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.Would it be pos-sible for me to talk to him or her?8-81What is the company s customer service philosophy?8-82Could you tell me about a time when the team/company went out of itsway to provide knock-your-socks-off service?8-83The best companies rely on rich customer data to fuel personalized con-tent and services.How is the company doing in personalizing its offerings?8-84Customers are expecting companies to protect their data.Does the com-pany have a privacy policy for its Web initiatives, and how does the com-pany balance the momentum for ever-increasing personalization withrising concerns for privacy?8-85How empowered are employees? How much of the company s moneycan your people (including the ones with single-digit pay grades) spendon their own recognizance to satisfy a customer or address a work-process issue?8-86How often would I come into direct contact with real, living, breathing,paying customers?173 INDEX OF QUESTIONS8-87What are the success factors that will tell you that the decision to bringme on board was the right one?8-88How would you describe the company you d like to leave your heirs interms of sales, size, number of employees, and position in the industry?8-89Have you considered the degree to which you want your heirs to havestrategic or operational influence in the company until one of them isready to assume the role of COO or CEO?8-90If for any reason you were unable to function as CEO, how would youlike to see the company managed? Is this known, understood, and agreedto by your heirs? Is it in writing?8-91To make our working relationship successful something we bothwant we ll need to be sure we have good chemistry together.How mightwe determine this, and then what action would you see us engage in tobuild that relationship?8-92If you and I were developing some sort of philosophical difference, howwould you want to go about resolving it?CHAPTER 99-1May I see a job description? What are the most important responsibilitiesof the job?9-2How much time should be devoted to each area of responsibility?9-3What initial projects would I be tackling?174 INDEX OF QUESTIONS9-4What is my spending/budget authority?9-5What are you hoping to accomplish, and what will be my role in thoseplans?9-6Presuming that I m successful on this assignment, where else might Ibe of service to the company?9-7Could you please describe the management team to me?9-8Can you show or sketch me an organizational chart?9-9Will I receive my assignments from IT or from the business unit?9-10Do developers have little contact with the business unit or significantcontact?9-11Does the company have a Net-use policy? May I see it?9-12To whom does the chief information or technology officer report?9-13What are the biggest technical challenges ahead for this department/company?9-14Traditionally, companies have used IT to reduce bottom-line costs.ButI am excited about the use of IT to advance top-line opportunities suchas creating new products and identifying new markets.Can you talkabout how IT is used in this company to create top-line value?9-15What structured strategies for software testing have you found effec-tive here?175 INDEX OF QUESTIONS9-16Does the company use an IT steering committee?9-17Do you have a formal development change management process, or isthe process more informal?9-18After months of working long hours, the morale of IT workers can plum-met.What rewards have you found effective in recognizing and reward-ing exceptional work?9-19What is the commission structure, and what is my earning potential in1, 3, 5, or 10 years?9-20If you put all the salespeople in a line from your best to the merely ac-ceptable performer, what are the earnings of the 50th percentile? The25th? The 75th?9-21What percentage of salespeople attain objectives?9-22What percentage of the current people are above and below their setgoals?9-23Can you describe the performance of the sales team?CHAPTER 1010-1If I were a spectacular success in this position after six months, whatwould I have accomplished?10-2Do you foresee this job involving significant amounts of overtime orwork on weekends?176 INDEX OF QUESTIONS10-3I understand the company has experienced layoffs within the last twoyears [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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