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.`I-why-well, it's quitepossible.I don't know exactly how long you're planning to be gone, do I?' she countered evasively.`Why, Rowan?' he ignored her excuse in order to press determinedly.Pearly white teeth caught at a soft underlie.`I think matters may be cooling off somewhat betweenTanya and Evan,' she confessed in a grudging, chagrined tone.`I could have told you that,' Fraser grinned suddenly-mockingly, she thought-although that still didn'tstop a wild sensation from racing along her spine in response to the beguiling shaping of his sensuousmouth.`Meaning, I told you so, I suppose!' she charged, and not a little resentfully.`Could be,' he wasn't averse to conceding in a lazily goading drawl.He lowered his head to withindisturbing centimetres of hers.`And now I'll tell you a couple more things too, honey.One, I don't give adamn what happens between those two while I'm away, but you had better be here when I return.Andtwo, if I hear you've gone back to hitching rides during my absense, you won't be able to sit for a weekby the time I've finished with you.'`You wouldn't dare!' Rowan blazed immediately, and then gulped as she saw the steely, inflexible lookin his eyes.Oh yes, he would! She reluctantly, but prudently, decided to concentrate on his firstimperious dictate.`And just what makes it so essential that I be here when you return? Don't tell meyou're beginning to find me indispensable!' Her eyes widened sarcastically.`No worries, I won't,' he returned, equally satirical.`But for some unaccountable reason Alice apparentlydoes, so for her sake at least it's surely not expecting too much for you to stick around while she'sincapacitated, because Evan is going to have quite enough on his plate dealing with all aspects of thebusiness-plus your flighty little friend, of course without all the hassle of trying to find a replacement foryou as well.'`All right, I'll stay.for Alice's Sake!' Rowan abruptly found herself promising on a flaring note.He'dmade her feel guilty by even contemplating leaving the housekeeper without help again.`But just whatdo you mean, my flighty friend?'`Well, isn't she?' He arched one brow expressively high.`No!' she defended loyally.`She's placid and softhearted, and thoughtful, and-and.''Capricious,' he put in drily.`The same as Evan.'A rueful smile began edging its way across hee mobile lips.`Well, maybe a little changeable at times,'she owned, then rallied almost immediately to gibe, `Although look who's talking!'The corners of Fraser's mouth took a decidedly goading upturn.`Except that I've never yet led anyfemale to believe I intended anything permanent to come of any relationship we might have togrther.'No, he certainly didn't do that, Rowan recalled desolately, and was thankful when a hail from Dirkadvised that the car was loaded, Perhaps, once Frazer was gone, she would be able to put both him, andsuch anguished thoughts, out of her mind for a while.file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20ally.call%20home%20TXT/somewhere%20to%20call%20home.txt (75 of 82)05/05/2010 14:43:44 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1983%20%2.here%20to%20call%20home%20TXT/somewhere%20to%20call%20home.txtThe only trouble was that as the ensuing days stretched into weeks, living in Fraser's home made it wellnigh impossible for her to eject his memory from her thoughts at all, let alone for any length of time.Soas Alice's leg recuperated, and Tanya's romance visibly deteriorated, Rowan went listlessly about hertasks, sensing what the inevitable outcome would be.As soon as the housekeeper had recovered, Tanyaand herself would be leaving.However, although her conscious recognised that as the most desirable course to follow-if only for herpeace of mind-the less governable depths of her brain weren't nearly so co-operative as they constantlyreminded her that it would mean never seeing Fraser again, and she spent many a wakeful night as thetwo opposing lines of thoughf battled against each other inside her head.The days soon proved to beeven worse, though, for once the doctor pronounced Alice fit again and the cast was removed, there wasconsiderably less for Rowan to do, so while her friend vacillated between staying a little longer ormaking the final break with Evan, she took to filling in more and more of her time at the plantation'snursery section in order to optimistically keep her mind occupied with less troublesome thoughts.She liked working outdoors, and it was not only interesting but extremely satisfying as well to see theyoung plants growing strong and healthy, and knowing she'd had a hand in keeping them that way, evenif it did mean getting somewhat scratched in the process by the harshly serrated leaves [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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