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. She grabbed Emily bythe elbow and pulled her to the small wooden door marked Stage. Oh, but I don t think& Shouldn t I be out in the front of the club with the others?Emily asked in confusion as the mistress opened the door to reveal several otherscantily clad young women and a large, scowling bouncer with muscle-bound armscrossed over his beefy chest. I mean& what would I do up on the stage? You must be up on stage for to bid on, the wardrobe mistress replied confusingly. For to bid on what? Emily asked desperately.The other girls dressed in slinkyoutfits were staring at her now with curiosity.The bouncer just looked pissed butmaybe that was his natural expression. For to bid on you.Now go! The mistress gave her a shove through the door, hereyebrows doing the scary caterpillar thing again. To bid on me? But I don t understand.I think there s been some mistake wait!Emily gasped all in one breath.But she was speaking to the bouncer s broad chest. Settle down, honey. His voice held a hint of warning. But& what s going on? Emily asked, still horribly confused. Just watch. The bouncer directed her attention around to the large wooden stageto her left.He and Emily and the rest of the girls were shielded from view by the long37 Evangeline Andersonburgundy velvet curtain, which was swept back to either side of the stage, but shecould plainly see what was happening in the center. Sold, to the gentleman up front for five thousand dollars, a tall man with abooming voice was saying.He was pointing to a beautiful blonde woman who wasdressed in a see-through red baby-doll nightgown and wearing a black leather collararound her neck.Emily could plainly see her nipples poking through the thin materialand the panties she had on that matched her outfit seemed to be similarly transparent.The cleft of her bare cunt was plainly visible through the transparent crotch so muchso that Emily could tell she shaved.Behind the tall man and the scantily clad blonde was a folding table lined with arow of instruments that made no sense to Emily s eyes.There was a selection of whipsand paddles and hairbrushes and a few things she couldn t even name.To the left sideof the table there was a single chair and to the right some kind of strange woodendevice that looked like a large capital letter X with leather straps dangling from all fourpoints.What in the world? Emily thought, eyeing the strange X-shaped frame anxiously.Shehad a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that it wasn t just a stage prop left overfrom a previous production.But she couldn t imagine anyone using it for what itlooked like it ought to be used for. Come on up here and collect your prize, sir, the tall man who was acting asauctioneer boomed. This little lady is primed and ready to go and we can t wait to seeher put on a show.Remember, you only have fifteen minutes to delight your fellowclub members and brand your filly.Emily watched as a heavyset man dressed in tight leather pants and a black leathermask that hid the top half of his face climbed up the stairs to the stage.He approachedthe blonde woman wearing the see-through red baby doll and grabbed her by the arm.She shot him an alarmed glance but didn t try to pull away.Emily was sure he was38 More Than Friendsgoing to drag her off the stage, but instead, he pulled her over to the table full of whipsand hairbrushes. Pick one, he told her in a low, grating voice.The blonde seemed to know what was going on.With a trembling finger, shepointed to a large wooden hairbrush that was lying in the center of the table. That ll do.To start with anyway. The man who had bought her snatched up thebrush and turned to face her with a menacing frown. Very good, little girl, he purred. Now assume the position.Horror filled Emily as she watched the blonde girl walk to the end of the table, puther hands flat on its top and bend over so that her pert ass was high in the air.Surelythe masked man with the hairbrush wasn t going to do what she thought he was goingto do, was he?Her uncertainty came to an abrupt end when the masked man brought back his armand spanked the blonde girl s bottom with the back of the brush making a hard, flat,slapping sound.The girl gasped and wiggled but her hands never left the top of thetable even as the second blow fell, and the third and the fourth. Get ready, you re up next. The bouncer s voice in her ear jerked Emily out of herhorrified contemplation of the bizarre spanking that was happening on stage.Suddenly,she realized what he was saying. I m what? I am not! she protested. I can t be!The bouncer gave her a dangerous frown and dug out a small piece of folded paperfrom the front pocket of his skin-tight jeans. Your name s Emily Cline? he demanded. Well, yes, but  And you were sent here by Gretta DeVille?Emily nodded. Yes, but 39 Evangeline Anderson No buts. The bouncer gripped her by her upper arm as though she might try toget away. You came, you re stayin.No backing out the boss s orders. Well, I want to speak to your boss because I never agreed to  A low moan fromthe stage interrupted Emily s tirade and she turned her head to see that the spankingwas over and the masked man and the blonde girl were currently engaged in a newactivity.The blonde s thin red panties were pushed down to mid-thigh and the man wasbehind her, his tight black pants wide open to reveal a surprisingly large cock.A cockthat he was currently ramming into the blonde s shaved pussy as hard as he could [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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