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. Seen from this central position, the arrivalof the qi controlling heaven from  above can be termed W{, shang lin, coming down from above.Lin{is occasionally used in the Su wen in the meaning of lai lin {, to arrive,  to come,  to attend, or mian lin±{ to be faced with. In thiscontext, the encounter indicated is meant to occur between two parties oc-cupying different hierarchical levels.For example:64I wish to attend a patient.65As if one looked down into a deep abyss.Or:When the wood period comes down on mao,when the fire period comes down on wu,.66Hence, the dominant usage of the term lin{occurs in the context ofsomething higher coming down to meet or join or inspect something lower.For example:Huang Di.looked down and observed (lin guan{[) the eight farthest[regions].67In the doctrine of the five periods and six qi, the term lin{is used pri-marily as a metaphor to indicate the hierarchical position of the qi control-ling heaven, which is situated  above man in the center and  above the qiat the fountain  below. The qi controlling heaven is considered a ruler who comes down from an unspecified background in the Great Void to assumethe position  above or to affect that which is below.For example:The minor yang [qi] comes down [to take the position] above (lin shang{W).The rain has a limit.68Or:When in a wu zi [year] or a wu wu [year, that is, a] major zhi [year], minor yin[qi] comes down in the upper [half of the year] (shang linW{),.69OrWhen the minor yang [qi] controls heaven, andwhen fire qi comes down.(xia linU{).70An exception to this rule is a statement in Su wen 71 in which another vis-itor qi is said to  come down : Unschuld,Huang Di nei jing 12/2/02 1:35 PM Page 444444 appendixThe fourth qi:frightening fire comes down.71Occasionally, the metaphor of a sovereign coming down to  rule theworld is made explicit by the term yus, literally,  to control horses. Forexample:The transformations resulting from the coming down, and assuming control(lin yu{s), of cold, summer heat, dryness, dampness, wind, and fire.72Or:The massive transformations in heaven and earth,the [time] terms of the progression [of the five periods],the arrangements of [the qi] coming down and assuming control,.73Obviously, the term lin cannot be employed to indicate the arrival of orimpact exerted by someone situated  below. Hence Su wen 71 speaks of jia[,  to join, when it refers to the arrival of the qi at the fountain.745.2.Domination and RevengeThe concept of domination, sheng , and revenge, fu_, is another socialmetaphor that plays an important role in the doctrine of the five periodsand six qi.Hence Su wen 74 at one point states:[If someone is] familiar with domination and revenge,he will establish a model for all mankind.75Generally, a climate that is present in excessive intensity during its time ofrule will be followed by its opposite climate in equal intensity, as if the latterwere to carry out a  revenge against the former.As the Su wen states:The qi of domination and revengeare present in regular [sequence].76Among the seven comprehensive discourses, the issue of domination andrevenge is discussed openly in at least five treatises, with Su wen 69, 71, and74 devoting the most space to this concept.5.2.1.Domination and Revenge in Relation to the Annual Period In dis-cussing the greatly excessive and the insufficient manifestations of the  trans-formations of the five periods, Su wen 69 lists the climate, the illnesses, andthe stars corresponding to each annual period.However, explicit referenceto domination and revenge is found only for years associated with an inad-equate annual period.The text reads as follows: Unschuld,Huang Di nei jing 12/2/02 1:35 PM Page 445appendix 445If in a year [associated with wood the qi of] wood is inadequate,dryness prevails everywhere.When it comes to revenge, thenthere is flaming summer heat [as if there were] fire flowing.If in a year [associated with fire the qi of] fire is inadequate,cold prevails everywhere.When it comes to revenge, thendust [causes] pressure.Also, massive rain arrives.If in a year [associated with soil the qi of] soil is inadequate,wind prevails everywhere.When it comes to revenge, thenthe policy of gathering is harsh and violent.If in a year [associated with metal the qi of] metal is inadequate,flaming fire is active.When it comes to revenge, thencold rain arrives all of a sudden.If in a year [associated with water the qi of] water is inadequate,dampness prevails everywhere.When it comes to revenge,then strong wind emerges suddenly.The herbs are bent down, and the [leaves of the] trees fall.77When the annual period is inadequate, the period dominating it in termsof the mutual domination order among the five agents comes to dominateit.The resulting climate is that associated with the period that has come todominate the inadequate annual period.When the term of the dominatingperiod has reached its end, a period able to take revenge arrives [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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