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.Your life will be more pleasurable than you ve everdreamed, but Heaven will have nothing to do with it.Molly pursed her lips and trailed the tip of a fingernail over Elijah s heavy sac.He didn t flinch, or smile, or shudder.Not as Jared had.Jared.An ache settled behind her breastbone, heavy and perturbing.She d watchedhim from the doorway to her small bathroom as he d stroked his cock in the antiquetub, water pouring down his chiseled muscles.He d mouthed her name, though nosound had come out.She d seen just how much he d wanted her.She could still feel his need for her in each cell of her body, echoing through everytrembling, raw, feral emotion she possessed.His touch had awoken something she d Lacey Savage Deadly Sins: Lust - 58 -thought lost to her forever.The promise of true love, of fulfillment, of mutual pleasurerather than simple release.She d thought fucking him would relieve the constant ache, Molly realized as aflash of clarity spun through her mind.She d been wrong.She d opened the path for theAgrippa s final conquest, for his ability to take over her very soul with his temptingminion and his promises of everlasting pleasure.Elijah tilted her chin up with his fingertips until she was forced to stare into hiseyes.She suppressed a shudder, but the turmoil she saw there still made her take a stepback. Whatever you re thinking, he whispered, though his voice seemed impossiblyloud,  stop it.He raised a hand and sent a spinning vortex of color -- a vibrant magenta, redand sapphire swirl -- fanning through the air.She glanced down as the magical massshaped itself into a cylindrical object and shot toward her ever-aroused pussy.She trembled as she spread her legs, welcoming the physical embodiment ofsexual pleasure into her traitorous body.Her eyelids drifted closed and her hand shot out to steady herself.Closing herfingers around a heavy iron lock, she felt the demon book sigh in contented pleasure,and heard herself follow suit.* * *Jared stood in the middle of the now ice-cold stream, his teeth clenched tightly,his fingers working at the showerhead s adjustable arm.His eyes stung and he could nolonger feel his feet.The candles had burned out long ago, leaving him standing in pitchdarkness, which only made the job of freeing himself that much harder.He couldn teven reach the tap to turn off the constant freezing spray.He stretched again, felt hisfingertips nudge the tap, but could do no more.Jared squeezed his eyelids shut, going over everything he knew of incubi as hereturned his attention to the friction ring clamped tightly around the metal rod holdingthe showerhead in place. Lacey Savage Deadly Sins: Lust - 59 -Over the years, he d accumulated a large library of books on every paranormalsubject imaginable, from ghosts to telepathy and everything in between.He d oftenreferred to the Encyclopedia of Demonology that he kept within easy reach, just in case heneeded to double-check a quick fact before the next column was due.One of his most popular articles for the paper had been a piece he d written ondemons as the real cause of sexual addiction.His theory had been that people didn tjust wake up one morning with a raging, permanent hard-on.Spirits were to blame, aswell as demons, incubi, and succubae.You could tell a sexual addict possessed by oneof these beings, Jared had theorized, by their glazed eyes, their parted lips, theirconstant need to touch and be touched.His fingers froze on the rod.Molly.Why hadn t he been able to see it earlier? She d exhibited every sign of sexualdemonic possession, from the tips of her pointy nipples right down to her permanentlysoaked cunt.He d been so consumed by the idea that she was simply horny for him, he drefused to see the evidence that had been there all along.Jared swore and yanked on the showerhead, finally releasing the ring.It clatteredon the tub and came to rest with a loud metal clang at his feet.Pulling the handcuffsaway from the rod, he rubbed at his sore wrist and bent down to turn off the water.Rivulets of moisture ran down his back to pool on the stone floor.He made hisway by touch out of the room and into the storage area with the cardboard boxes,where he d left his flashlight.After some fervent searching and another stream ofobscenities, his fingers finally closed around the batteries he d dropped when Mollyhad appeared, and a few minutes later he had a strong beam to guide him.He didn t stop to put on clothes, knowing that the incubus and Molly wouldn thave either.Instinctively, he knew just where they were headed.Tightening his grip on the flashlight, Jared descended the circular staircase.Thescent of death assaulted him, burned his eyes and nose, settled in the back of his throat. Lacey Savage Deadly Sins: Lust - 60 -He fought the urge to gag and pressed on, but the odor grew more potent with everystep until his knees buckled and he pressed a hand against the stone wall to steadyhimself.His stomach roiled in protest.Bracing himself against the worsening scent andthe barrier he knew had to be near, he continued to follow the spiral path laid outbefore him.Nothing impeded his descent.No hand, no invisible wall, no paranormal force.He quickened his footsteps until he spied a faint blue glow in the distance that told himhe was exactly where he needed to be.He clicked off the flashlight and threw it on the ground, breaking into a runtoward the pale illumination bordering the clear outline of a doorway. Molly! The cry broke free from his throat before he could stop it.Magic, potent and compelling, burned through him as he stepped into the room.The sting of mystic energy overlapped the ache that gripped his heart at the sight ofMolly.Slightly bent over, she held on to thick iron chains, both hands working at theknots twisted in the metal.They d been magically formed, that much was clear, and ashe watched, they began to untangle in her hands.Behind her, the incubus worked afinger in and out of her pussy as she writhed against his hand, fingers dancing over thethick chain. Molly, stop!She heard him this time and paused for a brief moment, tossing a vaguelyannoyed look over her shoulder.Thin streams of water slid down her face, still tricklingfrom her damp hair.Elijah threw an equally dispassionate glance in Jared s direction. You re too late,human, he said, his finger never stopping its intrusion.Molly shuddered at eachthrust.Fear gripped Jared s heart.The air in the room was hot and damp, like theburning heat encasing the fringes of Hell s fire pits.A book, gigantic and savage-looking, hung suspended from beams set in the ceiling [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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