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.Melody was dressed in a navy bluedress, obviously of designer make.It had a sharp white collar and cuffsand bold gold detailing.Iphy was glad she had put on a fitted burgundyshirt and tailored black dress slacks; those colors suited her well.Alas,her hair was damp, and she hadn't put on her makeup yet.Oh well, itcould be to her advantage to seem less together.Melody flashed a dazzling smile and held out her hand. You mustbe Iphy Elliott.Ethan has spoken so much about you.I'm MelodySparks.I'm not sure if you know who I am. Iphy shook the proffered95 The Ice Cream Escapadehand, taking care to give it a firm grip despite being very taken abackby her words.Ethan had talked about her to Melody? I'm afraid Ethan hasn't mentioned you, she replied evenly but stillpleasantly.This was at least complete truth. Well, he and I go way back.I'm not surprised he hasn't gotten tome yet.You haven't known him for very long, and he's the gentlemanlytype.May I come in, please? There's something I need to tell you.Ipromise it won't take long. Her eyes flickered over Iphy's outfit. We're both working women, after all.Iphy swung the door open and gestured her inside.She was stillprocessing Melody's assertion that she hadn't known Ethan for verylong and trying to figure out what she meant by calling him gentlemanly.Melody strode in and sat down elegantly on the couch. Would you like some tea? offered Iphy. I was just makingmyself some. Oh, no thank you, but please continue for yourself.I hope I'm notbeing too forward, and Ethan didn't ask me to do this, but I thought Iwould let you know that he's quite alright.He's just unavoidably tied upon a business matter for a few days with respect to his former company,Oros Records.That's where I work by the way, and that's how I knowhe's perfectly safe. Well thank you.I appreciate you taking the effort to see me.However, you really shouldn't have gone to all the trouble so bright andearly.You could have called me. Oh my, that would have been really awkward.It's so much easierfor me to deal with people face to face.And I must admit that I havewanted to make your acquaintance.Someone that could capture Ethan'sinterest is definitely worth knowing.Iphy was behind the counter in her kitchen.There were cabinetshanging down from the ceiling in front of her.This enabled her toobserve Melody without being noticed.Melody was looking about herin the living room.Her eyes rested on a framed picture on the endtable.Iphy overlooked Melody's dubious compliment, especially since shecouldn't honestly return it. Well, I have been a bit worried about him.I'm surprised he didn't call. Oh my dear, he hasn't had a chance to talk to anybody.They'repractically keeping him under lock and key until he finishes this last96 Flavor and Colorlittle business for us.He is planning on signing with D&L Recordsafter all. She affected a little sigh. We just couldn't keep him. Witha shrug of her shoulders and a smile at Iphy, she added,  And neithercould I.Iphy smiled back but said nothing.First rule when dealing with anopponent who is obviously trying to dangle for information: keep yourmouth shut. I did think we had something serious, though.We were even goingto have a baby together.But I miscarried. The tiger had sized up herquarry and decided to pounce right away.She underestimated her.Iphy opened her eyes wide in surprise and gushed out a stream ofcondolences.She even hurried over to Melody, put her arms aroundher, and hugged her tight.When she pulled away, there was a shockedexpression on Melody's face.She covered her surprise by dabbing ather eyes.Iphy handed her a fistful of tissues and patted her back,firmly. Er.thank you.I.I'm surprised that you're being so nice aboutthis.I guess I see now why Ethan is so fond of you. I see you noticed my picture there. Iphy pointed to the framedphoto of her and Kassandra.They had succeeded in climbing Long'sPeak and had commemorated the event. Oh yes, I believe I met her.Pretty blond girl.She was askingabout Ethan on Ed's behalf.Funny how all of you are connected, huh? Ed? said Iphy. Yes, Edward James.Ethan's brother? Oh yes, I believe Ethan mentioned he had a brother.Melody's eyes flashed.She was irritated with Iphy's affectedignorance. Ms.Elliott, I am quite sure you are acquainted with him. Ms [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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