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.Not once had he eversaid a kind word to her and now to find out too late."You sorry "He lifted his hand again."Don't tempt me, woman.The only thing keeping youalive is your lover.Though why he'd want to come after something as ugly as you,I can't imagine."Each word tore through her, made worse by the fact that she knew he was right.She'd never understood why Devyn had wanted her, what he could possibly see inher.Then suddenly she knew."This is what he sees in me," she said, and kneed Irn in the groin.Irn doubled over next to her.Jerking the keys off his belt, she quickly ungyvedher hands and sprang from the chair."Thanks, skagen," she said, and ran for thedoor.She went out into the yard and pulled up short when she saw two guards headedtoward the house.Dashing right, she hid herself behind a clump of shrubberyuntil after they'd passed.An alarm rent the air.Alix clenched her teeth.She hadto get out of here and find some way to warn Devyn, to make sure that he, too,didn't die trying to protect her.* * *Taryn stared at Devyn in disbelief while Devyn strapped on the flexible blackbody armor.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rOver the years, he'd seen his friend drink until he couldn't walk, seen Devyn cryby his side when they brought Adron into the hospital one heartbeat shy of death,seen him furious to the point of murder, but only years ago had Taryn seen himlike this.What Taryn faced now was the old Devyn Kell.The Devyn who had emerged fromHAWC training with a purpose, who had sworn to uphold the Code.The DevynKell who made him look like a nice little kid.Not since Devyn had left the HAWChad Taryn seen him like this cold, unreadable, deadly.Devyn straightened and caught his scrutiny."What?" he asked, strapping theblaster to his hip."I was thinking how much you remind me of your parents."He lifted his brow."What do you mean?""You've got your mom's stubbornness and your dad's icy demeanor.How long didyou have to practice to get that menacing glare down?"Taryn hadn't thought it possible, but Devyn's gaze turned even chillier."If youever lose the most precious thing you treasure, you'll have the same look.Iguarantee it."Taryn snorted."I already lost it.Except mine left me by her own free choice.I justhope after you go through all this, Alix doesn't do you the same way."Me, too, Devyn thought, remembering the way she had left the hotel roomwithout so much as a note.But that didn't matter, not at the moment."I don't care if she does leave me.Ican't leave her in danger, especially since that bastard wants me more."The link buzzed."Your Highness, we're approaching Cranora."Taryn met his gaze."You ready for this?""Let's dance."They lowered the ramp and moved cautiously from Taryn's ship.The location Irnhad given them was through the dense forest, half a mile to the south.If theycould take him unawares, maybe they would stand half a chance.As they reached the edge of the woods, a large estate came into view.Thick,fortified walls surrounded it, and even without the guards posted every few feet,there was little doubt who owned such a place.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r r"You can really pick them," Taryn muttered."Druggers."Devyn smiled at the irony."I won't think badly of you if you decide to wait in yourship.""What?" Taryn asked, his eyes wide in feigned shock, "and miss the chance to seea Kell infiltrate the uninfiltratable? I want to see if you remember any of the stuffyour dad taught you."Devyn pulled out his decoder and began punching in data."The electronics don'tscare me.But I think I hear girbeasts.""Yeah," Taryn said, his voice cracking."Let's hope they're on a leash."Devyn was almost ready to breach the code when a guard walked past.Ducking down into the shadows of the wall, they heard the guard's link."She'sdown in the refinery.We've found two of our guys shot, so she's armed.Remember, shoot to wound."Devyn's heart stopped.Alix was in trouble.He had to find her.Where was therefinery?As soon as the guard moved past, he breached the alarm.Steeling his nerves, hecrept through the yard with Taryn one step behind.Devyn crouched as another guard approached.He drew his knife.Then when theguard reached their hiding place, he lunged and grabbed him from behind, layinghis dagger against the man's throat."Where's the refinery?""I don't "Devyn tightened his grip, cutting the man's words off."One more lie and I'll slitthis nice juicy artery.""To the east.The gray building.""Better," Devyn said.Taryn zapped him with a sonic disrupter and the man crumpled to the ground."Hope he has some potent painkillers," Taryn muttered."I hope we have some potent luck."Stealthily, they continued until they reached the refinery.Shouts filled their earsand a number of armed men ran inside.aaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r r"Boy, Dev, you sure can pick them," he repeated in the same fatalistic tone."Looks like your girlfriend has ticked off the entire staff."Recoil fire filled the air."Alix," Devyn breathed, rushing forward.Taryn caught him by the arm."Wait a minute.Are you trying to get both you andher killed? We need a plan."Devyn clenched his teeth."Fine, you sit here and plan.I'm going to help."He removed Taryn's hand from his arm and sprinted into the refinery.Smoke surrounded him, blinding his sight.He choked on the thick, pungentfumes and moved through the huge warehouse as quickly as he could.He heardthe guards running and cursing, but he could barely make out anything otherthan passing shapes and swirling fog.Something moved behind him.Whirling, he took aim."It's me!" Taryn snapped.Devyn removed his finger from the trigger."Finished planning so soon?""No," he muttered, stopping next to him."But if I get shot, I'm holding youresponsible."Self-recrimination tore through Devyn.He'd already killed one friend.He didn'twant to lose another."You go back.I can fight my own battles.""No, thanks.We're in this till the end.""But "A blast sizzled between them.Taryn spun and shot the guard."C'mon."Devyn followed him through the haze.Voices came at them from all directions.Several guards rushed past them, not even seeing them in the smoke."She's up on the catwalk," one of them said."But she's got a nerve deflector.""Ouch," Taryn whispered."I hope she doesn't hit one of us."Devyn didn't think about that.All he cared about was finding Alix safe and alive,and he had a feeling that if they didn't get to her soon, there wouldn't be enoughaaTTnnssFFffooDDrrPPmmYYeeYYrrBB22.BBAAClick here to buyClick here to buywwmmwwoowwcc.AAYYBBYYBB r rleft of her to identify.Stifling heat hovered in the air, making it thick, almost unbreathable.Theyascended the ladder and had to walk single-file on the thin metal planking thatran over huge vats of chemicals.Devyn looked down and took a deep breath ashis heart slid into his stomach.He hated heights, but the worst part was that ifthey fell, they'd no doubt land in something very hot or very acidic.Suddenly, a scream rent the air, sending a chill down his spine.Fear nearlybuckled his knees.Devyn ran toward the sound, no longer caring how high abovethe ground he was.Rounding the corner, he froze [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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