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.He hadn t eaten in two days and Gabefeared he d hurt himself by polishing his food off.But he gave it onehell of a try.He ate all three pancakes, four sausages, and half hisscrambled eggs.Never in his life had he eaten so much in one sitting. A man after my own heart, Sam teased. I ll take your nearlycleared plate as a compliment.Legend didn t threaten the man this time.Gabe could only guessthat the guy knew it was a lost cause.Sam seemed to be himself nomatter what. Cowboy Legend 75 It was delicious, Gabe said to Sam. Thanks.He was so full now that he was afraid to move.His pants were atad tighter, but he did feel much better.Legend pointed to his glass ofjuice. Drink up.And put it where? There was no more room in Gabe s stomach. Ipromise to finish it. That was the best he could do.Legend, however, cleaned his plate and went back for seconds.The guy was nothing but lean muscle, not an ounce of fat on him.Where on earth did he put all that food and why wasn t he threehundred pounds?After finishing his second plate, Legend wiped his mouth with hisnapkin. I need to go for a run, he said to Gabe. Will you be allright here without me?Sam rolled his eyes as he took a seat, a large plate in front of him. No, we re all going to tickle his fancy while you re gone.This made Legend stiffen as he gave a low growl to Sam.The guydid that a lot.It was a sexy sound, but strange.Gabe had never hearda man growl before.It reminded him of the bite mark on his shoulder.He reached up and caressed his fingers over the area where Legendhad bitten him and was stunned to find the mark gone.How had hehealed so fast? Can I go running with you? Gabe asked. I need to work off thisbreakfast.Sam and Legend exchanged a weird look before Legend said,  Idon t want you straining yourself until the doctor clears you. Doctor? Gabe frowned. It was just a stomach bug.Why wouldyou have me go to the doctor s office?Legend stood and took his and Gabe s plates to the sink.The manwas acting very strange. You re not going to the doctor s office, Legend said. Thedoctor is coming here.Gabe chuckled. No way.Doctors still make house calls? 76 Lynn HagenBut Legend didn t find this amusing.His expression was a closedbook and Gabe couldn t get a reading.Sam had grown quiet as well.Had Gabe said something wrong?All he did was ask if he could go running with Legend.Gabecouldn t see what was wrong with that. Fine, I ll stick around hereuntil the doctor comes.But I m telling you, I feel much  Gabe seyes widened when his mouth began to water and his stomach beganto rebel.Not again.He jumped and ran from the room, but ended up going in circlessince he didn t know if there was a downstairs bathroom.Legendrushed from the kitchen and grabbed Gabe, running him down thehallway.He threw the second door on the right open and hurriedinside.They made it just as Gabe s breakfast made a reappearance.He dropped to his knees, his gut twisting painfully.What.The.Fuck.Gabe was tired of this.What had he eaten to cause him to be sosick? Legend wiped Gabe s face with a cool towel as Gabe kneltthere, wishing his stomach would settle. See, Legend said gently. Just relax, sweetness. He all right? Sam asked as he appeared in the doorway. Why do people ask that? Gabe moaned, resting his head on hisarm that was lying on the toilet seat. It s so obvious that I m not.Legend squatted next to Gabe, brushing Gabe s hair aside. I llput you to bed and give you a bucket.Gabe shook his head and felt a wave of dizziness. I ll go crazyup there all by myself.Can t I stay down here? The living room it is, Sam said. I ll go toss some pillows onthe couch for you.Gabe was only half listening.He was concentrating on keepingthe rest of his breakfast down. Come on. Legend flushed the toilet and then lifted Gabe fromthe floor. Cowboy Legend 77 Wait, Gabe said. I have to brush this nasty taste from mymouth.Legend reached into the vanity drawer, pulled out a toothbrushstill in its wrapper, and handed it to Gabe. I ll go make sure thedoctor is on his way while you brush your teeth.Gabe nodded, accepting the toothbrush before Legend left.Hescrubbed, feeling as if he was going to be sick again.He stood there,waiting, but the nausea passed.He wasn t sure how much more of this he could take.Hopefullythe doctor brought something with him to get rid of whatever waswrong with Gabe.He tossed the toothbrush aside, rinsed, and then headed down thehallway.Gabe rolled his eyes and hurried past Legend when hespotted Stripper coming down the stairs, naked.Legend must have spotted him as well because he hurried fromthe living room.Sam shook his head. You ll get used to thingsaround here.Gabe curled up on the couch, thankful that Sam had supplied afew soft pillows. I just have to deal with it for a few weeks.Sam stilled, his brows furrowing, but said nothing.There was definitely something cryptic going on in this house. 78 Lynn HagenChapter EightLegend wasn t sure why he was denying the truth.He d tried toconvince himself that it really was a stomach virus.It could be thefact that he didn t know how to explain things to Gabe.Legend wastougher than nails in every aspect of his life, yet, when it came toGabe, he had wussed out.He wasn t sure what that said about him,but it sure as hell made him pace the hall as the doctor examinedGabe.It had started out as a simple attraction.But Legend should veknown.His bear had never gone that crazy to be near anyone.Herubbed his hand over his head and glanced at the door, wonderinghow Gabe would react if he really was pregnant.Legend wanted torush in there and find out, but the doctor insisted on giving Gabeprivacy.T-Rex was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over hischest, watching Legend pace a hole in the rug [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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