noun from the readingmeans  the people in stories, plays, films, etc. ? ____________________c2.What ten-letter adjective from the reading means has the same or nearly the same meaning ? ____________________s3.What eleven-letter verb from the reading means using movements only, without words, to actout or tell something ? ____________________p4.What eight-letter plural noun from the readingmeans  motions made with parts of the body,especially the hands or arms ? ____________________g5.What six-letter plural noun from the readingmeans  special qualities or characteristics ? ____________________tSYNONYMSComplete the puzzle with words from the reading.1MClue words are synonyms (words with a similarmeaning) of the answer words.23ACROSSMS1.cheapskate2.zoo4.criminal4C5.veryDOWN1.swamp52.recollectionsE3.tatteredMULTIPLE-MEANING WORDSThe boldface words below can have more than one meaning.Circle a letter to showthe sentence that uses the boldface word as it is used in the reading.1.a.The big fans blew soap bubbles around the room.b.His many fans lined up to buy tickets to his concert.72 2.a.Her parents worried about her when she came home late.b.The wolf hunted down the prey and worried it, shakingand tearing it before gulping it down.3.a.The movie producer has a good eye for acting talent.b.The wind blew sand into my eye.VERB CHOICESCharles Dickens used colorful verbs to create pictures in his readers minds.Unscramble the letters to write a vivid verb that completes each item from thereading.Then circle a letter to show the mental picture each verb suggests.1.RIREWDO Jerry Cruncher ____________________ his breakfastrather than ate it.a.gobbled like an animal b.ate daintily c.picked at his food2.MEDEROSHT A man who had been soaked in water, and____________________ in mud.a.speckled and b.choked by and c.splasheddotted buried in lightly3.LERGDA A man who limped, and shivered, and____________________, and growled.a.eyed very b.stared at fiercely c.looked at shylyhappily and angrily and timidlyADJECTIVESCircle seven adjectives that could describe the convict from Great Expectations.Use adictionary if you need help with meanings.frightening fearful cheerful gruffgracious rough courteous filthysinister fierce hospital gentle73 UNIT 3MUSIC, ART, AND LITERATURE WORDSLesson 7In the News: Action-Packed ArtThe New York choreographerfamous daredevils of the past.OneElizabeth Streb brings a new kind ofvideo showed stunts by legendaryart to the stage.Her eight-memberescape artist Harry Houdini.Anotherperformance group is known asshowed thrill-seekers tumbling over Ringside. Their show, which isNiagara Falls in barrels.Members of thecalled  Action Heroes, excites and Ringside dance troupe are the fearlessentertains audiences by combiningdaredevils of today.In the closedance with extreme physical action.quarters of the theater arena, mereinches can make the difference betweenTheatergoers at a recent weekenda safe landing and a broken neck!performance were treated to a thrill-packed display of stunts and gracefulIs  Action Heroes a circusdance movements.The daredevilperformance, a gymnastics show,dancers bounced on trampolines andor a ballet? Are these performersbalanced on high beams.Theydancers or athletes? Elizabeth Strebtwirled from ropes and dove fromrolls all of these into one as sheplatforms.All of the performers worechoreographs moments of exquisitecordless microphones.This allowedbeauty while pushing the limits of thethe sounds of their bodies reboundinghuman body.off walls, pads, and other bodies tobe heard by the audience.The performers danced againsta background of videos showingWORD SEARCH1.What thirteen-letter noun from the readingnames a person who plans the steps andmovements of a dance performance? ________________________c2.What ten-letter noun from the reading means a stretched canvas that gives a springingmotion to someone jumping on it ? ________________________t3.What six-letter noun from the readingnames a form of dance having very exact,graceful movements? ________________________b74 1T2 3PASYNONYMS4EComplete the puzzle5with words from theEreading.Clue wordsare synonyms (words6with a similar meaning)Bof the answer words.ACROSSDOWN5.furthest;1.revolvedhighest7S 2.show6.steadied3.amphitheater7.tricks4.beautifulSUFFIXES" The -er ending is often used to build words that mean  a person who doessomething. For example, a painter is a person who paints.Fill in the blanks towrite a word from the reading that matches each definition.1.a person who attends the theater th__a__e__g__er2.a person who does something toentertain an audience p__ __f__ __ __er" The suffix -less means  without. Find two words in the reading that contain thesuffix -less.Write them on the lines below.Then use each word in a sentence.3.WORD:____________________ SENTENCE: __________________________________________________________________________________________________4.WORD:____________________ SENTENCE: __________________________________________________________________________________________________75 THE PREFIX micro-" The prefix micro- means  tiny or  making small things seem larger.1.Find a word in the reading that beginswith the prefix micro-.Write it on the line.________________________" Notice that the words in the first column all begin with the prefix micro-.Write aletter by each number to match each word with its meaning.a.a little world, group, or community2._____ microscopeb.a device with lenses for making3._____ microcosm very tiny things look largerc.a living thing too tiny to be seen4._____ microorganismby the naked eyeCOMPOUND WORDS" Write the compound word (one word made from two or more words) from thereading that completes each sentence.1.People who perform dangerous stunts are called ___________________.2 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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