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. Melissa can feel her confidence build the more shespeaks just like making soufflés, or dishes people said were tootricky for a novice cook. All right. Gabe takes off his hat, keeping his poles firmlystationed across his lap, and scratches his head. James is friendly.Really kind.But he s also.Melissa can fill in the blanks. Let me guess? Slutty? On themake? Into one night pickups? She frowns.She knew it, but itsucks coming from his best friend.Gabe grabs her arm. That s how people used to describe me,you know. Used to? #BMBODJOH "DUT As in the past, Gabe says.Melissa feels his hand on her eventhrough the down jacket, thinking how last year she would havegiven anything to be alone with Gabe, cloistered on a ski lift,with him touching her.She looks at him.He is gorgeous still, andbeing with him in this context without liking him withoutfeeling vulnerable makes him even more appealing.He sighsbefore speaking. Just for the record, James is taken.It s not thathe s a ski slut far from it.I m only recently revising my waysbut James.he s.He just happens to have found someone helikes already.This news hits Melissa hard.Hooking up, having James bethe prototypical guy on the move, chasing after anything in tightpants that s fine.But having him like someone? Really be intoher? No wonder they were talking about Charlie yesterday.She sthe perfect girlfriend, probably all beautiful and sunny, withkindness that s apparent with her nannying job.And that s howJMB met Celia Sinclair, too, Melissa thinks.Her chest feels emptynow and all she can muster is one word. Oh.The chairlift sways in the wind, causing Gabe to grip Melissa sarm tighter. You okay? From the wind or the news? She looks at him, wonderingif they could turn out to be friends.Wouldn t that be somethingto write home about.Not that she was committing anything topaper anymore except recipes. Both. Gabe looks in back, at the chairlift behind and thenaround. The weather s picking up. I don t need to know who James likes I m not. You don t know her, anyway.I don t think.It s a foreignname.Unusual. Gabe shrugs. The guy s private to an ex-treme.He won t even let me meet her.Melissa laughs, glad that maybe she and Gabe will be friendly &.*-: '3"/,-*/after all.She thinks for a second how cool it was of him not to spillthe past to James, when he could have so easily. Maybe Jamesis afraid if you meet her this amazing woman he likes thatyou ll sweep her off her feet.Gabe cracks up, keeping hold of the chairlift and his poles. Yeah, that s right.Watch out, Mr.Benton-Marks Gabe Schroe-der s in town, lookin for the ladies. I forgot., Melissa laughs and then stops herself. You forgot what? Nothing. Melissa studies her jacket zipper, then looks downat the mountain. God, we re really far up. She swallows. Ijust forgot how funny you are, that s all. She remembers thatlast year she was taken in by Gabe s looks, but now he cracksher up cracks everyone up without that annoying habit someguys have of being a clown or having everything be about them. You re just naturally humorous. Well, thanks for appreciating me, I guess, Gabe says.Hesees a cloud of snow swirl around them and hunkers back intothe chair.Melissa nods.The wind whips against her cheeks, stingingher skin. Are you sure we re okay up here? We re not going tobe buried under twelve feet of snow?The lift creaks, moving them closer to the top of the moun-tain. I don t know.They had only three rings of the bell, whichisn t a true danger, so that means we re.As he says this, the weather warning bell sounds again.One.Two. Three, Melissa says aloud, the worry building inside her. Four, Gabe says. Shit it was warm yesterday, too. Meaning? Melissa gets nervous. Meaning nothing.Let s just avoid avalanches, acci-dents that sort of thing.Sometimes big changes in temps can #BMBODJOH "DUTsignal storms, or if too much melts, it makes the packed snowunsteady. Melissa responds to this with just a worried look.Hesmiles and pats her back, then lifts the bar as they approach themound. Here we go.Melissa follows Gabe, squinting through the snow that s nowfalling fast, sweeping through the area with a fierce wind.A ski trooper stops them. You two going down or heading tothe Cliff House? What do you mean? Melissa asks. We re just doing onequick run, that s all.The trooper shakes his head, the fluorescent ski cap highlyvisible even through the snow. Nothing s quick in weather likethis.You better hurry down or bunk in. He nods to the CliffHouse.Gabe looks at Melissa. Up to you, he says.Melissa s voice is high-pitched with concern. I have to cookfor everyone dinner s due and I haven t.The trooper steps up. Look, Miss, we re preparing for a seri-ous storm here.The food ll have to wait.Go down immediately,or stay and weather it out up here.Melissa looks at Gabe. I m an intermediate skier. You ll be okay, he says, looking at her tenderly.Then helooks at the trail, the heavy sheath of snow. I haven t skied in a year, she says.Then, to push the point,she adds,  Just in case you ve forgotten the last time I skiedwas.I skied that day the day. The day I ruined everything, Gabe says and skis a few yardsaway.Melissa straps her poles on to follow, but the trooper stops her. You sure you know what you re doing? She shrugs and makesa face. It s only starting now the run s a full twenty minutes &.*-: '3"/,-*/in good weather.By the time you reach midsection, visibility willbe almost nil.Panic jolts though Melissa s body, and she skis fast over toGabe. Gabe! Wait! He turns to her. We should stay.I can t.I don t think I m going.He sidesteps over to her. It s okay.It s okay, Melissa. Hestares at her, with the same eyes that captivated her last season;the same mouth that she wished wanted hers. People will coverfor you down there.You re right we should stay.She wonders if this is a hardship for him, if he hates thethought of having to spend more time with the girl who likedhim before.Or if maybe he s immune to all that now.Melissalooks through the wild wind and snow to the Ledge House.Shewouldn t be able to cook dinner, to make dessert the chocolatemousse pooling in the fridge and she wouldn t be able to meetJames at the ice pond.Not that he s interested in me, Melissa thinks.With my normal name and unforeign self.But still. Should we go? Gabe asks.He points to the Cliff House,a log cabin structure that served as the first ski lodge when LesTrois opened decades ago. We better get in there and claim somespace if it crowds up, at least we ll have a bed [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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