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.The wet sticky mess cooled on his thighs.Boy, this was going to be hard to explain.“Christ on a cross…” Farley dropped his head back, trying to catch his breath.Never again was he going to touch a halvsie.No matter what.No way.No how.Farley got up, and used the towel to wipe himself down as much as possible.It was useless.Between his own body fluids and the blood from last night, his skin was practically crackling.He needed a shower in the worst way.Clothes were another issue, because the ones he’d been wearing last night were ash in the gutter.Damn.And he had liked those pants.A knock on the door made him jump.“Can I turn on the lights?” Claire said.“Yeah.” Farley did his best to prepare his retinas for the assault.No pain there either.Things were definitely looking up.“Can I come in?” Claire cracked the door a little, then pulled it shut.“Sorry, didn’t know you weren’t decent.”“Not like I have anything you haven’t already seen.” What the hell was with Humans? Even after they knew your body intimately, they’d go all twitchy when skin was exposed.“I just…well…”You’re Human.“What do you want?” Farley kicked at the coats and itchy blankets.There was going to be no explaining the mess he’d left.He decided the hell with it and shoved it all in the corner, then christened it with the soaking towel.Housekeeping could deal with it.They were probably used to walking in on this kind of aftermath.After all, this was the Tank.From behind the door, Claire said, “I brought you something to eat and some clothes.”“I need a shower first.” Boy, did he ever.He smelled like blood, sex, road grime and track rabbits.Speaking of which, Farley blew his breath into his palm.Oh, yeah, there was no kissing anyone with that mouth until he flossed with piano wire and rinsed with bleach.Not to mention, now that the lights were on, he could see how filthy he really was.His body looked like someone had used him for a toilet brush.That actually made him feel better about the blankets and coats.No sane person would have used the things without washing them first.Not after he put his nasty ass skin all over them.A smart person would just burn ’em.Farley yanked open the door and Claire jumped.Just below the observation window there was a paper sign which read, do not disturb, do not open, do not turn on lights.The last part was underlined three times.He looked at Claire and a bright red flush blossomed on her cheeks, clashing with her blue sweater.“Here…” Claire tried to hand him a towel.“Towel is clean.” And he sure wasn’t.Claire said something else but Farley ignored her and headed down the hall.“Wait!”As Farley walked he rolled his shoulders, stretched his arms, cracked his knuckles, and fired off his neck with a twist.Ahh…that felt better.The Tank was pretty much empty, but the corridor leading over to the Center wasn’t.Several people stopped and stared.A couple cops even did a quick point and laugh.Farley threw a glance back at Claire.She was bright red and had her hand part way over her face.Like it was her naked and not him.Farley scratched his face, chest, butt, getting dried blood under his fingernails.Damn, he could play tic-tac-toe on his skin.Jesus, how did Terry stand having him in her car?Two lady cops shot him a whistle as he took a right toward the locker rooms.Another stopped and stared at the doorway as she exited the ladies dressing area.Farley smiled, waved, and kept walking.When he entered the Men’s side, Ken from IT came out of one of the stalls and cracked a grin.“Forget something this morning?”“Been one of those nights, my man.” Farley took a right into the showers, stopped at the first one he came to, threw the water on boil, stepped in, and let it slap him in the face.It took a few seconds, but eventually the jet spray was hissing from the heat.Steam billowed white into the air.Was it a figment of Farley’s imagination, or did he spend half his life under a jet spray and soap? Thank you, God of Man, for indoor plumbing! But then nothing about his job was ever neat and clean.Farley leaned against the wall and peed in the drain.His bladder thanked him for the relief.From around the corner Claire’s soft apology echoed against the tiles.It was followed by the sounds of her soft steps on the wet tile.Farley really missed Haley’s heels.Dangerous points ticking off her steps.Damn, he still needed to call her.“Where do you want this?”Farley cracked an eye.Claire stood outside the stall with her arms loaded down.A partially unraveled towel thrown on top of clothes, bundled with…Holy fuck.“Are those Twinkies?”“Yeah.” Claire tried to shuffle the clothes around.“Give’em.”“You’re in the shower.”“Don’t care, hand ‘em over.” Farley’s mouth was watering just thinking about all that sugary goodness.“Farley, you can’t be serious! They’ll get--” He snatched the box out from under the pile and ripped off the end.A little Twinkie explosion sent the cellophane wrapped cakes all over the shower floor.Farley snatched up two, tore off the ends and shoved them into his mouth.“Oh God, yes!” Happy noises bubbled from his chest.“Man…” He searched for another, grabbed two more and did a repeat.Claire glared and he pretended not to notice.She huffed and crossed her arms [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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