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.The resident coffee expert, Matt, was the saving grace.He was cute and I wanted to taste histender ass before he left town.He was accepted to some fancy art school in Chicago.He was asmart cookie.I told him he wasn t doing himself any good doing what mommy and daddywanted.He wanted to be an artist and they wanted him to be a lawyer.We did our share ofharmless flirting, but time was running out and it was now or never.I tried to focus on the task at hand but this guy kept stealing my attention.It wasn t thebreakdancing homeless guy panhandling outside or the guy walking down the sidewalk in 100+degree weather wearing a Santa suit with red six-inch pumps.That was normal for Vegas.There was this guy sitting a few tables away from me.He had a fresh Caesar haircut, thinround glasses, and beautiful almond bedroom eyes.From what I could make out his body was onpoint.His stripped polo shirt showed off his pecs and his jeans appeared to be painted on.Hewasn t a regular, at least I hadn t seen him around.Maybe he was new and needed a guide; Ididn t mind being an ambassador for new hot male residents.I couldn t take my eyes off him.All of a sudden my body began to tingle in all the rightplaces, my palms became sweaty and my jeans tightened.I was consumed with lust and sexualcuriosity.He cut his eyes my way showing a slight smirk and I quickly buried my head to mylaptop.What was this high school?Glances became lingers and lingers became prolonged eye rapes that seemed to strip menaked.He shifted in his seat as he tried to focus on his newspaper.I needed to make my move, but Ididn t want to seem like some dude picking up another dude to take home and have his way.Which, of course, was exactly who I was.I checked my shirt to see if I had any crumbs and gave myself a quick once over to make sureall was on point.After taking a deep breath I moved to the counter and spoke loudly so Mr.Bookstore could hear me.I cut my eyes over and yes he was checking me out.I waited at thecounter for my order and made sure my ass was in his line-of-sight.A few minutes passed and I looked back quickly to see if he was still staring.To my surprisehe was directly behind me.Oh shit.I stiffened up and bit my lip.My cock throbbed in my jeansas thoughts of him bending me over and fucking my brains out ran through my mind. Have you ordered, he said, tapping me on my shoulder. Ah, yes, sorry.Just waiting for my drink. He moved to the counter and ordered a Mocha Frap, minus the cream.His ass was ah-mazing.I d kill for an ass like his.He turned and smiled as he took a place beside me his arms foldedshowing of his muscular lightly haired arms.My coffee order was ready and I could feel him staring at my ass. I hope you like what you see, I said, my right arm grazed his body as I moved back mytable.I didn t know what made me say what I said.Whenever I get horny my brain shuts down andthe man downstairs takes over.Mr.Bookstore made his way back to his chair with his drink andI couldn t resist touching myself under the table as I watched.I looked around; everyone was intheir own world.Matt walked over,  Ian, here s something special I whipped up for ya, it s on the house. Thanks Matt& uh, what is it? It s a new blend of coffee we got in.You re the first to try it, he said excitedly. Thanks buddy.You all packed for the big move? I said, taking a cautious sip.It wasdelicious, very chocolaty. Yep, head out tomorrow. Be sure to come back and visit.You re going to be missed, you were one of the reasons Imade the trip here every Saturday. Really? he said, flicking his hair back from his eyes.He leaned in and whispered in my ear,  I get off at seven you know.I wrote my number on the back of the receipt and told him to call me when he got off so hecould get off.That was easier than I thought.Sometimes if you want something bad enough it s best to let itcome to you.I couldn t put my finger on my attraction to Matt, he was just so damn cute.I alwayswondered what type of bod lay underneath the layers of fabric.Probably a swimmer s build witha six-pack and a thick happy trail leading down to his playground.I preferred a trimmed frontyard instead of barren land.* * * * *My attention went back to my work as I tried to put Mr.Bookstore and Matt out of my mindbefore my ass ended up in the unemployment line or on Rainbow Circle turning tricks to payrent.There was a knock on the table,  I couldn t help but notice your Apple. It s my work computer, I m not an Apple fan, I said, closing the screen. I m what you call a fan boy, he said, sliding finger along the top of the computer. Really, good for you. I reached under the table placing my hand on his thigh.He looked down quickly and smiled,  I consider myself an out and proud geek. I think fan boys are sexy, in a geeky kind of way. I ve never seen you here before.I adjusted myself in my seat.I couldn t take my eyes of his angular stubbled face; his eyeswere the color of the sea, completely mesmerizing. I thought it d be nice to get out the houseand find somewhere to people watch. Well, this is the place to do it. So, whatcha writing? he asked, tapping his fingers on my laptop.  Just some overdue work.I left my jumpdrive at home with all my data I needed so I decidedto make up shit and blame someone else if I got found out.He chuckled.I guess he thought I was joking. You live around here? I said, trying to cut to the chase.I was horny and my brain was fried;I needed a quick release.Plus, he looked like he was packing by the size of the bulge in hispants. Just a block over.Want to get out of here? You have booze? I said, sliding from the table. If I say no does that mean you won't come? Oh, I always& cum [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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