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."There.That should just about do it." He crawled back down the ladder to theplatform below the waterwheel.The cool mist of the waterfall soaked his skinrefreshingly."Well, we're running out of baby formula for Precious.I know there is somecanned milk here but Idon't know if that's good enough for a baby." Jeff backed down the steps offthe platform looking atPage 194 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlRichard, who was paying him little attention."Okay let see if this works," Richard said, ignoring the problem of Jeff'sbaby.He tapped a few keys on his laptop and stopped the IBot transmission tothe bot.The damaged bot stopped handshaking with the IBot and resumed itsfunctions.Its damaged propulsion drive kicked on.The waterwheel that Richard and Jeff had strapped the bot to began to whirlforward as the bot propelled itself.Richard watched the torque encoders androtation speed on his laptop to make sure the bot's propulsion was not toomuch for the waterwheel.The wheel kicked up to several hundred revolutionsper minute and then its speed topped out against the gear and bearingfriction.The generator was now producing power at about an order of magnitudehigher level than it did with just the underground river turning the wheel.Richard was pleased."That was clever, Richard," Jeff said watching the man in awe."Yes, I know.I am very clever.I am not friendly, I am not a people-person.But Iam very clever.""So what do you think about Precious?" Jeff asked."Precious? Oh, the infant.Yes, yes.I calculated weeks ago that you would beout of formula about a week ago.I'm surprised it lasted this long," Richardsaid nonchalantly."Uh, we've been mixing it weaker than normal." Jeff said embarrassed andnervous."Jesus Christ, you idiot," Richard snapped."This is the most important partof an infant's development and you could be doing major harm by not feeding itproperly! It would have made more sense to use it all up at full strength!You're making the sort of mistake I'd expect out of some third world moron!"Richard looked at his laptop one last time and checked the parameters of thegenerator and the waterwheel.He looked up at the wheel that was now just ablur.The water from the fall was spraying forward off the top of it each timethe bot or the counterweight on the other side of the wheel splashed throughit."Good.""What?" Jeff could never tell if Richard was talking to himself or addressinghim."Come on." He led Jeff back up the mines haft to the edge of the corridorwhere most of the long duration dry goods and foodstuffs were stored."Here,take these.And grow up."He handed Jeff a large storage box with a printout taped to the top of it.Theprintout was a list of the nutritional information from the back of one of thedestroyed baby formula canisters with an arrow from each to an ingredient inthe box.At the bottom of the page was the recipe and cooking instructions forthe homemade baby formula.Jeff looked in the box, shaking his head at the ingredients.There was atwenty pound bag of long grain dried rice, a quart bottle of sunflower cookingoil, about a hundred single-serving containers of pancake syrup from severaldifferent restaurants and hotels, two large Ziploc bags full of sun-driedpersimmons, two Ziploc bags of shelled pecans, a restaurant salt shaker fullof salt, and a ceramic bowl and stick thing that Jeff assumed must be themortar and pestle described in the cooking instructions."This will work?" Jeff looked from the box back to Richard several times."Of course it will.It's just simple cooking and no chemistry.Even you shouldbe able to understand it.I started to add a yeast culture but, you'd screw it up and poison that poorbaby." Richard looked annoyed."She'll do fine with what you have there.""Amazing," Jeff whispered to himself and hefted the box with both arms."Thankyou.""You should ask for things when you need them or learn to do things forPage 195 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlyourself.Now leave me alone I have work to do."* * *"Richard, you gonna be up all de goddamn night again?" Helena startled him asshe put her hand on his shoulder and looked over it at the computer screen.Since he had gotten the generator going at bot power, the X-ray and electronmicroscope machines were up and running and Richard hadn't slept much in atleast a week.Helena was glad though about the better power situation becauseit also meant they could turn the electric heaters up.The mine stayed aconstant sixty-five degrees, which she thought was way to cold for the babies.But having grown up in St.Petersburg it was short-sleeve weather for her, soshe was typically wearing nothing but shorts and a tank top around the mine."Probably.I think I'm on to something here," he said, continuing to stare atthe X-ray image on the monitor.He had been saying that for the last fivedays."What is dat?""I think it's the replication code of the alien bot." He stroked his beard andyawned."Here, drink dis." Helena handed him a cup of hot coffee."Thanks, dear." Richard paused and sipped the coffee [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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