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.Joining Morgan in his new venture were CorneliusVanderbilt and Robert Goelet.Never to be outdone, the Metropolitan Club erected athirty-five- by sixty-foot courtyard, set off by an entrywayof paired Doric columns and wrought-iron gates, at the 1East Sixtieth Street entrance.The Metropolitan at the timewas unrivaled in size the main building measured 90 feeton Fifth Avenue by 150 feet on Sixtieth Street.Walk east on Sixtieth Street toward Madison Avenue.¢'Across from the Metropolitan Club stands the HarmonieClub at 4 East Sixtieth Street.The club was formed in 1852by the German Jewish community as the HarmonieGesellschaft (Harmony Society) and distinguished by hav-ing German as its official language and by hanging thekaiser s portrait in its hall.It was the first men s club in thecity to admit women at dinner and the first eventually tohave women as members. Manhattan s  Gold Coast | THE UPPER EAST SIDE 215The club dates back to a period when the chasm be-tween first-wave German Jews and second-wave EasternEuropeans was massive.Many Harmonie denizens, in theireagerness to assimilate, had little desire to associate withtheir impoverished and  unAmerican brethren from theEast.This disturbing trend was partially offset by severalfar-sighted, if high-handed, German Jews such as LillianWald and Jacob Schiff.(See chapter 2 on the Lower EastSide for further details.) While Harmonie  s descendantstoday may hail from both central and eastern Europe,classwise they still have more in common with their Ger-man predecessors.The Copacabana was at 14 East Sixtieth Street.Thisclub was a venue for New York s stage and sports celebri-ties as well as your average New Yorker.Ask many a NewYorker of a certain generation and learn of high schoolproms, college balls, and first (and sometimes last) datesthat took place here.May 1957 saw one of the more notorious events ever tooccur at the Copa.With Sammy Davis Jr.on the stage andYankee Billy Martin celebrating his twenty-ninth birthdaywith fellow players Mickey Mantle, Yogi Berra, and HankBauer, a brawl broke out between the Yankee players and aNew Jersey bowling team.Police charges were ultimatelydropped, but the Yankees owner blamed Martin and tradedhim that July to Kansas City.He would not return until the1970s, when he became the Yankees manager.Four years later, in October 1961, New York City detec-tives Eddie Egan and Sonny Grosso were having drinksafter work at the club.They noticed a  little man in a silksuit, with a diamond stickpin in his tie, flashing a hugebankroll. Egan and Grosso decided to follow the man.The chase was to last eighteen months, turning into TheFrench Connection.In the end there were nine arrests, and 216 THE UPPER EAST SIDE | Manhattan s  Gold Coast112 pounds of heroin were secured ($32 million worth in1960s dollars).The film s justly famous car-chase scene was filmed overfive weeks underneath the Bensonhurst Elevated Rail-way twenty-six blocks of Brooklyn s Stillwell Line fromBay Fiftieth Street Station along Stillwell Avenue, intoEighty-sixth Street, and finally into New Utrecht Avenue,ending at Sixty-second Street Station.The chase wasfilmed at full speed, with real pedestrians and traffic!Next door to the Copacabana, at 14 East Sixtieth, was Hotel 14. A lovely 1907 residential hotel turned intocommercial offices in the 1970s; the British newspaper theFinancial Times has top-floor offices.When the buildingwas still a hotel, the first Israeli delegation to the UnitedNations stayed here, in 1948.Look at Madison Avenue, one of New York City s narrow-¢'est avenues, which is named for America s fourth presi-dent (who sadly died in 1836, the year of its opening).Madison Avenue has a curious history, having gone from apredominantly residential thoroughfare to an outstandingcommercial zone.You can get a taste of its former identityfrom several lovely brownstone vestiges along the avenue.Because of zoning, many of the fashionable stores are nowhoused in these very townhouses or brownstones.Of the three avenues that dominate this tour, Madisonwas the first to emerge, fully formed, when it became anearly nineteenth-century roadway [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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