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.The sun is high in the sky so not a single shadow breaks up the luminous expanseof sand all around her.The columns themselves might be rays of solid light, the prisonbars of the physical world s three dimensions.Dressed entirely in black, Lucia suddenlyfeels beautifully powerful.At that moment she actually experiences the belief that herconsciousness is the darkness that gave birth to the sun and to every other starpassionately burning in the infinite space of her awareness.She stares fixedly into theempty space between two of the columns and dares Richard to appear to her again.A little blond boy runs out from between the pillars, laughing.His mother appearsa heartbeat later and, catching him gently by the arm, kneels beside him to retie one ofhis shoelaces as he smiles happily over at her.Lucia quickly turns away in search of another courtyard.Part of her desperately wants to believe that Richard has somehow managed tocommunicate with her but it would be incredibly foolish to forget how much Juliansounds like his dead older brother. Hey there, Lucia. Lori stands out vividly against the pale stone in a terracotta-colored T-shirt and blue jeans. I thought you didn t know how to read hieroglyphs. I don t, she replies shortly, startled out of her reverie. Really? You were staring at that wall as if you could.I thought Mark was planningto show you around. His brother s leaving today. She is desperate to avoid another potentiallydemoralizing conversation. How long will you be in Egypt, Lori? It must be hard onyou and Doug, specializing in two completely different cultures with archaeologicalsites half way across the world from each other. Actually, it s kind of nice having time apart.It makes it more special when we retogether.I only got here two weeks ago so I ll be around for a while.It all depends. Sheshrugs her broad shoulders. I hear you weren t feeling well yesterday. No.42 Crook & Flail Well, it s rough on the body, suddenly finding itself half way across the world inan entirely different climate and surrounded by a whole different energy, if you knowwhat I mean. Yes, I do. Doug s obsessed with a culture that glorified death, yet he doesn t believe in anafterlife himself.Go figure.He must be compensating.Personally, I ve seen enough Ican t explain to keep my mind open.We re standing in the Birth Chamber, you know.Lucia glances briefly up at the sky, in which the sun sizzles like a magical yolk inthe temple s cracked shell. The Birth Chamber? Yes.Doug loves this temple, which means I know more about it than I everwanted to.Schwaller de Lubicz called it  The Temple of Man because each section issupposed to correspond to a different part of the body.He s the one who founded thesymbolist school of Egyptology Doug is so into.According to them this particular partof the temple corresponds to the vocal chords. The vocal chords.But I thought you said it was the Birth Chamber? It is.In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God.The Egyptians saidthis a long time before John, the apostle.The Egyptians believed the created universewas the word of Re uttered by Toth, the spirit and the intellect.Look, I ve got to go nowbut I ll call you if you feel like talking.Okay? God, Lori, I d love that.I m really&  Confused? Overwhelmed is more like it. I ll call you, Lucia.I m a good listener.It comes from being married to Doug.43 Maria Isabel PitaChapter SixWhen Lucia returns from the temple, six more complimentary bottles of water aresitting outside her door like a miniature green colonnade.She finally finishes unpacking, putting everything away neatly in a symbolicattempt to straighten out the metaphysical mess of her desires.Then she orders amartini and prepares her body for it by drinking more water [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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