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.They were going to need it.Back Next|FramedBack Next|ContentsChapter Twenty-OneThe villa was actually southwest of Rozaje, right up in the mountains near theAlbanian border.The road from Rozaje, according to the map and satellitephotos, stopped not far beyond the villa, but a collection of trails wasevident as well, some of them passable to all-terrain vehicles.It was likelythat the villa was on a smuggling route from Serbia into Albania.The sameroutes had supplied the KLA during the war against the Serbians.Mike had expected that getting into the area would be harder than normal.Theregion was under the sporadic control of the Kosovo Force and Mike hadexpected more efficient checks than had been characteristic up to this point.The first check, the "border" crossing from the Serbian controlled area hadreally had him worried.The troops were French and thus, he'd assumed,unbribable.However, while there were French troops in the area, the actual bordercrossing had been under the control of Serbians.Mike had spoken to them inRussian and put in the usual tip.The Serbs had looked in the vans, seen thatthe cargo was mostly women, and waved them through.From there the trip had been smooth.There were two internal checkpoints thathad caught them but at the first the same tip had worked and at the secondKatya and Nikki had sealed the deal.Mike was still unsure about bargaininghis way through on the backs of the girls, but if it worked he wasn't going toknock it.Montenegro was an anomaly.Depending upon who you asked, it was either aprovince of Serbia, according to Serbia, an independent state, according tomost of the residents or something in between, according to most of the restof the world and certainly the US government.In 1992, in the wake of theDayton Accords, the then legislature and president had agreed to not separatefrom Serbia, as Croatia and Bosnia had done.The decision was so controversialthat even the US government didn't recognize it.Furthermore, the Serbians were unsure how to deal with it since Montenegro hadit's own freely elected government and, notably, it's own burgeoning army.Sofor the time being, nobody rocked the boat.Technically, it was a province, but in reality it was an independent state.The name "Montenegro" translated as "Black Mountain" and in keeping with thePage 49 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlname Montenegro, whether it was a province or a country, was definitelymountainous.The mountains were alpine in their heights, not even up toGeorgian standards, but they were pretty serious hills.The country stretchedfrom the plains of, definitely, Serbia to the Adriatic and the very limitedflatland was either cultivated or covered by cities.Their objective was in keeping with the terrain and, therefore, wasn't apretty sight from the perspective of assault."Right on the hilltop," he noted, looking through the binoculars and takingpictures."The outer perimeter security is KFOR," Adams noted."Fijians.""We're going to have to figure something out about them," Mike said."We don'twant to go around killing KFOR troops.""Tasers?" Adams asked."Maybe."The high hill had wall terraced into its sides as well.Anyone approaching wasgoing to be in view.And he'd gotten a count on at least six guards inside thecompound.That meant, at a guess, something on the order of twenty total inthree shifts.They'd have to lay this one out carefully.A frontal assault hadall the makings of a disaster."We'll leave a couple of the Keldara up here to get the guard schedule," Mikesaid, sliding back down the ridge overlooking the compound."Two days to prep.Let's get working on a plan."* * *"Guards change three times per day," Vanner said, pointing to the sand tableof the compound that was set up in the small conference room the hotel hosted.If the owners had questions about why a group of slave traders wanted aconference room, a hefty tip had answered them."Girls normally arrive duringthe day and not later than midnight, according to our sources." By which hemeant the now deceased Dejti."This is going to be hairy," Vanner continued, looking at his console."Wedon't even have a good internal schematic.What if they dump their recordswhen we hit? I mean, even if they've made backupDVDs, you throw those in a microwave and set it on high and they're toast.""I think we might be overmuscling this one," Mike said, looking at the windowdesign again.Over the years, Western special operations and theirintelligence support units had developed an encyclopedic database of windowsand doors throughout the world.Even older, by definition custom-made, windowssuch as those on the villa fit basic parameters which were in the database.And Vanner just happened to have acquired a copy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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