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.The insolence of his tone fanned to life the dormant anger in Owen.He rose from the cotand faced him when the man, one slow step at a time, advanced.With the stealth of a predator he circled him once, then stopped inches before his face. He ll die, you know.Are you prepared to live with that for the rest of your life?Owen countered icily,  You seem to have forgotten a minor detail.Andras possesses thesword.Dagan s eyes blazed fire for a brief moment before fading out. I m most impressed, I mustsay. He raked him over head to toe before reaching out with a finger to touch his face.  I'llfollow you and make a heaven out of hell, and I'll die by your hand which I love so well.  Shakespeare, Owen said.  Tis I who am impressed now. He flinched back and struggledto clear his head.The undead s strong powers reached inside his brain, threatening to overpowerhim. From whom did you inherit the emerald eyes? he asked.Owen met his question with silence. Your mother, no doubt, since I had the pleasure of seeing your sire once.Allow me torecall the encounter for you, Dagan said. Bleeding out in the forest after my father sucked thelife force from your beloved Andras, your father stumbled across the cur.Foolishly, he savedhim in exchange for protection.Your protection. 89 Why? Like you, the old man possessed the sight, sensed his mortal life would end soon.He knewwell the pathetic life of a sin eater.Perhaps he had a vision that one day Maddock would deliveryou from sharing the same fate a misguided prophecy, I might add. You lie! My tad warned me to stay clear of Andras. Beware of the long tooth, he said.Laughter transformed the magnificent features. Gullible lad.He warned you of me.Forced to dispel thoughts of his father lest he crumble, Owen changed the subject. What doyou hope to gain from owning the weapon? Although it s difficult for me to read your every thought, it s not impossible.Do not feignignorance with me.Maddock told you of the claymore s mystical powers and its ability to grantus immunity from sunlight. He tilted his head and leaned in, his warm breath fanning Owen scheek. With the sword, the insufferable ones will unite to form a nation and I, Dagan, son ofTraherne, will lead them.Owen took a step back and shook his head, his befuddled senses reeling.Duw help me.Heclosed his eyes, could no longer look into that arrogant face. What do you want of me? The question becomes, what do you want? I presume you d be stricken bereft should yourbeloved prince die.You can save him, you know. How? Convince him to give me the sword. Nay, he will not part with it. To save you, he d surrender his life, Dagan said. Surely the Prince of Wales s sworddoesn t hold such value to him. What if you re mistaken? 90The crimson eyes glimmered. I m never mistaken. He took a step forward and grabbedOwen by the throat, the power of his grip cutting off his airway. Let me prove it to you.At thisvery moment you re thinking of ways to thwart me.I d advise you to banish such notions fromyour mind.There s only one way Maddock will live to see the sun rise each morning. Hepaused and studied him for a lengthy time. And that is to deliver the sword into my hands.Owen gagged and choked on the bile rising up from his stomach. And to ensure you do exactly as I say, allow my power to persuade you.Against his will, Owen s mind yielded to the force of energy snaking through it.Thevampire s thoughts became his; and his, the vampire s.The familiar mental anguish he d livedwith so long vanished like smoke.His spirit left his body and a mindless void enveloped him.Hesaw only Dagan s beauty, felt a charismatic draw from which he couldn t break free.The room spun overhead and his legs gave way beneath him.The long tooth s featuresloomed before him, then faded like an elusive wind. Call my name in your mind once you veconvinced Maddock to relinquish the sword.I ll hear you and come.Owen collapsed into the chair and gulped air like a fish out of water.Sensing he was aloneagain, he plucked Carys s adornment from the table.He tied it around his neck, concealing thepouch beneath his shirt.Curse his stupidity; he should have donned it the moment Carys passedit through the bars.He scanned the cramped quarters in the dim light.The vampire had vanished, leaving onlyan incandescent void in his stead.* * * *His every thought on the sin eater, his libidinous cravings at their highest peak, Daganrounded a corner in the tower and almost collided with Alvaro. 91Taken aback, his underling s eyes widened. Forgive me, my Lord, Estevan sent me insearch of you. He should have been searching for you these past three days. Dagan eyed himsuspiciously. I pray you can account for your absence and your undertakings. Hunting in the woods, sire, nothing more. You re aware I issued strict orders not to feast upon the villagers unless I personallysanction it?Alvaro gave a gasp of denial. I swear I ve hunted only the beasts of the forests.I haven tventured into either village.Dagan pinned him with a stern glare. And do not, lest all my best laid plans are unraveled. Plans, my Lord? Yes, plans, you dolt.I swear your rapacious hunger will never be sated.I don t care if oneday it becomes the death of you, but if your voracious craving for blood interferes in my life, I llbe greatly displeased.Dagan straightened his clothing and walked into the inner chamber of the north tower withAlvaro dogging his heels. I apologize for my absence.If it pleases you, enlighten me about your plans, my Lord.A vignette of images rose in Dagan s mind all of the sinfully beautiful man he d justvisited in jail.If he didn t take charge of his sudden obsession, he wouldn t have to worry aboutAlvaro unraveling the plan already set into motion.The devil take him, he d never met a manwho moved him so deeply.He wasn t concerned about the bestial instincts the boy had aroused.No, Maddock s loverhad stirred emotions in him that had long been dormant, sentiment he d buried centuries ago. 92Heat coursed through his veins and rushed toward his groin at the thought of possessing theone called Owen.Wholly claiming him for all eternity.Not since he d lost Lyon three hundredyears ago had he felt such passion.Centuries had passed and still the jagged black pain had neverabated whenever he thought of Lyon, his friend, his mentor, his lover.He d never longed to fillthe empty void, the deep cavern that existed after Lyon s untimely death not until he gazedupon the face of the sin eater. My Lord? Yes, it does please me to enlighten you, so heed me well, Dagan said. At my direction,Johan and Emmett appeased their bloodlust on two hapless girls from the village.As expected,the chary town folk looked to the local sin eater as the culprit. He rubbed his hands together andsmiled. I just returned from visiting one Owen Rhys in a dreary structure while he awaits trial.Alvaro licked his lips. Tell me: was his blood rich, sweet, tainted with a coppery  Unlike you, Alvaro, I m able to control my hunger if duty necessitates.In this instance, Ineed the lad alive. Dagan visibly shuddered when another image rose of the breath-stoppingface [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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