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.It appeared to have been a machine shop, and later, storage for ofd plumbingand other junk, most of it since hauled away, probably melted down for the wareffort.What remained was non-metallic, except for small odds and ends: pipecaps, tee joints, short cut-off pieces of pipe, rusty bolts, a corroded brasshinge, cuttings from threading pipes.Beside the door was a light fixturewith its bulb burned out.The room's most important feature was a long dining table, lying on its sidenear the back wall, shoulder high.When it had graced some dining room, itwould have seated 20, he thought.Now its veneer was warped and curled, butfor him itfile:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Deskt.,%20John%20-%202%20-%20The%20Bavarian%20Gate.html (366 of 452)3/12/2004 11:18:11 PMPage 169 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlfile:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Desktop/New%20Folder/Dalmas,%20John%20-%202%20-%20The%20Bavarian%20Gate.html looked ideal-a bonus he'd neverimagined.This is the room, he thought.Taking the dead bulb from its fixture, he wentinto the corridor and exchanged it with one of the good bulbs there.Back inthe room, he installed and lit it, then digging the towel from the drop bag,blocked the space beneath the door so the light couldn't be seen from thecorridor.Next he moved the heavy table some 10 feet from the wall, andemptied the drop bag on the floor behind it.Finally, taking the towel, packframe and drop bag with him, he went back totheSS wing, to one of the magazines, closed the door behind him, turned on thelight, and put the folded towel against the crack.So far, so good, he told himself, now the work begins.Taking the packframefrom his back, he went behind the large pile of TNT and began loadinghalf-kilo blocks into the drop bag till it was full.After hoisting thenow-heavy packframe onto his shoulders, he peered up and down the corridor,then lugged the explosive to the south wing and unloaded it behind theconcealing table top.Cat-footed and quick, he repeated the procedure, trip after trip without abreak, till he'd transferred 800 blocks, almost 900 pounds of the powerfulexplosive, none of it visible from the door.In the magazines, he'd taken only from the back of the stacks.From the door,they looked undisturbed.Far more remained than he'd taken.file:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Deskt.,%20John%20-%202%20-%20The%20Bavarian%20Gate.html (367 of 452)3/12/2004 11:18:11 PMfile:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Desktop/New%20Folder/Dalmas,%20John%20-%202%20-%20The%20Bavarian%20Gate.htmlThere'd been no interruption, no guard patrol, no one at all but himself.Clearly the SS considered their building security satisfactory, for who butthey and the Voitar knew the magazines existed? Besides, there was always aguard outside the main entrance, and another in the foyer.Phase two of his plan had to be carried out that night, Thursday, because theguardsmen would probably have party girls in on Friday and Saturday nights.One squad would be given passes on one night, another on the other, while theother two would have theirs the following week.So it was important he restnow, by day.He looked for a mattress in one of the rooms where furniture wasstored, and settled for three large sofa cushions, which he lay as a bedbehind his stack of transplanted TNT.Taking a K ration from his musette bag,he ate, then drank from his canteen, turned out the light, and removed thetowel from the bottom of the door.Finally, using his GI penlight, he went tothe cushions and lay down.For a minute or two he lay awake thinking: He still didn't know how to blowthe building, short of suicide, but he'd come up with something.Meanwhilefirst things first: He did know how he'd blow the gate.The problem there wasthe timing; if it wasn't just right, it wouldn't work.He awoke having to relieve himself.Taking the toilet paper from the K rationhe'd eaten, he cloaked himself, checked the corridor, returned to the unbarredfile:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Deskt.,%20John%20-%202%20-%20The%20Bavarian%20Gate.html (368 of 452)3/12/2004 11:18:11 PMfile:///D|/Documents%20and%20Settings/harry/Desktop/New%20Folder/Dalmas,%20John%20-%202%20-%20The%20Bavarian%20Gate.html entryway and left the building.Itwas still daylight but the sun was low, the side yard mostly shadowed bybordering trees.Even so, crossing it made him twitchy.This was the SS wing, and if someonesaw him through a window.His jumpsuit didn't look remotely like an SSPage 170 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmluniform, or anyone's uniform except the American airborne.Macurdy, he told himself, quit your damned worrying.It's worked every time.Even Hansi didn't see you till you fumbled that file folder [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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